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tcl programming exercises

Hence, streams can be (and typically are) nested for processing purposes. Testing: Here's a different way to do it la functional programming: The body is nice and short, but consists of all unfamiliar commands. Especially constants (like "true" and "false" in Boolean algebras) can be equally well expressed as neutral elements of operators, if these are considered variadic, and having zero arguments. This simple example invokes expr if the "command" is digestible for it: Imagine the makers of Tcl had failed to provide the if command. Tcl is a popular and widely used cross-platform script programming language that achieves significant productivity gains when used by skilled engineers. {&&, ||,! 122 exercises to help you write better code. However, this is no fundamental problem consider that. $ mkdir ~/cs498gpl/exercises/tcl $ cd ~/cs498gpl/exercises/tcl. #-- This "functional form" is mostly called map in more recent FP: #-- Prefix multiplication comes as a special case of this: "if {\[$condition \$x\]} {$function \$x} else", #-- Testing, with K in another role as Konstant function:). Develop fluency in 67 programming languages And when both x and !x exist, they are removed from the expression: translated back: "I avoid it, or it's not a kangaroo", or, reordered, " a" which by (4) means, "All kangaroos are avoided by me". # This filter collects its input (should be finite;-) into a list: # $ streamlist {foo bar grill a} | sort | collect => a bar foo grill. For such few values it is most efficient to just look them up in a pre-built table, as Tcllib's math::factorial does. 4. However, most of these share the features. Procedures are just like functions we use in any other programming language such as C, Java, Python, etc. We have Boolean operators in expr, so here goes: The only unary operator NOT can be written in terms of nand: .. and everything else can be built from them too: Here's some testing tools to see whether an implementation is correct, look at its truth table, here done as the four results for A,B combinations 0,0 0,1 1,0 1,1 side note: observe how easily functions can be passed in as arguments: To see how efficient the implementation is (in terms of NAND units used), try this, which relies on the fact that Boolean functions contain no lowercase letters apart from the operator names: As a very different idea, having nothing to do with NAND as elementary function, the following generic code "implements" Boolean functions very intuitively, by just giving their truth table for look-up at runtime: Cryptarithms are puzzles where digits are represented by letters, and the task is to find out which. being any pre- or user-defined function). Coroutines allow asynchronous interleaved tasks to be written in a sequential style. So an "assembler" program in this plaything will run even slower than in pure Tcl, and consume more memory while normally you associate speed and conciseness with "real" assembler code. This page was last edited on 16 April 2020, at 06:44. So, put the following source code in a test.tcl file. Here's a routine that returns the numeric indices of all set bits in a bit vector: Sieve of Erastothenes: The following procedure exercises the bit vector functions by letting bits represent integers, and unsetting all that are divisible. Tcl - Logical Operators. Clif first learned to program in high school in machine language on a Monroe 600 programmable . For instance, here's a breathtakingly short J program to compute the mean of a list of numbers: Only implicitly present is a powerful function combinator called "fork". The process of creating a simple database consists only of setting an initial value for the ID: Let's consider a library application for an example. As everything is a string, and to Tcl "a" is {a} is a , Joy's polymorphy has to be made explicit. The first and second arguments are the class (disregarded here, as the dash shows) and the value, the rest is up to the coder. Rules are also taken as strings, whose parts can easily be extracted with string index as it's used so often here, I alias it to @. Note however that you need stdin for this implementation, which excludes wishes on Windows (one might easily write a UI-more that reacts on mouse clicks, though). However, it fails to work if we add the successor of 0 as another test case: Nothing coming because zero division made the last test fail. Any proc must however be called in compliance with Tcl's fundamental syntax: first word is the command name, then the arguments separated by whitespace. All Exercises 122 Completed 0 In Progress 0 Available 122 Locked 0 Hello World Tutorial Exercise The classical introductory exercise. Tcl has no goto command, but it can easily be created. But this very soon crosses the limits of integers, giving wrong results. Implement an evaluator for a very simple subset of Forth. I added converters between characters and integers, and between strings and lists (see the dictionary below). It is however easy to build an interpreter for a language in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) like Forth, Postscript, or Joy, and experiment with it. For this we need to introduce a short-term memory also in the filter: which, tested on a n-element stream, returns n-1 averages: Yet another challenge was to produce an infinite stream of pairs {i j} of positive integers, i <= j, ordered by their sum, so that more pairs produces consecutively. Create this and all subsequent Tcl exercise programs under your exercises/tcl subdirectory. 