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introduction to psychology textbook

read more. WebYou can download the PDF using the following link: Introduction to Psychology PDF (14.7 MB) To share these files with your students, copy and paste the text and download link above into a page or announcement in your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.). The topics can be arranged or reordered if desired by the instructor. Today's classrooms, comprised of students from various cultures, text material needs to appeal to a wider audience and challenge students to think more deeply about the broader social context. Chapter 6: I would like to see some discussion on genotype vs. phenotype and epigenetics. The active/present tense phrasing of this definition, in my opinion, is more dynamic. So many topics can and due become controversial, but if we preface these ideas at the outset of our discussions/writings, people tend to remain open-minded and accepting of new ideas. For key terms, it might be helpful to have an index or a glossary for each chapter. I like the depth of the information and how it is displayed. WebYou can download the PDF using the following link: Introduction to Psychology PDF (14.7 MB) To share these files with your students, copy and paste the text and download link above into a page or announcement in your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.). My attempt was to see this textbook from the perspective of a college freshman. Finally, there does seem to be a lot of attention paid to PTSD; it is significantly discussed in 3-4 chapters. v) Likewise, Chapter 13 would benefit from an inclusion of the effect of culture on treatment outcomes. It definitely provides an accurate overview of the field. Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. As noted earlier, some users have reported a preference for moving Chapter 11: Psychology in Our Social Lives to the end of an instructional sequence. Completely revised and updated, this newly illustrated guide helps both licensed and student nurses apply the latest in psychological research and theory to their everyday lives. The author balanced the amount of research, the type of research, and examples very well. The book was accurate and clear. Introduction-to-Psychology.pdf - Google Drive. As well, this online resource could have more interactive online exercises for students throughout the text. Text covers all the areas of Psychology for an introductory course except for Health Psychology. Additionally, this version of the text did not appear to be paginated correctly. The tables are drab: black and white, small font. The chapter gives a sufficient amount of information to the reader to answer the critical thinking questions posed at the end of the chapter. Since 2014 this book has been adopted by B.C. Chapter 3: Biological Psychology. I observed no areas of concern in this domain. The author's focus on behavior and empiricism has produced, Introduction to Psychology, a text that is better organized, has fewer chapters, and is somewhat shorter than many of the leading books. Content generally builds upon less complicated content to more complex theories and findings. The text is well-written and easy to understand. While not entirely comprehensive, these learning aids help to support some learning goals of an introductory course. This book help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Several areas lack depth, which is understandable for an introductory text, but many also seem to lack cultural breadth and could be strengthened by adding more contemporary perspectives. Chapter organization is well replicated across the textbook and appears in a similar sequence as other introductory texts. While I did not see offensive material, I thought the author could have done more to present cultural variation and various cultural issues with nuance and depth. Even though the text is a bit outdated (2010), there are ample opportunities to include culture and diversity. There is a high amount of congruency between the outcomes, the content, examples, exercises, and key points. The content table should be there in the beginning of each chapter to give the clarity to the students what the chapter will be covering. WebIntroduction to Research and the Psychology of Music - Jan 01 2022 What is known about music aptitude and music aptitude testing from the leading expert in the field, Edwin E. Gordon. Module 3: How Psychologists Think About the Field of Psychology. There is no mention of nuance, of common ground, or of the variability among individuals within cultures.). This text sufficiently covers the subfields in psychology, without bogging down the reader in the intricacies of our discipline. A student who reads this book may be less likely to be overwhelmed with information, but at the same would be able to grasp a clear sense of general issues, research issues, and research findings in each topic. There are some graphs and visual aids in the book. 4. The Science and Psychology of Music - Jun 25 2021 This book provides a broad introduction to the scientific and psychological as in Myers, 2013; Passer, Smith, Atkinson, Mitchell, & Muir, 2011). If we want to show students why psychology matters, we need to present more research that is personally and contextually relevant to them (e.g., how does stress impact today's students?). Licenses and Attributions. However, the book certainly covers the classic studies very well. LGBTQ individuals were referred to as "homosexuals" which is outdated and offensive to many. There is an issue with the formatting of Table 5.1 (the latter part of the table is cut-off). There are 14 chapters in total giving a complete understanding of the introductory course for psychology. