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tbc pvp spec rogue

These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. having high survivability, high burst windows, as well as high mobility. [Rogue] DPS Spreadsheet. However, this rule of thumb does not necessarily apply to other pieces of gear with expertise and their respective alternatives. The movement speed helps you to spend less time moving between mobs and more time damaging mobs in PvE, effectively increasing your damage output. For a Mutilate build, this enchant is obviously not worthwhile, as it does not stack with Fleet Footed. Rogues who do not have access to two swords may use trispec Hemo Deadliness. Thus, it is very important that you never let your energy surpass the cap. Because of the way the EP system assumes you gem any item, this cost is fixed: it is equal to the value of the two gems you would have used in two blue sockets, minus the 8 agility gained back from the two purples (10 agility if youre using epic gems). your PvP potential as a Rogue, please consult our guide for it below: If you are interested in learning more about a variety of Arena compositions Vanish. The result is that, as haste rating on gear becomes more prevalent, the Trophys proc loses value relative to equivalent amounts of other stats. Nigh Invulnerability Belt can save you from dying and turn the tides of a 2/2 Weapon Expertise, non-Human (or Human wielding daggers/fists): 64 To briefly summarize, you can apply the following effective weapon DPS bonuses to compare off hand weapons: Weapon is a sword, and your main hand is not a dagger: add 10 DPS Hands:Enchant Gloves Superior Agility Rogue is to keep bleeds on your target if they can potentially This will On this section, our rogue veterans prepared the finest PvP guides, be it 1v1 situations, or arena strategies. Rogue DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities, Blackwing Lair Hardcore (One Life) Cleared in Classic, Wrath Classic Feral Druid Tuning: April 10th, Wrath Classic Feral Druid Adjustments Coming Soon: April 3rd, A Misunderstanding May Have Been the Cause of Activision Blizzard Games Not Being Available in China, Chinese Realm "Region Unavailable" Messages Appeared for EU Players, Changes to Death Knight Character Creation Restrictions Coming, Free Character Transfers in Wrath Classic: March 3rd, Healing Druids (Moonglow/NG) - Crit Chance, Jolteon 1 - Pendulum of DOOM PvP - Level 39 BiS Enhancement Shaman TBC. This buys you precious seconds to. Hemorrhage-based builds such as trispec Hemo swords and trispec Hemo Deadliness were, at one time, quite popular. It may also help to have more general raid information displayed, such as unit frames, boss mods, and the like. Hemorrhage deals excellent damage and costs only 35 energy - allowing much more frequent use compared to. Welcome to our PvP Rogue guide for TBC Classic. Use a spreadsheet and plan out all of your gear upgrades as you approach this gear level to ensure that you do not have to resocket. However, melee groups incorporating a feral druid or ret paladin in addition to the shaman and DPS warrior are not entirely uncommon. Instant Poison is not a great choice either as The range and energy cost reductions this talent provides are something you can not go without. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Preventing your finishing moves from being dodged is very good and also feels good - no more dodged, Master of Deception is very important in PvP combat to increase the chance you get to land an opening move like, Opportunity is a great talent for dagger rogues, but not particularly useful for other rogues. Here is a list of some of the great nifty tools to use with engineering in Using two separate %-based haste effects together will provide greater total damage than using them one after another. Go Hemo for PVP or Combat for PVE, Hemo will work fine for PVE. 0/2 Weapon Expertise, Human wielding swords/maces: 83 scenarios like this you can use Blind on them and get a full The below build requires a sword in both your MH and OH. For each ~3.94 expertise rating you equip, you gain 1 expertise, reducing your chance to be dodged by 0.25%. Thus, you should plan in advance exactly when you will receive any Bloodlusts/Heroisms (no closer than 2 minutes together) and synchronize your usage of cooldowns as much as possible within the available time. Typically this means that you can use your 3- or 5-minute cooldowns together with your 2-minute cooldowns twice: once near the start and once near the end. There are many applications of this from re-applying your 5-stack It increases damage by giving a chance to trigger an extra attack whenever you strike with a sword. When playing against Melee as a Rogue you have a lot of tools to help survive. Generally you will use Wound Poison on your Mainhand while Below are a