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buffy chosen

Buffy use the collective Slayer power to defeat Wise, empowered by Shenlong. After an encounter with an average vampire left her badly wounded, she became interested in learning the deaths of past Slayers and poured through old Watchers Diaries with Giles in an attempt to better understand her situation. Willow invokes a magic spell that alters the ancient Slayer spell and gives Buffy the allies she needs to fight the Uber-Vamp army. You came pretty close to smacking me down," before asking Buffy "What more do you want?" The two quickly realized their unity was strongest than their divergent opinions. [39] Buffy kicked the woman into the open mouth of Shenlong, causing it to devour Wise whole. [13], Faith then awakened from her coma and used a Draconian Katra left to her by the Mayor to switch bodies with Buffy. Buffy tells Spike coyly that Faith still sleeps in her bedroom and she has nowhere to sleep. Later that night, Buffy finds herself unable to sleep and paces the basement as Spike sleeps. With her death, Buffy was moved onto what she would refer as "heaven," where she apparently found peace. [53], In Los Angeles, Buffy spent the summer waiting tables in a diner under a false identity (her middle name, Anne), trying to turn her back on her destiny. [90] However, her friends feared that her spirit had been trapped in a hell dimension due to the mystical circumstances of her death, so they resurrected Buffy months later. The demon's blood had mixed with Angel's during the confrontation, causing him to become human again. Buffy denied that she was but when questioning Xander of this, he said, "The important thing is, you believe that. The Slayer Organization seeks refuge in Tibet. While Kendra's complete devotion to her Slayer duties contrasted with Buffy's emotional drive and loyalty to those she loved, the two Slayer eventually became friends. She went forth and killed a group of mind-controlledhellhounds released by a dateless nerd, Tucker Wells,before attending prom dressed in formal wear. Harth proceeded to overpower the combined might of Buffy and Melaka, until his body began to break down under the strain of his Slayer powers, so Buffy staked him with the Scythe. Buffy smiles. Giles' reluctance to see Buffy hurt and subsequent interference in the test led to him being fired as her official Watcher and replaced with Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, though Buffy quickly rebelled against Wesley and refused to take him seriously when he turned out to be little more than a bumbling idiot and a coward. That last part is easier than it sounds, as Sunnydale's adults are too wrapped up in lawn care ( and denial) to acknowledge the evil brewing right under their feet. BUFFY Knew I'd get ya. When Angel warns her that the relationship would never work, Buffy brings up their own tortured romance. Sarah Michelle Gellar BuffyNicholas Brendon XanderEmma Caulfield AnyaMichelle Trachtenberg DawnJames Marsters SpikeAlyson Hannigan Willow Riley asked Buffy to trust that he was trying to help, so she and Willow accepted the amnesty. Wood demonstrates that he understands her defensiveness over getting emotionally involved with men and asks her to give him a chance after the battle. Andrew fights until he is overwhelmed. When Buffy awoke, she discovered both Willow and the Scythe missing; she had gone to restore the magic on Earth. Joyce Summers (mother)Hank Summers (father)Dawn Summers (sister)Celia (cousin)Arlene (aunt)Twilight ("child")Joyce Harris (niece) Buffy was crying on the back porch when Spike appeared, armed with a shotgun. When walking home with Spike, she dusted a vampire in front of her mother, forcing Buffy to reveal her identity as the Slayer. [95] What initiated the relationship was the fact that Spike could then hit her despite his chip still working. Written and directed by Joss Whedon, it was originally broadcast on May 20, 2003, on the UPN network. They tracked the demon down into the sewers and succeeded in wounding it before it escaped. At the en Read allAfter killing Caleb, Buffy conceives a plan to defeat the First once and for all. She then went after Jordan to accept her offer in exchange for extra blood rations for Spike, but only as a trustee, to actually keep the place in order. THE FIRST Is there any plan that girl doesn't ruin? Buffy refused, unwilling to sacrifice her humanity in exchange for power. Willow sits in the school principal's office directly above the Seal, the scythe before her. [147] Buffy and the others immediately attack Severin, only to be blown away by his immense strength. [21], Willow used the Scythe to perform a spell that activated Slayers all around the world. [111], Spike followed Buffy to the house and expressed his love and admiration for her. The core four share a moment talking about going to the mall after saving the world which causes Giles to say "the earth is definitely doomed." Buffy dreamed about both men, often together, long after the respective relationships ended. [23], Buffy once again attempted to attain some level of normalcy in her life when she lied to her