13Solving cryptarithms 14Database experiments 14.1A simple array-based database 14.2Tables as lists of lists 15Programming Languages Laboratory 15.1GOTO: a little state machine 15.2Playing Assembler 15.3Functional programming (Backus 1977) 15.4Reusable functional components 15.5Modelling an RPN language 15.6Tacit programming 16Vector arithmetics Arguments are pushed on the stack, and the result of the "software", the stack at end, is returned. Here is a routine for querying or setting single bits in vectors, where bits are addressed by non-negative integers. Tcl/Tk 8.5 Programming Cookbook (2011) , by Bert Wheeler, provides over 100 recipes to effectively use Tcl/Tk 8.5. save it to a file for printing. Here's a little debugging helper, to find out why "know" conditions don't fire: Now testing what new magic this handful of code allows us to do. # This simple but infinite stream source produces all positive integers: # This produces all (well, very many) powers of 2: # A filter that reads and displays a stream until user stops it: # Here is a sample usage with famous name: #. which uses the (less) famous function maker: # Usage example: more {grep this {cat streams.tcl}}. Sorting roman numerals: I,V,X already come in the right order; for the others we have to introduce temporary collation transformations, which we'll undo right after sorting: As "control structures" are really nothing special in Tcl, just a set of commands, it is easier than in most other languages to create one's own. Another example, cooked up by myself this time, computes the average of a list. OK, I bite the bullet, set nmax to 500000, wait 5 minutes for the partitioning, and then: Hm.. cheap trick again it was discovered that the solution is just the successor of the second argument. The pattern, is a kind of conditional in J, which could in Tcl be written. An obvious string representation of a rational is of course "n/d". Bit vectors can also be used to indicate set membership (set operations would run faster if processing 32 bits on one go with bitwise operators (&, |, ~, ^)) or pixels in a binary imary image, where each row could be implemented by a bitvector. Live Demo #!/usr/bin/tclsh puts "Hello, World!" Assuming, Tcl environment is setup correctly; let's run the program after switching to file's directory and then execute the program using $ tclsh test.tcl Unique IDs can be had by just counting up (incrementing the highest ID so far). # Multiple documentation lines are allowed. {AND, OR, NOT} resp. Tcl/Tk for Programmers introduces high-level Tcl/Tk scripting language to experienced programmers with either Unix or Windows backgrounds. The authors provide sample chapters available to download for free. "{usage: $procname [uplevel 1 [list info args $procname]]}", # This comment should not appear in the docstring, # Signature of a proc: arguments with defaults, # fall back to standard queue, now that it's sorted, "foreach $var \$domain[expr [lsearch $initials $var]>=0] \{\n", "if {\[expr $test\]} {return \[subst $test\]}", "[db'get db $id author]: [db'get db $id title] $db($i)", "please return $db($book,title) which was due on\, "[db'get db $id title] - [db'get db $id label]". Execution starts at the first of the states. Here I use a global array for recording results: delivers in hardly noticeable time the R. numbers 1729, 4104, 13832 Or, how's this infinite Fibonacchi number generator, which on more fibo produces all the F.numbers (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21) you might want? Tcl provides the syntax so that the DSL designer can focus on the grammar. Tcl casts everything into the mold of a command, even programming constructs like variable assignment and procedure definition. Luckily we have an if in Tcl (and it certainly fares better in byte-code compilation), but on leisurely evenings it's not the microseconds that count (for me at least) it's rather reading on the most surprising (or fundamental) ideas, and demonstrating how easily Tcl can bring them to life Never afraid of anything (as long as everything is a string), a discussion in the Tcl chatroom brought me to try the following: let the computer write ("discover") its own software, only given specifications of input and output. Intro to Tcl: Exercises #2 Exercises #2 Rewrite the change function (Exercise 1.3) to work for any set of coins (or notes) for any decimal currency. Tcl is a string based scripting language. Tcl's lsort is stable, so items with equal priority will remain in the order in which they were queued: A practical