list of Rogue This is useful particularly for combat rogues because most cycles count on Combat Potency to provide a certain amount of extra energy per cycle. Most rogues will apply multiple poisons to different weapons and swap them around. However, for many rogues, this is nearly enough expertise rating to reach the expertise cap. For this talent to trigger, you need to deal the killing blow to the enemy. For rogues, the two stats with caps are hit rating and expertise rating. This talent helps your single target damage output by providing an attack speed boost on a short cooldown. opportunity to keep it up as every finishing move is very valuable. For each ~15.77 hit rating you equip, you reduce your chance to miss by 1%. Good for dagger rogues, not useful otherwise. Thus, Dexterity is, for the most part, superior to Surefooted. versacecat 2 yr. ago The[Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality]is worthy of special mention because its procs power can be somewhat controlled through appropriate timing of finisher usage. It is impossible to know beforehand which items with blue sockets you will use to meet the meta gem requirement. The extra attack is always from your mainhand weapon, regardless which weapon triggered Sword Specialization. Mutilate rogues with T5 2pc may get slightly more mileage out of three finisher cycles like 3-5s/4-5r/4-5e. Trying to get a spec that works for either just means you end up gimping yourself for both. Even though Grace of Air Totem allows the use of an additional poison on the main hand, the total gain will still not be as great as that from Windfury Totem. In addition to increased DPS in movement-oriented fights, Cats Swiftness also provides a slight advantage over Dexterity or Surefooted for non-Mutilate builds in terms of survivability. Dagger/Mutilate builds and combat/surprise attack builds lack survivability in pvp. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. recommended to use Crippling Poison in your off-hand. Offensive cooldowns, in particular, should be used at every available opportunity. In general, these options are followed by[Berserkers Call]and[Tsunami Talisman]. Between the other three weapon types, the DPS differences (assuming equivalent weapons) are minimal enough that you need not feel constrained to a particular one. need to know to properly play a Rogue in all types of PvP Combat. In PvE this will amount to just a little extra energy on each pull - but that adds up across many combat engagements. Consult the corresponding sections in the rest of the article to learn how to make sure the rogue is geared and specced correctly. pages to enhance your gameplay even further! Pooling energy before finishers, in combination with either of these procs, effectively gives you more energy to spend during the proc. Stacking Poisons correctly and pooling Energy for interrupts and damage bursts But to do that well, it is necessary to understand how the rogue class is designed. As mentioned above, the most critical contributions to rogue raid DPS are having an enhancement shaman and DPS warrior in your group and having someone debuffing the bosss armor. This leaves the comparison of Cats Swiftness against the other two enchants. In PvP, Rogues are vital damage dealers and scouts, and their abilities are almost always welcome to any battle group, or party. Executioner is also a strong enchant, and eventually does out-scale Mongoose by a very slight amount towards the end of Sunwell. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. By way of example,[Netherblade Facemask]nearly outdoes[Grimgrin Faceguard]even ignoring set bonuses. The purpose of listing the caps here is so that you do not accidentally overshoot either cap by equipping too much hit rating or expertise rating. However, Sword/sword, fist/sword, and mace/sword builds are all within roughly 1% of one another in terms of theoretical DPS output, assuming equivalent weapons. and highest skill-cap classes to play. Wondering if there's a spec that works that good for both PvP and PvE? Lets kick this TBC Rogue Guide off with the seven Commandments of Rogue DPS and how to avoid death. It is a decent increase to less than half of your combo point builder abilities (the critical strikes), which makes it a fairly middle of the road talent for overall damage output. Sinister Strike-based rogues are best suited for the task of keeping Improved Expose Armor up; the cycle to use for this purpose is always 5s/5a. Battleground classes. This makes it very difficult for an enemy, Improved Poisons helps increase the application rate of your poisons. Look for Windfury Attack, Battle Shout, and Unleashed Rage if any of these three are missing, then the rogue is not getting the best buffs he can get for group DPS. Avoid falling into the trap of looking at any single DPS stat rather, look at your total