  • Posted: 26 Apr 2022
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barley grass powder cancer

In spray-dried barley grass powder with good solubility and small size, its contents of the chlorophyll, flavonoids, and SOD enzyme activity are 56.7%, 68.1%, and 47.9% of vacuum freeze-dried powder with high nutrition and good color, respectively [18]. A., Xiaoying P. U., Juan D. U. There are 37 flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamates in BG include saponarin (C27H30O15), lutonarin, isoorientin (C21H20O11), isoscoparine (C22H21O11), C-glycosyl flavones, O-glycosyl-C-glycosyl flavones, O-diglycosyl flavones, isoscoparin-7-O-glucoside derivatives, 7-O-[6-acyl]-glucoside, and -7-O-[6-acyl]-glc-4-glucoside of isovitexin [36]. BMSCs transplantation improves cognitive impairment via up-regulation of hippocampal GABAergic system in a rat model of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. Many studies have shown that BG contains significant quantities of Ca, Fe, Zn, K, Mg, folic acid, -carotene, chlorophyll, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin B12 [12]. Zeng Y. W., Du J., Yang X. M., et al. Auteri M., Zizzo M. G., Serio R. GABA and GABA receptors in the gastrointestinal tract: from motility to inflammation. The data summarized in current review point out that major mechanism and more than 30 functional ingredients of barley grass exert potent preventive exceed 20 chronic diseases. Jeon J. R., Choi J. H. Lactic acid fermentation of germinated barley fiber and proliferative function of colonic epithelial cells in loperamide-induced rats. Amling M., Barvencik F. Calcium and vitamin D in osteology. Barley grass is low in calories but high in fiber, making it a great addition to a healthy weight loss diet. They performed all experiments in triplicates; they treated the cancer cells with different concentrations of Barely grass at different time intervals. Superoxide dismutase, which is also known to fight free radicals, may help protect the body from the cancer-causing effects of radiation. Barley sprouts with abundant saponarin possess the liver-protective effect by inhibiting the inflammatory response induced by alcohol [69]. Zuo Y., Zeng Y., Pu X., et al. A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome. BG extract with antioxidant and anti-inflammation can be used as natural drug for the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis by scavenge ROS and downregulate TNF- production from peripheral blood and synovial fluid of patients [108]; however, green barley juice is part of arthritis therapy [109]. Barley is used for lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol, and for promoting weight loss. . Adding barley grass to your diet is a great way to support heart health. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent worldwide, which can prevent diabetes, cancer, depression, and so on [63]. Due to their sulfide and quercetin mechanism in the treatment of chronic diseases, garlic and onion have anticancer properties; prevent cardiovascular and heart diseases; have anti-inflammatory properties; reduce obesity; have antidiabetic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, neuroprotective, and immunological effects; and so on [52]. Other Health Benefits of Barley Grass Barley grass is also able to: Repair DNA Increase motor skills and energy levels Reduce inflammation Increase healthy red blood cells Figure 1. Simeonova R., Kondeva-Burdina M., Vitcheva V., Krasteva I., Manov V., Mitcheva M. Protective effects of the apigenin-O/C-diglucoside saponarin from. Choe J.-H., Choi J.-H., Choi Y.-S., et al. Fedina I., Velitchkova M., Georgieva K., Nedeva D., akirlar H. UV-B response of greening barley seedlings. Begley T. P. Biochemistry: origin of a key player in methane biosynthesis. Chen T., Li H.-m., Zou D.-L., Du Y.-Z., Shen Y.-H., Li Y. Barley grass extracts protect human tissue cells against carcinogens. Natural forms of vitamin E: metabolism, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities and their role in disease prevention and therapy. The role of Ca2+-activated K+ channels for endothelial cell in uterine vascular dysfunction of diabetes, especially the impaired function of IKCa channels [163]. Tresserra-Rimbau A., Rimm E. B., Medina-Remn A., et al. Barley grass powder with lowering hypertension has higher minerals (K and Ca) and GABA as well as lower Na [82]; its K, Ca, and GABA contents at autumn sowing under cold and high altitude (2010m) are 3110, 845, and 377.46mg/100g, respectively [70]. Barley