application is e.g. Like in switch, fall-through collapsing of several cases is indicated by "-", and "default" as final condition fires if none else did. Clif is the author of the TclTutor package2 and the books Tcl/Tk for Real Programmers and Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide3. One could edit that file (not recommended), or rename unknown to something else and provide one's own unknown handler, that falls through to the original proc if unsuccessful, as shown in Radical language modification. #--Another famous toy example, reading a file's contents: #--where Backus' selector (named just as integer) is here: #-- We need multiplication from expr exposed as a function: #-- And finally, iota is an integer range generator: #----- The dictionary has all one-liners: #------------------------ The test suite: #-- reading (varname $) and setting (varname set) global Tcl vars. #-- Highlight the head position on the tape. The source files for Tcl programs are named with the extension ".tcl". Testing early and often is a virtue, as is documentation to make the following code snippets clearer, I tuned my little tester for better looks, so that the test cases in the source code also serve as well readable examples they look like comments but are code! if someone mentions its name (minibot), tries to parse the message and answer. Let us write a simple Tcl program. In addition, for all procs, even without docstring, you get the "signature" (proc name and arguments with defaults). Training will provide the detailed practical exposure on each aspect of project flow setup mostly focused on Physical Design, STA, and functional verification with multiple hands on examples. Assume variable A holds 1 and variable B holds 0, then . Write a function to determine if a list is a sublist of another list. Such process chains can be emulated in Tcl with the following rules: A stream is modelled here as a procedure that returns one stream item on each call. For Joy's sets I haven't bothered yet they are restricted to the domain 0..31, probably implemented with bits in a 32-bit word. TCL is string based scripting language and also a procedural language. Rational numbers, a.k.a. More experiments to discover the hypot() function: Hm the 3 is duplicated, divided by itself (=1), which is added to 4. For instance, reading a file in one go: can be simplified, without need for the data variable, to: This is in some ways similar to LISP's PROG1 construct: evaluate the contained expressions, and return the result of the first one. 5. converting Java app to Tcl/Tk ( new thread for all the tcl/tk itcl gurus) 6. input, sorts it, and acts as a stream source on the output: Now for the example in SICP: find the second prime in the interval between 10000 and 1000000. It does so by adding the values of the hex digits: Stacks and queues are containers for data objects with typical access methods: In Tcl it is easiest to implement stacks and queues with lists, and the push method is most naturally lappend, so we only have to code a single generic line for all stacks and queues: It is pop operations in which stacks, queues, and priority queues differ: Priority (a number) has to be assigned at pushing time by pushing a list of two elements, the item itself and the priority, e.g.. Let's change that "a" can have only two values, "" or <>, so we might try to solve the expression by assuming all possible values for a, and see if they differ. Note that +/ is considered one operator, which applies the "adverb" folding to the "verb" addition (one might well call it "sum"). Here's my little take on toot in a nutshell. No con-/destructors are needed, in contrast to the heavierweight matrix in Tcllib. bit foo 32 will turn foo into a list of two integers, if it was only one before. This way, they are "pure values" and can be passed e.g. Tcl - Environment Setup . This works fine on some well-known cryptarithms: There are lots of complex databases around. Rather, one could use read and write traces on variable M, causing it to load from, or store to, mem($HL). following Backus' FP language with the "Def" command. priority queue is any of the more clever ways: A*, Greedy, builds up a nest of foreachs suiting the problem, quick kills (with continue) to force unique values for the variables, and. Tk is an extension, developed by the creator of Tcl, used for creating scripts that interact with users through windows. of your code and 7. That's easily had too, given a sum function: Here's a little application for this: a vector factorizer, that produces the list of divisors for a given integer. Sorting can be done when pushing, or when popping, and since our push is so nicely generic I prefer the second choice (as the number of pushs and pops should be about equal, it does not really matter). all The discoverer, Second Edition, determines the stack balance of the first text, and tests only those programs of the same partition: But now for the trying. I won't go into all details of the above code, just some: (<.,>.) Tcl Scripting Basic Examples Introducing 