DPS output, and seek upgrades that increase that total. of crowd control share diminishing returns together. Know whether there will be any abilities that require you to suddenly move out of melee range for a short or long period of time, so that you can prepare your cooldowns and alter your cycle accordingly. Shiv is at its core one of the strongest abilities for a rogue Alternatively, you may save your cooldown to have[Thistle Tea]available in case of an energy deficit in your ability cycle. interrupt which locks out the enemy for 3 seconds from that school. The three reasonable options for boot enchants are Surefooted (10 hit rating, 5% snare resist), Dexterity (12 agility), and Cats Swiftness (6 agility, 8% run speed). The hit and expertise caps are NOT magic numbers that every rogue [or any rogue] must reach. Download the client and get started. 10. These cookies do not store any personal information. Additionally, whether youre in T4 or T6, there are NO MAGIC NUMBERS for how much hit or expertise rating you should have. Keep in mind rogues are heavily gear dependant so if your gear is trash expect your dps to be trash (even more so if you don't understand rogue rotations) and have lower survivability, however, with this build you still have excellent CC utility. If you are playing Rogue in TBC Classic and want to PvP, Subtlety is the way Five ranks of Precision is equivalent to 78.9 hit rating from equipment at level 70 which is quite a lot. abilities and the diminishing returns shared with other abilities: It is important to have a slow Mainhand weapon as a Rogue with as fast of an This will most often be the case during Adrenaline Rush. The substantial amount of energy you will gain from this talent is what separates Combat builds above any other talent tree for PvE damage output. Pshero's subtlety talents rogue for pvp and leveling by Pshero.rank 1 rogue talents Ironforge - WOW-Tv 697 subscribers Subscribe 3K views 1 year ago duel vs in 4 part rogue vs rogue:. you need to know to properly play as a Subtlety Rogue in PvP scenarios. In case of any discrepancy in the rogues abilities or self-buffs, the best bet is to provide the rogue with a link to this article to educate himself on his class. feel free to play around with some points, for instance if youre wanting to have better pvp openers you can drop the last 2 in combat (expertise) and grab dirty deeds, or whatever. Also note that the snare resist provided by Surefooted is of very little usefulness in raids, as the only bosses to have notable snares are Lady Vashj and Kazrogal, and most trash with snares simply dont present enough of a danger to warrant the enchant. There are several basic tactics to keep in mind, and then there are some more advanced techniques which you can work in on more DPS-sensitive fights. It always feels bad when your. I remember Mutilate being quite good in PvP (not as versatile as hemo/sub, of course) and you were more easily kiteable, but it wasn't too shabby. spell of that category was cast within 15 seconds. For Hemorrhage builds, the mandatory talents are Serrated Blades and Hemorrhage. stamina, dodge rating, resilience) can be valued at 0 EP. Note that in low buff situations for certain builds,[Bright Living Ruby]is a viable alternative to[Delicate Living Ruby], and[Balanced Nightseye]to[Shifting Nightseye]. Note that Rupture damage is increased by your AP: a 1-CP Rupture gains 1% of your AP per tick, a 2-CP Rupture gains 2% of your AP per tick, and a 3-or-higher-CP Rupture gains 3% of your AP per tick. (See the gem section below for an explanation as to why sockets are handled this way.) > 17 * 1.78 =30.26 EP [Haste Potion]may be used on any fight where you will not need to use healing or elemental protection potions, and provide a substantial DPS boost. Rogue are very much duelists and combo heavy. Thus, exceeding the level 70-72 hit caps may be detrimental to your DPS output in these situations. Return to the Buffs & Debuffs breakdown. You can also move 2 points into. Equip: Increases attack power by 76. If you have access to epic gems, you may simply substitute the epic equivalent of any of the above named gems where applicable. Armor will be very valuable. Improved Sprint is situationally useful in PvE if you know certain enemies will put slowing or immobilizing effects on you. Keep this in mind when attempting to compare yourself to other rogues in your raid or in other guilds via WoW Web Stats or other methods. Nerves of Steel is situationally useful to give a chance to negate negative effects that would otherwise stop you from dealing damage. all that is The Burning Crusade. This gain in stats is a variable determined by your overall gear setup. [ ] Blue: +10 Hit > 10 * 2.47 =24.70 EP +30 Agility > 30 * 2.23 =67.90 EP A slow Mainhand will result in harder-hitting The bulk of your damage comes from white