While these temporary hit sect.points remain, you are always considered to beunder the effects of the levitate spell, and you Ashes to Arbiter. Like this book? 4 MORGRAVE MISCELLANY INTRODUCTION A - D & D is a blend of concrete mechanics and abstract story. people of Thrane take pride in their archery, andNo matter how impressive the Karrns mundane peasant archers played a major role in the Lastskills are, Karrnath is infamous for its use of War. follow the Path of the Zealot. Divine magic is just another arrow in your quiver, and prayer is your bow. house, and as a shadow dancer, either is just as likely. Your Adrenaline RushUnarmored Defense might be sheer toughnessand will, or you could literally have natural Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level,armor. Morgrave Miscellany addresses all these questions and more. This DemesneThe Houses of Shadow is typically associated with the College of Swords,and the Five Demesnes which teaches both ancient elven styles and new techniques developed by the school. Have church, and its faithful might ask you for you discovered a buried teaching, perhaps a advice or aid. As one of these monks, you might be an operative for the House or, conversely, it is possible to have remained untethered to anything particularly sinister at all. (bless)services. Morgrave Miscellany with Ruty Rutenberg, Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin, Derek Nekritz ( Dungeon Masters Guild, March 2019, PDF) [32] Eberron: Rising from the Last War with Jeremy Crawford and James Wyatt (Wizards of the Coast, November 2019, ISBN 9780786966899) The smallest of the Five Nations, aspire to this charge, and a character who learnsAundair relied on arcane superiority to hold to use Unwavering Mark and Warding Maneuverits own on the battlefield. You have studied the mysteries of your faith who can always find shelter the divine, either as part of a monastic order and support at a temple. As strengthens the circle, as every tradition offersan heir of a mighty house with a dragonmark unique advantages and techniques that tothat exceeds the most powerful Siberys mark counter different threats.recorded. Rather thanlimiting devotion to a single deity, a vicar of theSovereign Host embraces an entire pantheon ofgods and goddesses. Trove is a collaboration between the National Library of Australia and hundreds of Partner organisations around Australia. relationship with your ancestors as a Valenar, no matter your path. The game especiallybook is to provide you with additional rules makes frequent use of the rules in chaptersand character options that let you delve 7-10 of the Players Handbook: Usingdeeper into the world: new subclasses, Ability Scores, Adventuring, Combat,racial feats, new forms of dragonmarks, and and Spellcasting. That books appendixmore. A productof their environment, the Circle of the Land is Shifters are found among all the Eldeen sectsoften used to support their raids, while the Circle and make excellent rangers and druids. Is thisDivine Purpose the work that requires a lifetime to fulfill or is it something that must be accomplished quickly?As a cleric, you dont have to have a singularpurpose to have been given the power to heal the Drama Divinesick and to smite the foul. Morgrave Miscellany Pdf. MORGRAVE MISCELLANY A Curriculum for Aspiring Adventurers C redits Lead Designers: Keith Baker, Ruty Rutenberg Additional Design: Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin, Derek Nekritz Rules Development: Ruty Rutenberg Story Development: Keith Baker Lead Editor: Ruty Rutenberg Editor: Keith Baker Additional Editing: Nicole Hunsicker, Derek Nekritz Art Director: As one of Olarunes Champions,you and your DM agree to explore, consider a druid is unlikely to be bound to any particularexchanging the Druidic language for one that sect but might have a divine purpose. Or its conceivable that youre looking for career advice. respect for your former rank but the Karrnathi corporal might look to take revenge for a friend If you do follow the soldier background, first lost on the battlefield.identify the nation you served, and perhapsall the way down to the type of unit, a glorious34 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONElite Forces of Khorvaire Optional Rule: The SilverbowMartial archetypes reflect specialized training The Silverbow is an optional variant of theand styles of combat. This special attack has a range of 30 feet arbiter. magic, furthering the idea that your powers arent scientific or reliable, and exploring the It could be that you proselytize and try to connection to a higher power you dont fullyconvince others to follow your path, or you could understand. While such informal Vigilante militias areundead on the battlefield, and as the ranks of surprisingly effective, the Church of the Silverthese skeletal legions swelled, the nation needed Flame also fielded elite units of exceptionala new kind of soldier who could marshal the archers behind their frontlines. It's a DM's Guild product with a lot of ideas and options, but even though I'm involved it's not official. Why read about the Dhakaani Empire when you can walk through its ruins and see its works with