Watcher so she could attend a frat-party alongside Cordelia, due to Giles' strictness and Angel's reluctance in dating her. Died Angel has brought an amulet intended to be worn by someone ensouled, yet more than human. Xander and Willow walk down the hallway with Buffy before each one peels off, leaving Buffy walking alone to the seal. Though at first taken aback by his madness, she eventually came to realize that he had regained his soul in order to prove himself to her. Pike was her friend and love interest when she first began her journey as the Slayer, but the pair broke up before she moved to Sunnydale. She held disgust and hatred of collateral damage as she had always tried to save as many people as she could by any means necessary, even if a solution to save the world was killing someone innocent (a striking difference from her ex-boyfriend Angel, who hademployed "ends justified the means" tactics in the past). Buffy found such a message both confusing and hurtful so soon after her mother's passing, and immediately returned to Sunnydale. Web"Chosen" is the series finale of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the 22nd episode of season 7 and the 144th episode of the series. [174] They organized a break into Safe Zone again, where Buffy and Willow absorbed their powers back and freed all prisoners, Spike included. Buffy Summers '", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Red Wizard Enclave Map CHOSEN. The surviving Slayers start to flee. Movies. Willow, enraged and grief-stricken, suffered a relapse and recklessly absorbed a large amount of dark magic. Four months after the destruction of the Seed, Buffy was a guest in Xander and Dawn's apartment in San Francisco, while working as a waitress at the coffee shop Pick Me Up. With that, Buffy promised to stop her self-destructive behavior in order to be there for Dawn when Dawn needed her; with this crisis resolved, Buffy was finally ready to live again. After killing Caleb, Buffy conceives a plan to defeat the First once and for all. Despite the prospect of money, Buffy declined the offer, coming to an epiphany that she had to do this by herself. THE FIRST (as BUFFY) kneels down beside CALEB. Buffy's carefree youth is cut dramatically short. The Mutant Enemy logo looks at the camera and growls, then keeps walking. He asks for the amulet, whose exchange he had witnessed from the shadows, and she explains that it is very powerful and meant only for a champion. [71] Still later, she was shown to still have possession of Joyce's SUV, but was still characteristically terrible at driving and parking it. Riley then discovered the demon dealer was Spike, so Buffy destroyed his crypt while killing the demons he had been holding. The next morning, everyone arrives at Sunnydale High in a yellow school bus. Buffy among others was at first left powerless to Dracula's thrall, but managed to overcome his control over her and forced him to leave town. During Giles, Andrew, Amanda, and Xander's RPG session, Giles is attacked by Andrew's, Buffy asks Angel: "Are you just going to come here and go all Dawson on me every time I have a boyfriend? "Conviction" "Chosen," the final episode, is the twenty-second episode of the seventh season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the 144th in the series. The Ubervamps spot Buffy, Faith, and the Potentials, and charge towards them. This choice, though, wasn't easy, as Buffy ended up taking her anger and frustration on her friends, in special on his boyfriend Spike. [164], During to an ambush by the demon lords, Dawn volunteered herself to use her Key powers and be left behind, arguing Buffy always sacrificed herself for her and she always wished to be that brave, and that was her chance. Tara discovered that the chip was merely confused due to her mystical resurrection, upsetting Buffy as it made her come to terms with the fact that her relationship with Spike was her own doing and not anything outside her control. Alone, Buffy then boarded a bus out of Sunnydale. The ground begins to shake and rocks tumble. Both Netflix and Hulu's subtitles say: "I'm drowning in Cool Whip.". [40], Two weeks after the crisis was averted, Buffy told Spike that their relationship could happen again, any time, so it was important they were happy and together, and didn't want anything to get in the way of that. It then kneels down in front of her and mocks her attempt to stop its plans: "You pulled a nice trick. [10], The Trio's schemes finally reached the breaking point when their leader, Warren Mears, accidentally killed his ex-girlfriend Katrina Silber after a mystical date-rape attempt. He made it clear that he needed to finish his job; the two locked fingers, and their hands ignited in flame. When confronted with three Slayers angry at her for betraying the cause, Buffy asserted herself and focused on her mission, hoping that she had still managed to make some positive change to the world. Ordering the First to "get out of my face," Buffy arises with renewed determination and knocks several Turok-Han off the ledge. When Buffy starts to walk upstairs, he says he doesn't have any pride at all when it comes to her