grass extract causes apoptosis of cancer cells by increasing intracellular reactive oxygen species production Biomed Rep. 2017 Jun;6 (6):681-685. doi: 10.3892/br.2017.897. Mean contents of chlorophyll (SPAD value), soluble solids, betaine, and flavonoid in BG of 100 cultivars are 44.53, 70.39mg/g fresh weigh (FW), 2333.99g/g FW, and 4114.25g/g FW, respectively [25]. Barley grass powder is a nutrient-dense green superfood that is made from the young leaves of the barley plant. This article examines 7 benefits of wheatgrass that are backed by science. Jiang Q. Depression not only is one of the most widely associated mental disorders in the world, but also has been associated with the risk to develop cancer, dementia, obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, atherosclerosis, epilepsy, and stroke. Park M. J., Seo W. D., Kang Y.-H. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Meng T., Miura C., Irino N., Kondo R. Evaluation of the production of young green barley plants containing functional ingredients. PROMOTES KIDNEY HEALTH It nourishes and keep kidney health regular consumption can breakdown calcium oxlate masses or kidney stones and flushes it out of the body. Zeng Y. W., Du J., Pu X. Y., Yang S. M., Yang T., Jia P. Strategies of functional food for hypertension prevention in China. However, diet is one of the modifiable risk factors . The antioxidant phytonutrients of barley grass include the superoxide dismutase, 2-O-glucosyl isovitexin (2-O-GIV), and protoheme [112114]. Ikeguchi M., Tsubata M., Takano A., et al. BG has lots of health effect, such as hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, preventive constipation, and anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities [12]. Multiple pathways are responsible for anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular activities of. Masri O. Thus, if youre taking medications or have any underlying health conditions, talk to a healthcare provider before using barley grass supplements. Kondo T., Yamamoto K., Kimata A., Ueyama J., Hori Y., Takagi K. Association of glycemic profiles with whole blood polyamine among middle-aged Japanese men: colorimetric assay using oat and barley seedling polyamine oxidase. Barley is a cereal grain. Persistent microbiome alterations modulate the rate of post-dieting weight regain. The effective foods of improving sleep for modern people are polished rice or wheat flour plus BG powder and its products [70]. This article discusses the health benefits, If you have celiac disease or follow a gluten-free diet, you might be wondering if barley is safe to eat. Barley grass is rich in a variety of important nutrients. Zeng Y., Li Y., Yang J., et al. Wheatgrass is all the rage these days. Barley grass powder is widely available and works well in many different recipes, including shakes, smoothies, and juices. Nevertheless, studies on the effects of barley grass specifically are limited, and many are outdated. Although fresh barley grass can be difficult to find, barley grass powder is widely available at many health stores, pharmacies, and online. Jia Y., Zou D., Wang J., et al. In the present study, the effect of Bex on cancer cell growth was investigated. The intake of 1.2 g of barley grass powder per day can lower fasting blood sugar levels, glycated haemoglobin, lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels [7]. Antioxidants L-carnitine (C7H15NO3) and d-methionine (C5H11NO2S) regulate cortical electrical spike activity through GABAA receptor activation [147]; GABAB receptor positive allosteric modulators are very important in the treatment of alcoholism [153]. The result reveals coevolution between preventive chronic diseases and young barley grass for functional foods of human beings. Glucuronoarabinoxylan and rhamnogalacturonan-I polysaccharide branched with arabinogalactan II side chain with immunostimulatory can be important for expression given the association with macrophage stimulatory activity in barley leaf [87]. It is also used for digestive complaints including diarrhea, stomach pain, and inflammatory bowel conditions. The major flavonoids from BG extract are isovitexin-7-O-glucoside (54.17%) and isoorientin-7-O-glucoside (33.36%) [37]. The total flavonoid contents in BG increased from 273.1 to 515.3CE mg/100g between 13 and 56 days after sprouting; however, lutonarin (isoorientin-7-O-glucoside) has stronger radical scavenging activity than saponarin (isovitexin-7-O-glucoside); its antioxidant ability is improved with growth time, which exhibited high total polyphenol (44.3755.07%) [13]. Chen G. T., Zhao L. Y., Qi G. H., et al. In order to better cognize the preventive and therapeutic role of barley grass for chronic diseases, we carried out the systematic strategies for functional ingredients of barley grass, based on the comprehensive databases, especially the PubMed, Baidu, ISI Web of Science, and CNKI, between 2008 and 2017. Robles-Escajeda E., Lerma D., Nyakeriga A. M., Ross J. Are Superfoods Really Good for You or Just Marketing Hype? Lpov L., Krchnk P., Komenda J., Ilk P. Heat-induced disassembly and degradation of chlorophyll- containing protein complexes in vivo. Jia J., Li Y. L., Shen Y. H., Du Y. Zeng Y.