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. (Chapter 12) ii) In Chapter 9, the author states that "Intelligence is defined by the culture in which it exists," but there is no elaborative discussion on the meaning of intelligence in collectivist cultures. For example, Chapter 11, does not discuss in detail how collectivist cultures differ on personality research versus more individualistic cultures. The graphs, images, diagrams, and illustrations are helpful to clarify difficult concepts (e.g. 3. I think the table that lists the conceptual variable and the operational definition would be very useful to students. The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. Most of the links to the videos provided within each chapter did not work. All ten of these introductory psychology textbooks cover the fundamental information required for a Psychology 101 courses, as determined by the American Psychological Association (APA). In particular, I appreciated this author's approach to human development, which tends to be a content heavy area. The examples provided seem to be relevant and compelling. There was little to no discussion of the historical impacts of psychologists of color or women psychologists. Although humanistic psychology is covered in Chapter 11(Personality) on page 631 it comes much later in the text and is discussed in terms of personality theory development. For example, if you are seeking to provide students a broader sense of how internal emotions and cognitions along with external social events interface, you will have to create your own addendum to the chapter content. I found this open Library Textbook to be accurate, error free apart from a few topics like Stress and Coping. Compare prices on BookScouter. Psychology in Everyday Life: Each chapter contains one or two features designed to link the principles from the chapter to real-world applications in business, environment, health, law, learning, and other relevant domains. Overall, I think that this textbook is absolutely appropriate for an Introductory course. 10 but other topics in that chapter on Emotion and Motivation are not covered as a result). The text is fairly ethnocentric. I read the text as a pdf and did not attempt to download or read it on an iPad or Kindle, for example; nor did I print it. Perhaps this comment is better suited in the interface answer. This text is written and designed well in a format that would be easy to implement updates. Chapter 7: Memory. There is a section dedicated to addressing "positive emotions," although it is limited. The textbook included the topics and chapters that I expect to be included in a General Psychology course. 3. I have seen textbooks with more chapters that may perhaps also be more comprehensive, but may also be overwhelming to get through in a traditional 16 week course. faculty in more Chapters followed a logical progression of material and each chapter included engaging examples and prompts for future learning or current critical engagement with the material. The visuals showed up well in a pdf and the video links worked well. They refer to LGBTQ individuals as homosexuals (p. 439) and apply a heteronormative lens in discussing sexuality. In Chapter 10, I would like to see evidence for the facial feedback hypothesis tied in with the James-Lange theory. There aren't any gaps in the information that is being presented. It is noteworthy that the author did not shy away from including and explaining complex experimental research. Most of the content seems accurate. It would be helpful to explain differences in race, ethnicity, and nationality (especially as the author uses categories such as Jews East Asians and African Americans for comparison) as well as differences in sex, gender, and sexual orientation, and to cite contemporary sources (e.g., a 1984 one was used on p. 371 to describe discrimination, and a 1994 one was used on p. 439 to explain sexual orientation). The chapter discussing intelligence appeared slightly biased; while reviewing the differences in intelligence between men and women and different races, there was more heavy material presented to support these differences in IQ being partially based in genetics, without a discussion around how social norms and environmental factors also come into play when looking at the findings around differences between social groups and intelligence. However, I do hope that the author continues to update material included in the book. Videos that are accessed through hyperlinked text may have been taken down (e.g., the Stepping Reflex video on page 220). In the authors preface there is note that each chapter begins with an attention grabbing story yet I didnt see one for Chapter 2. Authors: Meaghan Altman (UC Merced) et al. Five or ten years from now, he does not expect his students to remember the details of most of what he teaches them. The one exception is the inclusion of a discussion of social dilemmas at the end of Chapter 7 on Learning. I like the depth of the information and how it is displayed. Each chapter presents two close-ups on research well articulated and specific examples of research within the content area, each including a summary of the hypotheses, methods, results, and interpretations. Also the font in a number of the Figures is too small to read (for example, Fig. Navigation is straightforward. This is always the first chapter I teach so that students can begin to practice a more healthy lifestyle and learn how to manage stress and anxiety. As an Instructor that teaches both Intro and higher level Psychology courses, I think that it is imperative for us to be parallel with the students level of interest and strive to motivate them to learn. I appreciate the way that the text is broken into subsections and short paragraphs without feeling disconnected or choppy. So far as I can tell, there are few (to no) grammatical errors. They can improvise some examples from Cross culture as well. The textbook fails to address major psychological issues that an introductory class needs to cover. Reviewed by Jennifer Poole, Chair, Department of Psychology, Langara College on 10/9/13, In the author's preface, he states that the typical length of introductory psychology textbooks serves as a detriment to student learning. We want to make learning inviting and I really feel like this text does just this. Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. The text was consistent in its presentation of information regarding formatting, depth, and use of real life and research related examples. Reviewed by Melissa Cannon, Assistant Professor, Western Oregon University on 3/6/19, The text seems fairly comprehensive in how it introduces the domains of psychology and roots them in empirical research. WebTwo unique approaches from award-winning authors engage students in the science of being human Engage your students in the science of being human with one of these two unique texts from award-winning authors. A more contemporary viewpoint is "nature through nurture" which would be exemplified by the inclusion of a discussion on epigenetics. At an undergraduate level, a strong focus on research can be intimidating and at times, confusing and frustrating. Compare prices on BookScouter. The content does not differ from introductory concepts in psychology. Reviewed by Mary Ann Woodman, Adjunct Professor, Rogue Community College on 8/21/16, Text covers all the areas of Psychology for an introductory course except for Health Psychology. Though most of the examples int he text are based on the american culture. Integrating practices in Positive Psychology, such as meditation, mindfulness and references to this field of study would be very valuable. As previously mentioned, the introduction to Vygotsky's theory in Chapter Six (Growing and Developing) is brief and does not include a discussion on the cultural component of human development. Limited coverage reduces number of chapters and chapter size. This is seen through examples used and pictures (i.e., figures predominantly presented images of white, male bodies). The statistics graph is taken from 2001-3 and not from 2015-16. Also, chapters are an appropriate length and are broken into reasonable length modules. I want them to see it as just that. Each chapter is deceivingly dense with material. The text relies heavily on dominant cultural perspectives and lacks emphasis on the diversity of human nature. Chapter 2: I would like to see a little more focus on critical thinking in this chapter, though it is briefly discussed. With any general psychology textbook there is a large emphasis on the historical context of the field, theorists, physiology, and behavior. The author appears to have set up a predictable cadence to each chapter beginning with learning outcomes, chapter content, and ending with a synopsis of key points. I find the lack of delineated connection between chapters disconcerting. Also, the ebooks I use tend to be more interactive students can actually complete an exercise on a particular concept right after they have read about it by clicking on an icon in the ebook. Unit 2: Understanding and Using Principles of Memory, Thinking, and Learning. International Edition Psychology Textbooks, 1st Edition Psychology Textbooks, 1st Edition Psychology & Help Chapter 14 on group behaviour does not address how culture mediates group behaviour as discussed in many other commercial texts (i.e. I prefer "thinking" to be addressed in the same chapter as intelligence and language. II. In the hard copy and downloaded pfd/Word copies I noted many that the Psychology in Everyday Life sections were written in a smaller font and subsequently not as easy to read. I particularly liked the way that it described key research and illustrated research findings with graphs and other images. Since most of our students are not psychology majors, texts oriented towards giving a student an 9 - Intelligence and Language) that are often treated in separate chapters in other texts. I found minimal grammar errors however, there were several typos (i.e., existence of unneeded text, missing spaces). Additionally, the inclusion of video clips and other ancillary material varies across chapters, with some having a lot of embedded resources while others have relatively few. This text would greatly benefit from more diversity in cultural examples and discussion of how human behavior is impacted by cultural identities. WebSign in. the case of PTSD in Chapter 7). When moving from DSM-IV to DSM-V the Axes system was eliminated yet the text still spends ample time explaining this old diagnostic system. The textbook incorporated various elements of cultural relevance. The text is written is such a manner as to reflect college-level expectations. The author wrote this book to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. I tell my students all of the time in Intro, I want to set the foundation for you in this course. Within each chapter, there is consistency between the concept presented, its description, and the examples used to further elucidate its meaning. In Top Hats textbook, psychology extends beyond the page with interactive demonstrations, auto-graded drawing questions and real world examples. I especially like the chapter openers with real world examples, key takeaways, the applications for everyday life and the empirical research examples. Organization of the text is good. Module 2: How Psychologists Know What They Know. Specifically, it is organized differently from any other psychology textbook I have seen. Breaking each chapter into smaller modules and topics makes the chapters seem shorter than they actually are. If accuracy is defined as the absence of bias, there is nothing that would likely be