your own eyes? What position did you have withinsupernatural threats. Dec 20, 2019 Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime 32-Bit Edition contains new updates which improve . Perhaps you spot a weakness and share it with an ally orBards Without Music shout advice on how to resist an attack. On rare occasion, truly remarkable prospects are made the focus of pursuit, andcultures embrace the bard as an entertainer have been known to cause squabble or infighting between the teachers looking to further thewho also serves as a historian or bearer prestige of their tutelage.of news, a chronicler if you will. The paths described above are well-established and are the most likely monks, but a monk isnt The monks of the Silver Forge follow the limited to these options. They work to advisors travel the nearby farms to ensure theimprove relations between mortals and the fey, farmers of the Reaches work peacefully with theteaching people how to safely interact with the land, nurturing it with each harvest, instead offey, and serving as ambassadors to the faerie doing harm.realms. Legend on the wild would never try to name that whichrecounts how the great progenitor dragon is rooted to the core of the world itself.Eberron enveloped the jealous evil of Khyberin the living prison that would become the While there is no universal alliance between allworld. Breaking with the traditions of Argonnessen,Druids and Civilization Vvaraak came to western Khorvaire and shared her knowledge of natural magic with the orcsDruids stand between the civilized world and of that region. church. truth that others will consider to be heresy? 4 is inhabited by natural creatures but Such differences lead to a deep disconnect the most important thing is to protectbetween the typical druid and a nature all natural creatures from unnaturalworshiping cleric. The Emerald Claw has since beenVigilante can be a respected Resurgent while revived as a force of violent extremists, warriorsstill following their own path as an adventurer, who serve the Queen of the Dead instead of thesimply by keeping their eyes open for ways to aid King of Karrnath. Either unit might seek to defeat established traitors and or heretics to redeemKarrnath: The Ebon Skull their storied reputation? Once you are insulated in this way, you gain Unbridled Aggression. Others simply role in defeating the daelkyr invasion. Your proficiency bonus is doubled type is the same as the attack.for any ability check that uses either of thoseproficiencies. If you cant identify 4 I was given a quest by a clan elder andthe practiced hand of a battle master from cant return to my people until Ive seen it through.the unbridled rage of a barbarian by the end 5 Im amazed by the wonders of the civilizedof this course, Khyber take you. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Though the rivalries within your adventures advance that goal.the sect can range from harmless pranks tomalicious obstruction, this behavior is expected, Other Druidic Traditionsunderstood, and never fatal. You radiate light as if you were the center of the daylight spell.Seeker The Light While you have at least 1 hit point, youAt 3rd level, whenever you hit a creature with regenerate hit points equal to your Wisdomone of the attacks granted by your Flurry of modifier at the start each of your turns.Blows, you can choose to make each fiend,monstrosity, or undead within 30 feet of you Your monk weapon attacks and unarmedmake a Wisdom saving throw. Nice to meet you! maintain your spell.You gain proficiency in martial weapons andcan use any weapon you are proficient with as a Divine Balancespellcasting focus for your cleric spells. The locationbards, wizards and sorcerers can be found at of the Serpentine Table is ever changing andthe Demesne of Shadow honing their illusionist never committed to paper, thus each DM mustaspirations. When you do, your Armor Class under your command and obeys your orders forbecomes 10 + your Constitution modifier + your the next 24 hours.Proficiency bonus. How can you walk through the naturalOalian has been teaching initiates and mediating world with your allies without smashing it?disputes for many thousands of years. The warforged Rather than being driven by rage, an extremewere built for battle, and many class features explorer is guided by remarkable luck and fueledcan be interpreted as specialized design by pure adrenaline. Perhaps a truly gifted The Siyal Marrain are found among the changeling druid understands the compositionValenar elves. Whether you are content to walkthe path alone or if you want to spread beliefsthat could bring you into direct opposition withan established populous, you can find your ownunique approach to religion, even as a cleric ofone of the known faiths.Sovereign DomainBe it war, storm, death itself, faith has morethan one bastion, and these individual aspectscreate the maelstrom of existence. Its damage type is Chillbane. The Demesne of Music is in the city of Flamekeep in Thrane. SibeLIUS 5.1. Prince Oargev has Aside from the Knights Arcane, Aundairians established himself in New Cyre, but not all offavor grace and cunning over brute strength. Adominated by the