Located 4 miles (6.4 km) north of the USP, the USDB is the sole maximum-security penal . This includes, but is not limited to, posting PII The Command Team Spouse Development Program is a one week course conducted concurrently with the Brigade and Battalion Pre-Command /Command Sergeants Major Courses. The next speaker was the Chaplain to focus on spiritual resiliency the hardest of the tasks. Information Operations In addition to myriad communication and leadership topics, the students are given access to many senior Army leaders and senior Army spouses, including Maria McConville, spouse of the chief of staff of the Army, and Dr. Beth Funk, spouse of the Training and Doctrine Command commander. His fellow soldiers called him Ox because of how hard he worked and his ability to lift heavy equipment. a specified individual). In addition to senior leader briefings and discussions, students also had senior spouse mentors in the classroom, including Tracy Rainey, the wife of the CAC commander, to ask questions and gain insight from. Spouse Employment Resources Shawn was about as ornery, happy, joking and dry-humored as they ever get, Muhr said. hard copies to individuals without a need to know; loss of electronic devices or or electronic format, stored on personal computers, laptops, and personal electronic such their name, SSN, date and place of birth, mothers maiden name, and biometric If you are interested in full-day or part-day child care,please visithttp://www.militarychildcare.comto be placed on the waitinglist for care. The convoy could not continue its mission until the following morning. Shawn Muhr, was killed in Afghanistan in 2011 at the age of 26. Mission continue to make every effort to reinforce this policy through public affairs channels the information, products or services contained therein. Hes visited my family. I asked my husband How would you approach that as the sergeant major, and how should I approach that as a spouse? We all know that the Army right now has had some serious suicide rates and thats a huge thing in the military, and that is one of the things that hits home for me, Pingel said. 32 CFR Part 505 If you do not operationalize a plan to support resiliency, it will be the first thing to fall off your list of priorities. Lastly, leaders identified six Troopers that should be referred to as EBH or the Chaplain. Once parents complete the required form, they will receive a list of babysitter information based on specified requirements (location, availability, etc). Army policy promotes sensitive care, advocacy, treatment, reporting options for victims and accountability for those who commit sexual harassment and assault crimes. worldwide commitments. He has served in several leadership positions in the 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Armored Division, and 4-25 (IBCT Airborne). INTELLIGENCE BOS (TA.5) Sun 0800 - 1600. (1) Build and maintain a cohesive, combat ready Army which is focused and determined to accomplish its mission. Get Directions. When I was a student here at Fort Leavenworth at the Command and General Staff College, I worked with multiple people at CAC to go over Army policy on how to acquire a monument. If you have any questions or comments about the information presented here, please Dont worry about filling someone elses shoes, Funk told the spouses. Automated Directory Assistance Service (ADAS) and Morale Calls: (913) 684-4021, Staff Duty Offices: Garrison HQ - (913) 684-4448 | Single Soldier Quarters - (913) 684-4465, This is NOT a complete Phone Directory. Ive visited him at his home in Iowa multiple times. which allow use of a copyrighted work on the Army website, but a battalion might Photo taken by Taylor Wead, Since FM 3-0 went live on the Army Publishing Directorate website in October, MCCoE's Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate has produced a number of learning resources to augment the manual. Tue 0700 - 1600. Irregular Warfare To contact a specific unit, please dial the operator and enter the extension number. You do not have to . Army G-6/CIO Privacy Impact Assessment(.pdf file) I knew that if we were not doing one of those four things, we were off the baseline. (913) 684-2636. Additionally, my CSM worked to conduct NCO Professional Development (NCOPD) on counseling and would host short-notice inspections of counseling packets. The graduates of the EMCC were believed to be given . In addition to PCC and the National Simulation Center tour, he addressed the School of Advanced Military Studies, received an overview briefing from Army . Thank you for sharing! Login, Armed Forces Resorts Programs In PCC/CSMC, commanders and command sergeants major are in both large and small group presentations and discussions provided by personnel from the Army chief of staff on down . Act of 1995; Privacy Act statements, social security number justification/elimination For more information regarding our Linking Policy and Endorsement, click here. The process of taking care of them is outlined in your letter. 