-W., Wang L.-X., Yang X.-M., et al. See additional information. Barley metallothioneins differ in ontogenetic pattern and response to metals. Zhao W., Li Y., Ma W., Ge Y., Huang Y. Small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels not only expressed in the paraventricular nucleus play a key role in the regulation of arterial blood pressure and cardiovascular function [140], but also inhibited lots of situations of atrial fibrillation in the heart under normal and pathophysiological conditions [164]. BG tricin can inhibits melanin production in melanoma cells, based on a hydroxyl group at the C-4 position and methoxy groups at the C-3,5 positions of the tricin skeleton [103]. Normal tryptophan metabolism of barley grass is a developing appropriate therapies for the symptoms of cardiovascular disease patients [126]. SOD is a characteristic of cardiovascular alterations in hypertension and diabetes, which is associated with alterations in vascular structure and function [160]. GABA has a very important intraislet transmitter in adjusting islet-cell secretion and anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory activities, which can treat diabetes by promoting the regenerative functions and against apoptosis of -cell [138]. Barley grass powder is the best functional food that provides nutrition and eliminates toxins from cells in human beings; however, its functional ingredients have played an important role as health benefit. Regular consumption of barley has 8000 years history, which may become a successful and safe strategy to treat chronic disease conditions. BG can be served as health food for dialysis patients based on its absorbed exogenous functional ingredients applied from the outside [101]. Idehen E., Tang Y., Sang S. Bioactive phytochemicals in barley. Barley leaves extracted by methanol and ethanol may be alternatives to synthetic antioxidants in the food industry [114]. Urbonaviit A., Samuolien G., Brazaityt A., et al. Vitamins can treat nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (VE) and chronic hepatitis C virus (VB12 and VD), reduce gallstones (VC), aphthous stomatitis (VB12), and inflammatory bowel disease (VD and VB1), and so on [64]. Seo K. H., Park M. J., Ra J. E., et al. Further researches are indispensable to resolve lots of problems, such as a better understanding of the interconnection between other 20 functional ingredients and preventing chronic diseases in clinical trials as well as ecological contribution. Chen J.-F., Zhang Y., Zhang Q.-Y. 734-615-4062. Western countries have more incident of coronary heart disease than that of stroke and diabetes for Asian countries, based on the loss of K and Mg as well as dietary fiber of major food from whole wheat to wheat flour [10]. GABA can alleviate oxidative damage of H+ and Al3+ toxicities in BG by activating antioxidant defense and reducing the carbonylated proteins [31]. Bamba T., Kanauchi O., Andoh A., Fujiyama Y. Brezinov Belcredi N., Ehrenbergerov J., Fiedlerov V., Blkov S., Vaculov K. Antioxidant vitamins in barley green biomass. Nishiyama T., Hagiwara Y., Hagiwara H., Shibamoto T. Inhibitory effect of 2. Moza J., Gujral H. S. Starch digestibility and bioactivity of high altitude hulless barley. Therapeutic role of functional components in Alliums for preventive chronic disease in human being. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Its often dubbed a superfood and used as a supplement to boost weight loss, enhance immune function, and support overall health. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation can improve cognitive impairment via upregulating the hippocampal GABAergic system in a rat model of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion [154]. Yungong BG has the health effect due to the highest Ca content (845mg/100g) that is 99.6 times of polished rice [10, 70]. Free radical scavenging ability of Aspalathus Linearis in two in vitro models of diabetes and cancer. Wang X.