swings as a Rogue. The most notable example of this is Brutallus, which will last very close to 6 minutes until your guild obtains a fair amount of Sunwell loot. It also bears mentioning that Greater Agility (20 agility) is an inferior enchant, even on an off hand weapon. When in doubt while learning a new fight, always prioritize reacting to the mechanics of the fight above DPS. 2 Expertise > Dirty Deeds for Sustain DPS. For Mutilate builds, the tier below the Sliver consists of[Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality], then[Shard of Contempt]and[Warp-Spring Coil], then[Dragonspine Trophy]and[Madness of the Betrayer]. The best thing is to get in a guild that raids every 2 weeks (day before reset, then day after reset) so you can be in Pvp spec for 2 weeks until you have to raid again. For any rogue, this 40 extra energy provides some additional DPS. You will be losing some Dps abilities that will might not matter so much in shorter figths like dungeons or even kharazan, but in 25 man raids you will see the difference of not having surprise attacks or combat potency. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Note that in the case of a difference this small, it is not possible to conclusively state that one item is better than the other. By the end of Sunwell, certain combinations of gear result in the Trophy falling behind other trinkets. Against a level 72 mob, your chance to miss any attack is reduced by 3%, and it reduces by 0.5% per level below that. walks by you with Crippling Poison to give your partner time to Combat rogue remains as one of the sickest TBC Rogue specializations cherished by many retail veterans that played TBC back in the days. Being stealth and starting the fight first is the main strength of the rogue in WoW Classic. Finally, if you are a leatherworker,[Drums of Battle], used on cooldown, provide a substantial group DPS boost;[Drums of War]are an inferior alternative. The opener is also extremely important; Enveloping Shadows is a strong talent that will increase your chance to completely resist area effects like, Premeditation allows a few extra combo points if you can see your target ahead of time which can lead to some great opening sequences. Particularly, in fights with AoE effects or other attacks that require quick movement, Cats Swiftness enhances your reactions enough to be considered worthwhile even if it causes a theoretical DPS loss. Rogues without T4 2pc should use 3s/5s/5r. Here you will learn all you need to know to properly play as a Subtlety Rogue in PvP scenarios. So, what are you waiting for? them. Contribute Blind. Where this talent truly shines is when you have two enemies next to each other and Blade Flurry causes all of your attacks to hit. +29 Agility > 29 * 2.23 =64.67 EP target becomes immune. Note that because hunter group-based needs dont synergize well with most melee classes, hunters tend not to be grouped with rogues. AGI and AP would be more beneficial than capping out HR (366 HR) with this spec. Imp gouge, imp sprint, and AR are still decent ish for PvP though you're always gonna get wreck without CDs. Important things to know about fights are whether there are no melee phases, whether there are any anti-melee abilities, and whether there are any threat wipes or special threat-based abilities. This only happens for a combat build with mostly best-in-slot gear, towards the end of Sunwell. get better at it with experience. Indeed, cloth class will be your favourite target, such as mage / warlock / priest, who barely survive a surprise attack by a well-equipped rogue. team compositions which you can find below. Next, check the rogues Abilities breakdown to see which abilities the rogue used and how often. +38 Stamina > 0 EP You will want to be sure to have a very fast off hand weapon (1.5 or 1.4 speed) to increase the frequency of triggering Combat Potency. I realize i can't get the best of both worlds and if/when im raiding, ill probably have to go pure for a combat spec. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Because of it's fairly narrow use and the power of the other talents on this tier, most Subtlety builds will skip this talent. Also, if you do not have two blue sockets on your gear setup, simply use red sockets as necessary. TBC Classic Rogue DPS Arena Guide - Best Compositions, Talent Builds, Tactics By Simonize Last Updated: 2021/06/10 Changelog Patch: 2.5.4 Favorite: Rating: Table of Contents Guide Navigation Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! One of the most common mistakes The timer is anywhere between 15 to 20 seconds to reset Kidney Shot. Your best bet, realistically, is a warrior or rogue. Rogues desiring to spec for Hemorrhage may obtain the highest DPS by taking two swords and speccing trispec Hemo swords. To offset this cost, it is possible to Shiv right before the stack falls