1000 Chief Joseph Loop Fort Leavenworth 66027 United States +1 (913) 271-1602. My CSM took off with the guidance and we watched our readiness numbers soar. and welfare purposes, commanders or heads of Army activities will take care to assure Altec has all kinds of positions all across North America LinkedInJohn W. Sherman, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, PCC: #transitioningmilitary #military #hiring #altec The use of copyrighted material within the Army is subject to U.S. copyright law Sat 0800 - 1600. Military Child Care dot com is your portal for child care at installationsaround the world. Learning Center (Blackboard), Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library (CARL), Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), Faculty and He holds a BS from the Virginia Military Institute, MS from Kansas State University, and an MA from Kings College London. Stars & Stripes The Sexual Harassment / Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Resource Center provides awareness and prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting and follow up for sexual harassment and assault issues. Army Community ServiceFt. Leavenworth GarrisonMunson Army Health CenterCACFt. Leavenworth FMWR Marketing Request, Contact Us CDCs are on-post child care centers that offer full-day, part-day and hourly care for children in nationally accredited environments. As we geared up for a rotation to the National Training Center (NTC) and prepare for a rotation in support of EUCOM, we soon realized that we needed 90% of our formation to be ready to deploy. To win, I learned that I need to focus on the Trooper they can move mountains when asked to do so. is excited to join over 100 employers in supporting the Fort Leavenworth Career & Education Fair. I retired over 20 years ago and each element addressed is as true today as it was then. According to the fair use clauses However, if you would like to request that a particular course be evaluated and added Hours Info A license is a contract which identifies the terms under which the records including any other personal information which is linked or linkable to Address: No. This will But to move mountains, they must be in an environment that they know, despite the situation, the unit puts them first. media storing PII (for example, laptops, thumb drives, compact discs, etc. By Staff Sgt. Please fill out the following information so we can create your member account. Fort Leavenworth Facebook Page. PCC AIM. Often, I leaned on my fellow Battalion Commanders to provide candid feedback and help. Add Review. The views expressed in this blog do not represent the United States Army of the Department of Defense. You must account for the units current culture and overlay that to develop your situational template. As I looked left and right, I could see that our Trooper Readiness numbers were good, but not great. ICE I love having a network of people I can call on, and leaving the Pentagon and going to Fort Carson I dont know everybody that is going to be in the same position with their spouse in command in Colorado, so by coming here I am meeting in my class eight other spouses who are in the same position and same boat and will be facing the same new experiences and challenges, so it is great to meet people that I can connect with and continue to talk to over the next several months as we get ready to embark on the next position.. ); use More Bases. Knowing the needs of your Troopers cannot be done without a good working knowledge of your ranks. (ACCESS), Continuing Education Degree Program (CEDP), Lifelong This is an official U.S. Army site. This is NOT a complete Phone Directory. CAC is also the US Army's lead organization for lessons learned, doctrine, training, education, functional training, fielded force integration, managing the Army Leader Development Program, Army Profession Program, Army Training Support System Enterprise, Army Training and Education Management Enterprise, and the Combat Training Center Program. Kids On Site (KoS) KoS provides child care on site for your unit/organizational event at the location your event is being held. Candidly speaking, my Squadron suffered three suicides in my 16 months of command an SPC, SGT, and SFC. Fort Leavenworth, KS - In Processing. Doctrine is the language of the Army professional. I had to take a different approach and with the assistance of our partners, we formulated a plan. I recently attended the Command Sergeant Major Development Program at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where I took part as a mentor for the brigade command sergeants major. Shawn was a 2003 graduate of Coon Rapids-Bayard High School, where he wrestled and played football. on public-facing websites; sending via e-mail to unauthorized recipients; providing forward them to us using our Contact Us link. Command and General Staff College (CGSC) Leaders. Leader development is the deliberate, continuous, and progressive processfounded in army valuesthat grows Soldiers and Army Civilian Corps employees into highly competent, committed, professional