goblin Empire of Dhakaan. Thisspecifically to defend Thrane from the advancing roving army is grouped into camps made up ofundead hordes. pertaining to protecting the innocent, regardless of their beliefs and on fighting supernatural evil. Legendof the Shepherd care for their warhorses and among the Eldeen shifters speaks of the moon,commune with ancestral spirits. Even the most gifted linguists lament that its patternsthe champions of nature called druids. An Argent Fist is a to use such gifts to battle crime in the alleys ofchampion of the Church, well versed in its lore, Sharn or to protect the innocent from tyranny.and sworn to protect the innocent from all foulthings. expend one of your Hit Die to sacrifice some of your life force to deal damage equal to your druid Gates of Wrath. or higher to increase the effectiveness of either Spells Known of 1st-level and Higher.You know three 1st-level cleric spells of yourchoice, two of which you must choose from thenecromancy and transmutation spells on thecleric spell list. this faith. MORGRAVE MISCELLANY A Curriculum for Aspiring AdventurersCredits Playtesters: Teos Abadia, Kurt Caceres, Chelsea Caine, Khanuh Casler, Cory Casoni,Lead Designers: Keith Baker, Ruty Rutenberg Wayne Chang, Charlie Chu, Kenna Conklin,Additional Design: Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin, Ryan Conklin, Jenny Conlee, Chris Funk, Dan Garrison, Hrishikesh Hirway, Jason Hobson, Derek Nekritz Nicole Hunsicker, Noura Ibrahim, KymRules Development: Ruty Rutenberg Jackson,Taliesin Jaffe, Jonathan Keltz, DerekStory Development: Keith Baker Mears, Jason Charles Miller, Marc Mohan,Lead Editor: Ruty Rutenberg Lindsey Mortensen, Marty Mortimer, DerekEditor: Keith Baker Nekritz, Cig Neutron, Kai Norman, SatineAdditional Editing: Nicole Hunsicker, Derek Phoenix, Milynn Sarley, Austin Scoggin, Kristian Serrano, Eugene Simon, Jimmy Nekritz Tamborello, Shana Targosz, Ivan Van Norman,Art Director: Ruty Rutenberg Kyle Vogt, B Dave Walters, Scott Welker,Additional Art Direction: Kim Van Deun Dinora WalcottBook Designer: Will HindmarchCover Illustrator: Kim Van Deun This book includes rules, subclasses, and spellsInterior Illustrator: Kim Van Deun that originally appeared in GuidmastersAdditional Illustration: Khanuh Casler Guide to Ravinica (2018), Xanathars Guide toProducer: Ruty Rutenberg Everything (2017) and Xanathars Lost Notes to Everything Else (2017).ON THE COVER Special Thanks to the entire staffA changeling and of Dungeons & Dragons andwarforged, two of Maze Arcana, the encouragementEberrons outcasts, and patience of Jenn Ellis & Satinefind their way in Sharn, Phoenix, and to all the playtestersthe City of Towers. Every extreme explorer is afeatures. Seizing control of an enemy necromancer's animated legions and beating him to death with them is a very classy move. appropriate goals and character arcs that willThey always have the Rage feature, but Rage fuel the story for the life of the campaign. Whenever you reduce one level to your target, in addition to the attacksof your hated foe to 50 hit points or fewer, you normal damage. The reason for Morgrave Miscellany PDF is to furnish you with extra standards and character choices that let you dig further into the world: new subclasses and races, racial accomplishments, new types of dragon marks, and that's just the beginning. Perhaps your former service to the house can get you shelterMA1104: Weapons of Warriors and respect at a Deneith enclave without having a dragonmark of your own.A fighter is more than just adept with arms andarmament. If youre a DM, you shouldcreates a barbarian or druid character, the also know where to look things up in theinformation about the Druidic sects of the Dungeon Masters Guide, especially theEldeen Reaches or the concept of the super- rules on how magic items work (see chaptersoldier barbarians of House Vadalis could be 7 of that book). Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 13The Demesne of Shadow teaches the art of ties to these demesnes as covers for theirillusion. A folk hero might be determinedto fighting for the light. ancestors, spirits of nature, and even of fringe realms to this plane. In return, youre or in an isolation of your own making. Along with Eberron's creator Keith Baker, this supplement features. Your proficiency cost. Soldier. Or are you driving by curiosity, or explorers venture into the frigid depths of theinstincts you cant explain? Itthe lay before your kind. Later legends imposecan be created as a barbarian of the Ancestral that this gift was corrupted by demons, and thisGuardian, cleric of the Nature domain, or Hunter is the true origin of lycanthropy. His novels acting, alongside all the major studios on titlesinclude the Dreaming Dark trilogy and the Thorn like Argo, Fury, Finest Hours, Growhouse, andof Breland trilogy, both available on Audible.com. Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron is currently playtest material, meaning some mechanics may change as Wizards of the Coast releases updates.Morgrave Miscellany is brand new third party content that will undergo a similar process and likely see revisions as well.The Korranberg Chronicle - Adventurer's Almanac is also third party content and may see some changes as well. Circles of the Moon a wide array of bestial and humanoid shapes isand the Shepherd work with dinosaurs and excel called a menagerie.at assuming dinosaur shapes. folk hero types who cant help but stand against the tide find themselves labeled Vigilante for The Knights Arcane are the predominant taking matters into their own hands. you must protect? As much of Thranes conflict during the war was with the neighboring Karrnath, the Through the secrets of the religion, the first training of the Silverbows focused on infusingBone Knights learned bonecraft as followers of their arrows with the power of the Flame itself,the Blood of Vol. Alone and unafraid pdf free download In this unit we study some of mystery as to why youve left military service. Have youThe last war was a defining moment in the been discharged, on an important mission for ahistory of Eberron. Youschemes or most vital details. The Kings Swords fight in the Resurgent with the soldier background is respected for their deeds in the Last War and36 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONmight have held a high rank but folk heroes are Bone Knight could turn the tide of a battle. As clandestine as some of diplomats, while those who followed the Collegethe elven houses, one might know a member for of Valor inspired soldiers on the battlefield.decades but only realize this is the case when aninvitation is extended as a sponsor. Druids tied to this The Ashbound are the warriors of the natural sect can be tasked to hunt down and destroyworld. The Demon Wastes are harsh and deadly, homeSavage Warriors to malevolent spirits and echoes of ancient wars. You are a champion of light in an endless war against Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 9darkness, and you have no time or patience for Civilized Barbariansthe luxuries or distractions of the civilized world,and the people of Khorvaire likely seem soft and As a class, the barbarian is a survivor whosenave. who is to say if an angel is truly a servant of Boldrei and not an agent of the Lords of Dust? You can choose to useAlso at 3rd level, you learn to bend locks and this feature after seeing the roll but before thetraps with dashing style. The Wolf is the Clawfoot, a swift raptor and the mostThe Tribes of the Talenta Plains common warriors mount. Talaen Tolaoi Professor of Military Studies 6 I serve as an ambassador and scout for my people, doing what I can to help my clanMA1103: Barbaric Practices through my adventures.Even in these enlightened times, barbarism 7 Im searching for an artifact that belongedlingers in the shadows of Khorvaire. Morgrave Miscellany Pdf Trove Download Keith Baker, Eberron's original creator, and other authors have teamed up for a new 164-page PDF Eberron supplement, following up on last year's Wayfarer's Guide to Eberron. In effect, this is Xanathar's Guide to Eberron. You may be on the trail oftemporary hit points equal to the total number a hidden cult manipulating the fate of nations.you regain. Intelligenceagencies of Khorvaire are discussed in more 2 A Thurimbar rod carved from a unicorns horn.detail in the Rogue section of this chapter. Ancestry and patronage are paramount to eachValenar fighter, as is their equine prowess. It is the language of nature itself and is integrally tied to calling on nature to facilitate Excerpt from Galifar Evolved casting a druids spells. On a success, the effect ends on This feature improves when you reach 11th the target.level, when you can expend 1 ki point and 5hit points from your well of cleansing flame to Radiant Embraceend one effect that is causing the creature to becharmed or frightened. Archery is a devotional practice of the SilverCavaliers and Champions can be found Flame, and many practiced on the range daily,throughout its army and special forces reflecting regardless of their station on the battlefield. If you hit, you addinsulation. Its always possible that their command and to encourage dramatic your dream was crafted by a clever quori and action in the name of such faith. The undead you're trying to control get a saving throw; intelligent undead roll with advantage. If it fails, it fallsarmor. Theres a well- superiority of their ancestor or, if you share anestablished monastery in Sharn, and its ancestor, that their mastery of the path is greatermembers help to defend the local kalashtar than yours.from the schemes of the Dreaming Dark. add Radiant Arrow to the list of options for Arcane Shot. Morgrave Miscellany Pdf Trove The book's conceit is that it is a discussion of classes available at Morgrave University in Sharn. Is a massive planar incursion looming? Cleric of Aureon search for violated.knowledge to share as wisdom to help others. Images, Maps & Artefacts Translated in the common of matter on a level that allows extending theGalifaran tongue to Horse Watchers, these transformation to others with cure wounds,druids care for the remarkable steeds of the enhance ability, or protection from energy, whileelves and unleash the force of nature on the still following the rules of spellcasting.battlefield. 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