glaring to the typical undergraduate reading the text. My preference would be to have Growing and Developing follow Chapters 8-11, then be followed by the chapters on psychological disorders. Additionally, some of the information in tables or figures could be better expressed. I compared this textbook with the textbook I currently use, "Discovering Psychology, 7th edition," by Hockenbury, Nolan, and Hockenbury. The "carpentered world hypothesis" could be included discussion of the effects of experience on perceptual interpretations. In fact, the writing was quite strong. In its current format, instructors could augment areas that are weaker and/or pull in more contemporary examples. Introduction-to-Psychology.pdf - Google Drive. Although this topic is addressed in Chapter 8 with "emotion," my preference would be to have an entirely separate chapter devoted to stress (especially since combining motivation and emotion into one chapter is already a lot of material). Reviewed by Colette Jacquot, Adjunct Professor, University of Texas at Arlington on 3/4/20, I was hoping I could adopt this textbook for my classes because I realize how expensive books are and the tremendous stress that this expense alone can place on my students. It present the theoretical and the applied perspective very clearly. As far as discussing therapy, there is a chapter titled, The Science of Psychology and Human Potential which addresses only a few therapeutic interventions: ABA, learned helplessness, CBT, relapse, and conduct disorder interventions. However, links seem to change so quickly on the internet that this is a significant issue. The sections seem appropriate in length to serve as standalone units. The story itself is confusing, however, and inserting it into the text doesnt seem to help accomplish the authors goal. Other than some minor inconsistencies in font size with printed PDF version of the text, the text is easy to navigate and features are helpful. Webeveryone really equal an introduction to key concepts in - Aug 25 2021 web jul 28 2017 i teach a 300 level course essentially acting as an introduction to social justice i love this book and the details sensoy and diangelo go into as far as common statements and rebuttals this book provides an easy to read introduction into the concepts of 2), an in-depth discussion of the application of psychological principles to the workforce, achievement motivation (Ch. First, the Social chapter tackles classic experiments well (e.g., Milgram, Asch, Zimbardo, Sherif) and social influence but fails to address other central topics, such as sexism, ageism, heterosexism, and others. The textbook included the topics and chapters that I expect to be included in a General Psychology course. The writing is clear both at the micro level of individual sentences and paragraphs and at the macro level of lucid organization. Some aspects of the material did not However, I think this modularity comes at a price. About the Open Textbook. I would include a chart on the various careers in Psychology since young people are exploring job options. However, it is inaccurate regarding representing an Introductory to Psychology textbook. Chapter 6: States of Consciousness. The use of excellent examples also helps to provide the context. Module 2: How Psychologists Know What They Know. These issues might be resolved if I had downloaded it to an iPad or e-reader. Reviewed by Mike Mensink, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Stout on 8/21/16, Two versions of this text were compared across formats, the open source 1.0 http://open.lib.umn.edu/intropsyc/ version as well as the updated 2.1 version, located at I did not find inaccuracies or errors, but some cultural bias (see below under Cultural) and issues with relevance of the information and ample citation. In Top Hats textbook, psychology extends beyond the page with interactive demonstrations, auto-graded drawing questions and real world examples. motivation) is lacking. The author wrote this book to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. In the chapter on social psychology, the material on stereotyping and prejudice was accurate, but again presented with less depth than I would prefer. WebSign in. Although the text is not culturally offensive, it does lack cultural depth. Chapter 7: Memory. One advantage to moving to a digital textbook is that the student can use internet resources to connect the content. Considering that I am a person that usually likes paper, I think that this digital text is attractive and organized. Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model). Module 2: How Psychologists Know What They Know. Instead of the typical chapters Motivation, Learning, Cognition, Social, and others the book parcels chapters into inadequate topics. I'm slightly concerned that the latest edition is from 2015, as psychology changes rapidly based on new research findings. The discussion around whether our actions are largely due to nature or nurture did not include material around various theories of heritability, leaving the discussion to sound largely based from a personal perspective. Additionally, there is little mention of Vygotsky in Chapter 6. The other examples were from Canada and Australia. Reviewed by Kendra Miller, Psychology Instructor, Anoka-Ramsey Community College on 6/20/17, I compared this textbook with the textbook I currently use, "Discovering Psychology, 7th edition," by Hockenbury, Nolan, and Hockenbury. Kohlberg's work on Moral Development and Bronfenbrenner's Model could also be included in the chapter on developmental Psychology. Some aspects of the material did not include most recent research and changes in our fields understanding (for example, the discussion around emotion, arousal and the fight/flight system did not include an introduction to trauma or how the growing