leaders of character. and financial information, etc. Assistance, SCHOOL OF ADVANCED MILITARY STUDIES (SAMS), Click here for more information about CTSDP, usarmy.leavenworth.CAC.mbx.army-university-webmaster@mail.mil, Records Management and Declassification Agency Privacy, Army G-6/CIO Privacy Impact Assessment(.pdf file), Leader's Guide to Protecting Personally Identifiable Information (.pdf file), System Owner's Guide to Accreditation and Data Protection (.pdf file), Institutional Research and Assessment Division, School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), Cookie Policy, Privacy Act Statement, and our User Terms of Agreement. Mexican armies on the way. The Combined Arms Center synchronizes education across the force through Army University (Army U) to ensure an applicable common core throughout the Total Army, while working with the operating force to capture, understand, validate, and apply operational lessons learned to professional military education programs. The Army recognizes that the many aspects of Army life are improved and directly due to spouse leadership and involvement, said Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth Commanding General Lt. Gen. James Rainey in a welcome letter to the 30 class participants. Leaders discussed workforce concerns, improvement being made to Defense Travel System voucher processing, and plans to improve the quality of life on Fort Leavenworth. We just needed to let you know. Child and School Age Centers. Our first Trooper PMCS day started with opening comments from me than a series of guest speakers to discuss resiliency. (Photo by Dawn Arden, Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs Office), The Combined Arms Center (CAC) State of Command was hosted for CAC Soldiers and Army Civilian Professionals on January 31st in Eisenhower Auditorium at the Lewis and Clark Center by Lieutenant General Milford Beagle, Commanding General (Left), Command Sergeant Major Stephen Helton (Center) and Mr. Gregg Thompson, Deputy to the Commanding General (Right). https://publisher.etype.services/Fort-Leavenworth-Lamp, Garrison considers survey results for improvement opportunities, Outstanding Volunteers: Undergrad solidifies career path during museum internship, Outstanding Volunteers: Volunteering leads to internship, Places to go, Things to do April 13, 2023, Outstanding Volunteers: Stray Facility volunteers share their time, skills to help pets. After the guest speaker portion, around 15 Troopers came forward to ask for help. Be a positively intrusive leader that inserts yourself at the point of friction. to the repository then you can contact the Mailing Address. Students. Courses 131 View detail Preview site. PCC Policy Statement: Be advised that by entering your User Name and Password on this site, you are requesting access to MyPCC and agree to the conditions of all applicable Information Security Policies and Standards. The Chaplains hardest discussion was explaining how to achieve spiritual resiliency including focusing on those Troopers who were not religious. Townsend was at Fort Leavenworth on his first regularly scheduled trip to address the brigade commanders, battalion commanders and command sergeants major attending the Pre-Command Course. Programs are nationally accredited and utilize standard curricula through formal partnerships with nationally-recognized organizations such as 4-H and Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA). This allows CAC to provide the Army with agile, adaptive, and expert professional Soldiers and leaders, and DOTMLPF solutions for highly capable combined arms formations to successfully conduct Unified Land Operations to shape, prevent, prevail in large scale You are now exiting an Army MWR NAF-funded website and linking to a commercial advertiser's website. Information presented on this site is Office of the Registrar. Muhr was posthumously awarded as the 2011 North Carolina United Service Organization Soldier of the Year. The Army awarded him the Bronze Star Medal, the Combat Action Badge and a Purple Heart. summer 2023 Jun - Sep. fall 2023 Sep - Dec. winter 2024 Jan - Mar. The program further improves the implementation of recommended changes to determine effectiveness in addressing identified issues. (4) Ensure every Soldier is treated with dignity and respect. We provide meals and snacks and developmentally appropriate activities for your child. At first, my anxiety went through the roof because I thought I was going for a long walk in the desert, but my boss just wanted to hear how I was handling difficult times in the Squadron. Services are offered to children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old. FORT LEAVENWORTH, KS, UNITED STATES 04.10.2013 Photo by Staff Sgt. Between my S3 and XO, they often found themselves diving into each others responsibilities when attempting to operationalize everything from training plans to immunizations. Operational assignments. View on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFYjO3XHd3Q. System Owner's Guide to Accreditation and Data Protection (.pdf file) Call the CAC & FLKS 24/7 MEO & Harassment Hotline I have taken a couple of communication and management courses, and the things that I am learning here are very similar, Pingel said. Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic. You know people pay beaucoup bucks to send their employees to a seminar such as this. All arrangements and fees for care are between the parent and babysitter. I was about to take the reins of one of the most storied Cavalry Squadrons in the United States Army. Click here to download the Child Supervision Policy that covers siblings babysitting, curfews, leaving children alone inside, outside, and at activities. This includes but is not To fully appreciate the gravity of this Editorial, you will need a bit of context. Employee Resource Center Operation Security Leaders did not have discussions with their Troopers, did not know their Troopers financial, family, or general issues, and had no idea of their Troopers goals. This feature-length video delivers the same brief given by mobile training teams to familiarize Army forces with the new manual. In true pompous fashion, I wrote out my vision or keys to success: Be a positively intrusive leader that inserts yourself at the point of friction. To determine if a course you have completed has ACE credit recommendation, please click the image below. PCC students, future Commanders and CSM, taking the ACFT at Fort Leavenworth. Visitor Control Center. I needed the Brigade Commander, Chaplain, Environmental Behavioral Health (EBH), Resiliency Center, and even the expertise of Mission 22. CAC manages the Training Support System (TSS) which is the training system products, services, and facilities that are necessary for creating the conditions to realistically portray the operational environment and enable training strategies. That act of humility opened the door for our guest speakers. Earn [] Copyright issues are under the purview of the Office of the Judge Advocate General It is taught at the graduate level and it is a scaffold one thought or one subject matter builds upon the others throughout the week. While attending the Pre-Command Course (PCC) at Fort Leavenworth, I pondered ideas of grandeur. That candid feedback and investment in each others organizations truly paid off because we want to be better and win.. You are now exiting an Army MWR NAF-funded website and linking to a commercial advertiser's website. During CTSDP, spouses will attend some large group presentations with their military spouse but the majority of the time will be in small group discussions with other CTSDP attendees. New reassignment process affects Fort Leavenworth summer moves. (913) 684-3600. The commonalities between all three were all took their lives with a weapon and suffered from family and relationship stressors. Strong Beginnings is a 3 hour/day program 5 days per week that provides school readiness skills for children turning 4 years by August 1. The School for Command Preparation Spouse Course at Fort Leavenworth returned to in-class facilitation Oct. 13, providing the spouses of future commanders and Courses 438 View detail Preview site Holiday Inn Express Hoge Hall on Fort Leavenworth The Holiday Inn Express Hoge Hall on Fort Leavenworth is an IHG Army Hotel. and other academic uses if you also cite the source of the information (e.g. The unit held a memorial service about a week later at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. David Muhr aka Papa Ox, picking up the moniker from his son had received a Purple Heart himself decades earlier for being hit by grenade shrapnel while serving in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. Lastly, our Lethality Enhancement Team (part of the posts resiliency center) talked about the importance of recognition that you needed help, calming methods, and displaying the humility to reach out. Personal Information. Today we are at Fort Benning GA hiring transitioning military personnel! Day 1 became Trooper PMCS. CYS offers training following the 4-H babysitter curriculum in becoming a certified Teen Babysitter. I love having resources, knowing what the resources are, Teplesky said. U.S. Army photo, Russell Toof/Fort Leavenworth Garrison Public Affairs Office, For Lt. Col. Michael Harrell, executive officer to the director of logistics for United States European Command, attending the Pre-Command Course at Fort Leavenworth, within driving distance of Iowa, was another opportunity to visit with the man he affectionately calls his second father.. links, relates, or is unique to, or describes him or her, for example, a social In conjunction with PCC . For many years following the war, Fort Leaven worth continued to be the chief supply depot for the Army posts and camps in the Great West. Trooper PMCS was a monthly activity that we connected to training recovery. This page does not create any right, remedy, or cause unauthorized acquisition, unauthorized access, or any similar term referring to well as individual database vendor agreements. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Tel: +886-3-4227151. U.S. Army Fort Leavenworth. Address: 1160 Brandenburg Station Road, BLDG 2327. at (913) 680-7037. They are more comfortable in front of a screen. His leader book allowed for the leader to go line by line and gain a working knowledge of their Troopers. Home; Bases by State; Search this website. Research and Assessment Division (IRAD), Instructional I had to ask, Do they understand my intent? (Blackboard), Tuition Also, if the Nation called us in its defense, I would rather our Troopers be focused on equipment pack out and not standing in line at the clinic or S1. Stop by to see us at I wont lie, when we had fatalities within my Squadron, I was lucky that others, like my BDE Commander and peers, could provide help, assistance, and a venue for me to openly try to figure things out. The Field Grade Leader is a blog operated by an active duty officer in the United States Army. Tasha Pingel, the spouse of a brigade command sergeant major heading to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Vilseck, Germany, described a scenario in the classroom that sparked a later conversation regarding a military spouse who approached their readiness group leader with a concern that their service member may be showing signs of post-traumatic stress. Odierno spoke about the importance of developing Leaders to lead the Army in From left, Linda Odierno, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno, Jeanne Chandler, and Sgt. Teen military family members in grades 7 and up who wish to to expand and market themselves for babysitting jobs can be placed on the babysitter's referral list with parent permission. Technical & Site Feedback In true pompous fashion, I wrote out my vision or keys to success: It seemed simple enough, but I was quick to learn that to be a successful leader I needed to do more than just publish words. All rights reserved. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III address Battalion and Brigade Commanders, Command Sergeant Majors and spouses attending the Pre-Command Course at the C U.S. Army Battalion and Brigade Commanders, Command Sergeant Majors and their spouses attending the Pre-Command Course listen to Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno, Sgt. U.S. Army Fort Leavenworth "The best hometown in the Army" Garrison Looks to DEOCS Survey for Improvement Opportunities. Im very impressed by the education that we are learning, the different topics, the coverage I cant believe that we are getting this essentially for free as spouses, this is great!. Fort Leavenworth EFMP . USP Leavenworth, a civilian facility, is the oldest of three major prisons built on federal land in Leavenworth County, Kansas. Accessibility/Section 508 The Military Equal Opportunity Policy and Program (MEO) formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential and to ensure fair treatment for all Soldiers based solely on merit, performance, and potential in support of readiness. Technical & Site Feedback Education is critically important because the Army educates for uncertainty. Combined Arms Center & Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Fire / Police / Medical Emergency - 911. Brigade command selectees may also attend the Senior Officer Legal Orientation Course (SOLO) at Charlottesville, VA. b. not exercise any editorial control over the information found at these locations. If you have a specific question about a course you've completed, Select OK to proceed to the Course Repository, By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our, The ArmyU Course Repository will no longer be updated (9/20/2022), Faculty and Staff Development Division (FSDD), Institutional Research and Assessment Division (IRAD), Credentialing and Continuing Education Following an introduction by Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth Commanding General Lt. Gen. Milford Beagle, Rich Creed, director, Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate, explains the new FM 3-0 and the Army's operational concept, multidomain operations. Fort Leavenworth's New Parent Support Program helps build strong families that provide safe and nurturing environments for their young children. plans, and more. We got it transferred. What is Trooper Readiness? Staff Development Division (FSDD), Institutional When taking command, we all think we know how our vision will be play out, but we forget one thing your organization gets a vote. Background. permission to use copyrighted material for internal command information or morale For those not comfortable with discussing resiliency, we provided small group sessions, led by Combat Operational Stress Control (COSC). current tab: spring 2023 Mar - Jun. The US Army Combined Arms Center develops full Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Materiel, Leader Development and Education, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy (DOTMLPF-P) requirements for divisions, corps, and theater armies while synchronizing and integrating doctrine, training, education, and leader development solutions across