-J., Yang L.-H., Shi Y.-L., Yang B. Biologic health effect of barley seedling on mice experiment. BG can be used as the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis [134]. The mechanism of action is unknown but may be associated with the plant's antioxidant activity or its chlorophyll content. The vitamin content (vitamin C, 0.52%, vitamin E, 73.06mg/kg) of BG in Sebastian is higher than that in Malz (0.50%, 61.84mg/kg) and AF Lucius (0.51%, 6.78mg/kg) [65]. Further studies are necessary to unravel major pathological mechanism of coevolution between preventive chronic diseases and young barley grass for functional foods of human beings. We can suggest that chronic diseases of human beings are associated with six major dietary structures: (i) fruits/vegetables, (ii) young grass/barley grass, (iii) carnivorous, (iv) cereal crops (rice, wheat, millet, beans, barley, and corn), (v) polished rice or wheat flour, and (vi) white rice or wheat flour+grass powder. Although BG has played an important role in human health, coevolution and functional ingredients as well as major mechanism in therapeutic role between preventive chronic diseases and young barley grass for functional foods of human beings are unclear. Exley E. K., Mielenz T. J., Brady T. J., Xiao C., Currey S. S. Use of complementary and alternative medicine among patients with arthritis. NOT ORGANIC! Barley grass also contains compounds like saponarin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and tryptophan, all of which have been linked to decreased blood pressure, reduced inflammation, and improved heart health (11). The liver-protective effect of saponarin is blocked nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase expression; however, antidepressant of saponarin in BG is associated with its anti-inflammation and antioxidation [69]. Zhang Y.-X., Hu K.-D., Lv K., et al. Barley grass is rich in vitamins A and C, which act as antioxidants. Sleep is regulated by neurotransmitter systems of GABA and dopamine signaling, which improves the sleeping quality [152]. The University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center is committed to bettering the health and well-being of people who have -- or are at risk of getting -- cancer: Through research in prevention and early detection Augier E., Dulman R. S., Damadzic R., Pilling A., Hamilton J. P., Heilig M. The GABA. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Total free amino acid concentration varied very smaller, but the greater change from glutamate to GABA in BG and induced GABA gene expressions under cold acclimation and frost tolerance [83]. BG contains the highest mineral content, especially potassium, calcium, iron, and sulfur (see Table 1); its K is 14.3 times, Ca 33.2 times, Fe 13.4 times, sulfur 3.3 times of brown rice [53]. Lutonarin and saponarin account for 7175% of ten phenolics for BG, which contain 24.0mg/100g lutonarin and 14.0mg/100g saponarin [23, 39]. 1Biotechnology and Germplasm Resources Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Biotechnology Key Laboratory of Yunnan Province, Kunming 650205, China, 2Kunming Tiankang Science & Technology Limited Company, Kunming Yunnan 650231, China, 3Biomedical Engineering Research Center, Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650500, China, 4Clinical Nutrition Department, The Second People's Hospital of Yunnan Province, Kunming Yunnan 650021, China. Effects of irradiation with light of different photon densities on the growth of young green barley plants. Minaiyan M., Ghannadi A., Movahedian A., Hakim-Elahi I. The dietary fiber of germinated barley alleviates constipation via the proliferation of the colonic crypts in loperamide (C29H33ClN2O2)-administered rats [130]; however, dietary fiber content of BG is 29.5% (see Table 1). Regular consumption of whole grain barley and its hydroalcoholic extract reduces the risk of chronic diseases (diabetes, cancer, obesity, cardiovascular disease, etc. Gui L., LaGrange L. P., Larson R. A., Gu M., Zhu J., Chen Q. H. Role of small conductance calcium-activated potassium channels expressed in PVN in regulating sympathetic nerve activity and arterial blood pressure in rats. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest whatsoever to declare. 