body of research shows consistently the impact of early trauma on physical/biological and emotional/mental development). The bookmark feature in the pdf was also helpful and made it easy to move from section to section. Chapter 5: Learning & Behavior. Content was error-free and without clear bias. Reviewed by Dr. Natikca Robinson, Associate Professor, J Sargeant Reynolds Community College on 2/8/17, This book covers all the chapters needed to give students an understanding of psychology. Each chapter (with the exception of Chapters 1 and 2) begins with a "chapter opener" that describes an interesting case study. Depending on the format in which the book was downloaded, this book seems to have a relatively user-friendly interface. Each chapter covers a specific topical area in psychology that is later expanded upon in the chapter. There are also fewer helpful additions such as definitions of terms in the margins that one would see in other textbooks. There are topical areas in psychology that are ubiquitous to the field. Text is missing a chapter on Health and Stress Management which highly relevant to the life of a college student. Licenses and Attributions. Chapter 4: Sensation & Perception. Module 3: How Psychologists Think About the Field of Psychology. 4.6 (608) Hardcover $4678 to rent $14664 to buy FREE delivery Jan 17 - 23 I very much appreciate the key takeaways and critical thinking questions found at the end of each section instead of the end of the chapter. Generally, this text compared favorably in terms of comprehensiveness to other introduction to Psychology textbooks. The text is well written and in language that student's can easily understand. The structure of each section lends itself to a good dialogue of the material. For example, the emergence of Positive Psychology and Neuroscience have provided a new and fascinating lens through which we look at human behavior. The books strength is the clarity of the writing. I thought that cultural presentation was one of the weaker areas of this book. There is a slight bias, as there is with most textbooks, but it in no way clouds the content or the information. All ten of these introductory psychology textbooks cover the fundamental information required for a Psychology 101 courses, as determined by the American Psychological Association (APA). The consistency of the format and layout of the chapters allows the reader to know what to expect and thus provides a level of comfort going into a chapter that might otherwise be new and difficult for the reader. The chapters discuss only a few topics instead of addressing a number of vital subjects that introductory psychology students need to master. Stress is included in the chapter on Emotion and Motivation, which perhaps negates the need for a separate chapter (since stress is a major component of health psychology). Although Stangor on p. 23 in Chapter 1 comments on the growing number of women in psychology, he does not highlight historical contributions of women and other cultures (i.e., Margaret Washburn, Maime Phipps Clark) to the field of psychology. Including this in the printed copy would be helpful to students in order to navigate the material. I am not sure if this was some glitch in the formatting of the version of the text I downloaded but it was exceedingly disruptive to the flow of reading. Adding a bolded type face along with a list at the end of the chapter would be helpful to introductory students. While there were mentions of culture in some chapters, it was not included in every chapter despite the availability of the research. WebSign in. If there were grammatical errors in the book they did not stand out. The text does not appear to present issues related to interface. Authors: Meaghan Altman (UC Merced) et al. Sensation, perception, cognitive processes, and developmental psychology are among the topics discussed. Chapter 1: The Origins of Psychology. Module 1: How Psychologists Think. 4. One could easily rearrange or even drop a few chapters, and within a chapter, while one would want to go in order of concepts from basic at the beginning to more complex at the end, one could easily drop a subsection. Topical areas are presented in an unbiased, factual manner; however, the exercises on critical thinking provide the student an opportunity to think more "contextually" about the information presented. 3 web in fawn creek there are 3 comfortable months with high temperatures in the range of 70 85 august is the hottest month for fawn creek with an average high The exercises and critical thinking are to some extent helpful to build on the concepts learned. This emphasis is further supported with chapter openers that focus specifically on real-world examples in applied domains, as well as additional exercises and critical thinking activities for readers. Here are a few of my thoughts on the comprehensiveness of each chapter: Chapter 1: Missing from the "Schools of Psychology" table: Biological, Humanistic, Positive Psychology, and Evolutionary Psychology. I like the depth of the information and how it is displayed. In BC, introductory psychology is offered across two semesters, often as two separate courses (e.g., Psych 101 and Psych 102). 1.5, 2.2, 3.17, 4.29, 5.9, 9.4, 10.4, 10.6, 10.8, 13.7, 14.9, 14.13, 14.15). Check the book out online or order your desk copy today. Nurture '' introduction to psychology textbook would be helpful to students exception is the clarity of the text relies heavily on cultural! Both at the macro level of individual sentences and paragraphs and at,!, missing spaces ) not shy away from including and explaining complex experimental research in... Addressing a number of vital subjects that introductory psychology students need to master begins with an attention grabbing yet. 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