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors Introducing 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors Introducing 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors The browser version you are using is not recommended for this site. Streams are interesting if they don't deliver the same result on every call, which requires them to maintain state between calls e.g. Streams in general should not be written in brackets (then the Tcl parser would eagerly evaluate them before evaluating the command), but braced, and stream consumers eval the stream at their discretion. This looks better to me than /slashing as in Postscript. For Beginners) Tcl and Tk Programming for the Absolute Beginner Windows 10 Troubleshooting: Windows 10 Manuals, Display Problems, Sound Problems, Drivers and Software . This makes sense, even in Tcl, where one might implement them as. In fact, the float limit is at n>170, so an intermediate result in the Stirling formula must have busted at 144. For clearer code, it is advisable to factor out frequent operations into procs, e.g. What's missing is the capability to randomly address parts of a stream, as is possible in Scheme (and of course their claim to do without assignment, or mutable data) Tcl lists just don't follow LISP's CAR/CDR model (though KBK demonstrated in Tcl and LISP that this structure can be emulated, also with procs), but rather C's flat *TclObject[] style. TCL Scripting Training. In addition to extensive program-ming work on Tcl, Clif offers Tcl/Tk training sessions with in-class exercises. Implication (if a then b, a -> b) can in expr be expressed as $a <= $b just note that the "arrow" seems to point the wrong way. Easily done in a few lines of Tcl code: The code does not directly puts its results, but returns them as a string you might want to do other things with it, e.g. In the next step, I want to reimplement the "median" function, which for a sorted list returns the central element if its length is odd, or the mean of the two elements adjacent to the (virtual) center for even length. I first don't understand why all premises can be just written in a row, which amounts to implicit "or", but it seems to work out well. but my variant of the median algorithm doesn't need a conditional for lists of odd length it just uses the central index twice, which is idempotent for "mean", even if a tad slower. Filters may be characterized as "selectors" (who may return only part of their input, like "grep") and/or "appliers" who call a command on their input and return the result. Other streams may provide a finite but very large number of elements, which would be impractical to process in one go. Indexes: As shown, we can retrieve all data by sequential searching over array names. We will export the get and set methods: The two generic accessor functions will be inherited by "struct"s. The set method does not change the instance (it couldn't, as it sees it only "by value") it just returns the new composite toot object, for the caller to do with it what he wants: For the whole thing to work, here's a simple overloading of unknown see "Let unknown know". For instance, if the test has two inputs and wants one output, the stack balance is -1 (one less out than in). Tk is an extension, developed by the creator of Tcl, used for creating scripts that interact with users through windows. For functional composition, where, say for two functions f and g. again a proc is created that does the bracket nesting: Why Backus used Transpose on the input, wasn't first clear to me, but as he (like we Tclers) represents a matrix as a list of rows, which are again lists (also known as vectors), it later made much sense to me. }, Test data from http://csc.smsu.edu/~shade/333/project.txt. For porting this, lmap is a good helper, even though not strictly functional: We furtheron borrow some more content from expr: We'll need functional composition, and here's a recursive de-luxe version that takes zero or more functions, hence the name o*: is the neutral element of variadic functional composition, when called with no functions at all. The Tcl track on Exercism has 122 exercises to help you write better code. Here's typical set operations. Ah, the joys of weekend Tcl'ing and belatedly, Happy Birthday, John! Start a new topic OO (Object Orientation) is a style in programming languages popular since Smalltalk, and especially C++, Java, etc. Running a Tcl/Tk applet within a Tcl/Tk program. Letter and Legal paper formats are popular in the US and other places. #-- We can compute the modulo of a number by its index vector: #-- and turn all elements where the remainder is 0 to 1, else 0: #-- Hence, 7 is only divisible by 1 and itself, hence it is a prime. Just for comparison, here's how it looks in J: Boolean functions, in which arguments and result are in the domain {true, false}, or {1, 0} as expr has it, and operators are e.g. The following "General Problem Solver" (for small values of General) uses heavy metaprogramming: it. The Tcl track on Exercism has In Spencer-Brown's terms, [] (which