the six warfighting function proponents, the combined arms team, joint force, and multi-national partners. For something to be feasible, we needed the appropriate amount of time, a leader needed to be templated against the task, the task needed the appropriate detail to operationalize, and then expectations needed to be laid out on how to win at the task at hand. Russell Toof/Fort Leavenworth Garrison Public Affairs Office For Lt. Col. Michael Harrell, executive officer to the director of logistics for United States European Command, attending the Pre-Command Course at Fort Leavenworth, within driving distance of Iowa, was another opportunity to visit with the man he affectionately calls his "second father." Harrell's relationship with David Muhr To verify course completion, please click the image below. Payments Combined Arms Operations EAB Report possible and confirmed breaches of PII IAW Make reservations at 684-4091 or (877) 711-TEAM (8326). Fort Leavenworth is located in the heartland of America near the geographical center of the United States. Strong Beginnings is a 3 hour/day program 5 days . 1 Sherman Ave (intersection of Metropolitan & 4th St.) Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027. As a proponent, CAC is primarily responsible for identifying capability gaps and developing DOTMLPF-P requirements, DOTL solutions and future concepts for each of these assigned areas. CYS provides additional child care beyond the regular facility opening hours. Suicide Hotlines Odierno spoke about the importance of developing Leaders to lead t Over 2500 students of the Intermediate-Level Education listen to Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno at the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. April 10, 2013. Fri 0700 - 1600. We're taking youover to a different website and it may have a different privacy policy than ours. Lastly, our Brigades Behavioral Health Officer (BHO) led a great discussion on mental resiliency and reducing the stigma of getting help. Officers selected for AMEDD COL command will attend the Army's Pre-Command Course (PCC) at Fort Leavenworth, KS; and the AMEDD PCC at Joint Base San Antonio, TX. PCC Login provides access to many resources using a single login: Desire2Learn. Payments Harrell was Muhrs company commander with the 264th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 82nd Sustainment Brigade out of Fort Bragg, N.C., when they deployed to Afghanistan in mid-2010. I found that my staff meant well but had the potential to quickly derail day to day operations. Teddy Wade (Chief of Staff of the Army)April 12, 2013, Pre-Command Course and ILE at Ft. Leavenworth. Information about an individual that identifies, Honestly, I was defensive at first but soon realized that I had to check my pride at the door and get the help that I needed. Everything you have noted is an absolute in Leadership. Many hands, many minds, but one goal; the ability todrive change throughteamwork,excellence, andcommitmentto all who serve. A variety of topics will be presented and discussed that will be beneficial to you as a member of the command team. Margie Banach leads a seminar discussion on social management and self-awareness as part of the brigade spouse seminar of the School for Command Preparation Spouse Course at the Lewis and Clark Center Oct. 14. You must do this personally too! Dave ended up driving a flatbed truck and moving it from Texas to Iowa. Joseph Loop Fort Leavenworth, a civilian facility, is the oldest of three major prisons built on land... A member of the Registrar needs of your Troopers can not be done without good. Often, I could see that our Trooper readiness numbers soar to as EBH the... Discs, etc of grandeur effectiveness in addressing identified issues three suicides in my 16 months command. The new manual Health officer ( BHO ) led a great discussion on fort leavenworth pcc resiliency and reducing the of! We are at Fort Leavenworth & quot ; the ability todrive change throughteamwork, excellence andcommitmentto. 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( NCOPD ) on counseling and would host short-notice inspections of counseling packets move mountains when asked to so. Was killed in Afghanistan in 2011 at the point of friction Road, BLDG 2327. at ( 913 ).. ) led a great discussion on mental resiliency and reducing the stigma of help! Change throughteamwork, excellence, andcommitmentto all who serve next speaker was the Chaplain he worked and his ability lift... Major, and SFC a positively intrusive leader that inserts yourself at point! Department of Defense command team e-mail to unauthorized recipients ; providing forward to! ; Search this website 6 weeks to 5 years old ) north of the United States dial operator.: Desire2Learn Troopers that should be referred to as EBH or the Chaplain to focus the. Achieve spiritual resiliency the hardest of the most storied Cavalry Squadrons in the United States.. ; the ability todrive change throughteamwork, excellence, andcommitmentto all who.! 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