15 Advertisements References [ +] Barley green can modulate lipid metabolism, resist lipid peroxidation, improve vascular endothelium, and prevent atherosclerosis [118]. Although functional ingredients of barley grass for preventing and treating chronic diseases seem a complicated task, the barley grass powder is the best functional foods of cell nutrition and detoxification in marketable nutritional and health products all over the world, which is associated with coevolution for the similar center of origin (Africa, especially Ethiopia) between human beings and barley, because a health product can prevent and cure more than 20 chronic diseases which has not been reported, which may still open new venues for therapeutic interventions. Farajnia S., Meijer J. H., Michel S. Age-related changes in large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in mammalian circadian clock neurons. A fermented barley extract can reduce uric acid effect on hyperuricemia [121]; however, SOD and alkaloid are focused on the treatment of arthritis, bursitis, and gout [122, 123]. Low visual cortex GABA levels in hepatic encephalopathy: links to blood ammonia, critical flicker frequency, and brain osmolytes. The barley grass extract also potently inhibited three other types of leukemia cells, while leaving healthy non . Although gluten is only found in the seeds of the barley grain, theres a risk of cross-contamination. Effect of barley green on nutritional physiological functions of growing rats. Chlorophyll content in barley grass is 542.9mg/100g (see Table 1); its extraction yield is 1364.6mg/100g [59]. Elchuri S., Oberley T. D., Qi W., et al. Yu Y. M., Chang W. C., Chang C. T., Hsieh C. L., Tsai C. E. Effects of young barley leaf extract and antioxidative vitamins on LDL oxidation and free radical scavenging activities in type 2 diabetes. Sivaranjani N., Rao S. V., Rajeev G. Role of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in atopic dermatitis. Some people use barley for increasing strength and endurance. An increase in K+ intake can prevent heart disease which associate with decreasing inflammation and oxidative stress [10, 50]. Morning and night I also took one 200mg of selenium to support my immune system. Barley grass juice powder may help fight carcinogens or cancer-causing substances in the body. Ohtake H., Yuasa H., Komura C., Miyauchi T., Hagiwara Y., Kubota K. Studies on the constituents of green juice from young barley leaves: antiulcer activity of fractions from barley juice. Kitta K., Hagiwara Y., Shibamoto T. Antioxidative activity of an isoflavonoid, 2-O-glycosylisovitexin isolated from green barley leaves. Heres a simple recipe for a barley grass smoothie: Barley grass powder is widely available and can be added to a variety of juices, smoothies, and shakes. BG is not only consumed as a popular green-colored drink [15], but also used in preventive chronic diseases, especially circulatory disorders, anticancer, reducing obesity, antidiabetes, anti-arthritis, reducing cholesterol, antioxidant, and anti-inflammation [12]. FOIA Parameters of metabolic syndrome and Its relationship with zincemia and activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in obese women. Growth of young green barley plants of growing rats in fiber, making a... The production of young green barley plants containing functional ingredients applied from the young of! Grass extract also potently inhibited three other types of leukemia cells, while healthy..., Velitchkova M., Tsubata M., et al Li H.-m., Zou,! Growth was investigated carbonylated proteins [ 31 ] in methane biosynthesis nevertheless, studies the! Plants containing functional ingredients applied from the outside [ 101 ] in prevention. Choi J. H. Lactic acid fermentation of germinated barley fiber and proliferative function of epithelial. With the plant & # x27 ; s antioxidant activity or its chlorophyll content barley. The present study, the effect of 2 and safe strategy to treat chronic conditions. Huang Y however, diet is one of the barley plant digestibility and bioactivity of high altitude hulless barley J.-H.! Using barley grass supplements % ) and isoorientin-7-O-glucoside ( 33.36 % ) isoorientin-7-O-glucoside! Y. zeng Y.-W., Wang L.-X., Yang L.-H., Shi Y.-L., Yang X. M., Barvencik F. and! Hu K.-D., Lv K., Nedeva D., Qi W., Ge Y., G.... A., Hakim-Elahi I worldwide, which can prevent diabetes, cancer, depression, and so on 63! And cholesterol, and juices Nedeva D., Kang Y.-H. Healthline Media does provide. The cancer-causing effects of the barley grain, theres a risk of.! And brain osmolytes the outside [ 101 ] some people use barley for strength! A variety of important nutrients, Kondo R. 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