off, saving it from falling off. Shadow Panther's Guide for Getting Arena Ready Shadow Panther's Guide for Getting Karazhan Ready Although its power scales back somewhat against high armor (7685) bosses, it also scales with your gear level, to the point that when you reach the end of Sunwell, it may well be superior to the[Shard of Contempt]or[Dragonspine Trophy]. For more specific valuations of these trinkets, consult a spreadsheet. If you want to have the option for a stronger Rogues in TBC Classic: Engineering is the best PvP profession hands down. An Shiv a Mind-numbing Poison on them as well. Sword Specialization is the weapon talent for swords and is easily the most powerful of the weapon talents. As a result, it is best to use haste-based cooldowns (most typically Blade Flurry and[Haste Potion]) and other stat-based cooldowns together. Depending on the raid or dungeon you are doing, you may want to change your talents to either use or not use Murder. Improved Kick gives a short silence effect to your. Undeads' strength for the Rogue class is in their ability to deal with crowd control with Volont des Rprouvs, making them immune to Fear, Charm and Sleep for 5 seconds.This is normally a weakness for Rogues, especially against Priests, Warlocks (and their Succubus) and Warriors. In addition to offering plenty of mobility, it also provides the player with numerous cooldowns which can be used defensively or offensively, significant crowd control and some of the most powerful damage in The Burning Crusade PvP environment. Armor it is more beneficial to use abilities like Rupture as healer + Rogue Arena team or potentially a double Physical DPS Improved Expose 278 Armor > 0 EP The PvP and jewelcrafting gems listed below are also unique-equip (with the exception of[Bold Ornate Ruby]purchased from arena points), meaning you may only wear one at a time in any given set of gear. Socket Bonus: +3 Critical Strike Rating > 3 * 1.78 =5.34 EP One of the advantages rogues have over other melee DPS classes is a high degree of survivability. Against Plate targets or targets with heavy amounts of There are two hit caps for rogues: the soft cap occurs when you can no longer miss a special attack, while the hard cap occurs when you can no longer miss a white attack. For gem sockets, assume that you will always gem a red or yellow socket with the proper color, but that you will simply use your best DPS gem in a blue socket (following the instructions in Gem selection below). example of this is "deadzoning" a warrior so they cannot intercept you, allowing Then, we assign each other stat a weight in EP proportional to its DPS contribution relative to a single point of attack power. Also, human rogues have good reason to feel constrained to either swords or maces, as their racial provides a substantial damage boost while using those weapon types. Take the fight into account when you evaluate Slice usage by your rogues. You can level as hemo just fine all though combat is slightly faster due to Adrenaline rush and blade furry being able to mow down 4 mobs every time the cds are up. Leather armor target for a long time then consider using Improved Expose Armor is the choice to go with. Combat will do more damage than Subtlety in almost every case. 305 Armor > 0 EP The Improved Expose Armor However, many other buffs are required to maximize your DPS output. The best item is always the item that provides the most DPS, regardless of the specific stats it provides. You dont have Sword Specialization: add 2 DPS per 0.1 faster speed. If you have taken Combat Potency, you should add 10 extra weapon DPS to the faster weapon per 0.1 speed difference; else, if you have taken Sword Specialization, you should add 5 extra weapon DPS per 0.1 speed difference; else, you should add 2 extra weapon DPS per 0.1 speed difference. Pure fist, mace, and dagger combat builds fall roughly 1-2% behind the sword hybrid builds. Energy Pooling and Ability Usage 4. Wondering if there's a spec that works that good for both PvP and PvE? Simply place the 5 points into the appropriate specialization. Seal Fate is a very powerful talent that gives the rogue a considerable amount of extra combo points. Shadowstep as a gap-closer is a great way to get an advantage So long as you do not stay at the Energy cap, you are okay. The movement speed is also great in PvP, making you slightly faster than most other people who only have 8% increased speed from a boot enchant or meta gem. And trispec Hemo swords with your consent only happens for a stronger in! A Mind-numbing Poison on them as well as high mobility much more frequent use to... Where applicable, as well using Improved Expose Armor is the best PvP profession hands.. Reset Kidney Shot simply substitute the epic equivalent of any of the weapon talent for and! 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