is "", the empty string with no arguments) is false ("nil" in LISP), and [<>] is the negation of "", i.e. Though slick at first sight, we actually have to type more. To try this in Tcl, here's a truth table generator that I borrowed from a little proving engine, but without the lsort used there the order of cases delivered makes best sense when the first bit is least significant: }. I only had to take care that when moving beyond its ends, I had to attach a space (written as _) on that end, and adjust the position pointer when at the beginning. and let's discuss it. A more generic filter takes a condition and a stream, and on each call returns an element of the input stream where the condition holds if ever one comes along: Friends of syntactic sugar might prefer shell style: and guess what, we can have that in Tcl too (and not in Scheme!-), by writing a proc, that also resets all sprocs, with the fancy name "$" (in Unix, this could be the shell prompt that you don't type, but for Tcl we always have to have the command name as first word): To prove that we haven't cheated by using exec, let's introduce a line counter filter: This can be added to filter chains, to count lines in the original file, or only the results from grep: We further observe that more has a similar structure to filter, so we could also rewrite it in terms of that: The sort filter is unusual in that it consumes its whole (finite!) For this, we reformat the expression to a list of values of type x or !x, that is in turn dumped into a local array for existence checking. My oversimple implementation assumes that the operator is one that expr understands: which returns 28 just as Dr. Backus ordered (= 1*6 + 2*5 + 3*4). but my program set (nmax=30000) ends at 5-byte codes, so even by giving another test to force discovery of the real thing, it would never reach a 7-byte code. 2. looking for: Tcl/Tk exercises (please) 3. . So I tried with another a^2+b^2=c^2 set, and HEUREKA! Without proof, I just claim that every function of n arguments whose characteristic integer is 2^(2^n) 1 is a tautology (or a true statement all bits are 1). So what about a thin abstraction (wrapper) around this recurring pattern? The A formats can also be deduced from the following axioms: How much this ratio is, can easily be computed if we consider that A(n) is produced from A(n-1) by halving it parallel to the shorter side, so, So here is my Tcl implementation, which returns a list of height and width in centimeters (10000 cm2 = 1 m2) with two fractional digits, which delivers a sufficient precision of 1/10 mm: }. Procedures in Tcl cover what other languages call procedures, subroutines, or functions. Example: An existence map of ZIP codes between 00000 and 99999 can be kept in a list of 3125 integers (where each element requires about 15 bytes overall), while implementing the map as an array would take 100000 * 42 bytes in worst case, but still more than a bit vector if the population isn't extremely sparse in that case, a list of 1-bit positions, retrieved with lsearch, might be more efficient in memory usage. In TOOT, the values of objects are represented as a list of length 3: the class name (so much for "runtime type information":-), a "|" as separator and indicator, and the values of the object, e.g. (!a || !b), but then again, these functions are equivalent. This is something like the Goedel number of the corresponding code. Chapters 5-8 introduce more commands and techniques and lines make the self-test; otherwise they just illustrate how the operations should work. ", http://csc.smsu.edu/~shade/333/project.txt, https://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Tcl_Programming/Examples&oldid=3678753, Common Lisp: (documentation 'foo 'function), The ratio between the longer and the shorter side of an A format is constant, pop: retrieve and remove one object from the container, in a stack, the most recently pushed object is retrieved and removed (last in first out, LIFO), in a (normal) queue, it is the least recently pushed object (first in first out, FIFO). Tcl is a powerful scripting language that runs under Unix, Linux, VMS, DOS/Windows, OS/2, and MacOS (at least). They always return a result (even if it is the empty string ""), so to call them functions might be most appropriate. Bertrand Russell commented that the author "has revealed a new calculus, of great power and simplicity" (somehow sounds like Tcl;^). Saving also goes a good way to what is ceremonially called "committing" (you'll need write-locking for multi-user systems), while loading (without saving before) might be called a "one-level rollback", where you want to discard your latest changes. Single bits in vectors, where tcl programming exercises might implement them as with the `` ''! Where one might implement them as have to type more this and subsequent. Into the mold of a rational is of course `` n/d '', Python, etc General problem ''... `` pure values '' and can be ( and typically are ) nested for processing purposes -- the... 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