and he says she can stay. ", Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, This article is about the episode. [90] She had to take back her duties as the Slayer and deal with the everyday responsibilities of raising Dawn,[92] working,[93] and paying bills. As the Senior Prom was closing in, Buffy expressed excitement in having her perfect high school experience with Angel as her date. How can Buffy recover from her sword wound so fast? With the combined powers of Dawn, Willow, and Illyria, Buffy once again time traveled to Fray's future Haddyn to seek answers,[178] where she learned from the 23rd century Harmony her own bleak future: bound to fight demons in a hell dimension for the rest of her brief life. Dawn leaves to set up her post with Xander, determined to see her sister again. Chosen: Directed by Joss Whedon. [101] However, throughout her focus of the Slayer mission, she stated that she would be able to kill a human to save the world;[186] indeed, Buffy had made exceptions to her rule of not killing humans: she was apparently willing to kill Faith to save Angel's life,[61] killed several members of the Knights of Byzantium to protect Dawn,[87] and bisected Caleb with the Scythe. ", Buffy appears in a total of 150 television episodes, only after Angel (168 episodes) as the most prolific character. The Scooby Gang fled to Tibet, where old friend and werewolf Oz taught them to suppress their magical powers in order to hide from Twilight.[126]. Willow tried to sendBuffyto help Illyria, Koh, and the Council to help them defeat the Old One Maloker. [195], Buffy had a tendency to mangle the names of vampires, demon species, and mystical terminology, much to Giles' constant irritation. Later, Spike cornered her in her bathroom, and in a misguided attempt to force her to admit her love for him, tried to rape her. He asks for the amulet, and she explains that it is very powerful and meant only for a champion. Written and directed by Joss Whedon, it was originally broadcast on May 20, 2003, on the UPN network. Faith interpreted this as Giles' belief that Buffy was the one and only Slayer. While she constantly expressed her desire for nothing more than a normal life during her high school years, Buffy had a strong sense of responsibility to the people she could save. This wouldbe especially apparent in her humiliationat running away from Glory while trying to protect Dawn. They share a quiet moment as the world crumbles around them. [141], Following quitting her job as a waitress, she began to try something newer. Spike had been captured by the mysterious Initiative; a group of army-clad individuals Buffy had previously encountered on campus who implanted Spike with a cerebral microchip that made it impossible for him to harm humans. Affiliation This page was last edited on 8 October 2022, at 10:20. [124] When Buffy later told her of these events, Willow assured her that the future was not set in stone. Principal Wood is brutally stabbed by a Bringer who is then killed by Giles. Through a visit from Satsu, the American army contacted Buffy in order to use her in a necessary partnership between humans, vampires, and new vampires. [203] Giles also had once described Buffy as willful, insolent, and that she abused the English language terribly[58] Buffy later admitted to having this trait, when briefly transported to the future. However, Willow did admit that Buffy wasn't always very smart ("You know Buffy. [45][24], Buffy developed an attraction to Angel, only to discover that he was a vampire. Giles mentions that they should go to Cleveland as there's another Hellmouth there and lots more work to do. [129], During their second confrontation, Buffy was horrified when Twilight unmasked himself as Angel; he had created the Twilight persona to unite the various anti-Slayer forces and minimize the destruction they would cause. [207][208] Buffy's most common weapon over time was shown to be frequently identified as the traditional wooden stake, even being completelyunbothered withusing it on creatures other than vampires. [21] Nonetheless, she made it a rule in the Slayer Organization to "go for the wound" with their human enemies. I've been working on this Buffy tribute for over two months. As the ground stops shaking, Andrew comforts Xander by telling him that Anya died saving his life. For example, she spared Ben's life after Glory was defeated despite full knowledge that Glory would eventually resurface and come after her again, which resulted in Giles doing so instead; she flat-out refused to even consider killing Dawn to stop Glory's plans,[89] however, she eventually told Giles two years later that, with what she knew then, she would allow her to die. [159], The world then was being taken by interdimensional demons, allowed to enter the Earth dimension with the use of the Restless Door, in power of the demon lords the Mistress, the Soul Glutton, and the Sculptor. She managed to escape and convince Giles of her true identity. It involved the first Slayer, her vision guide, cryptically telling her that death was her "gift." WebPotential Slayer, also known as Slayer-in-training [1] or Slayer-in-waiting, [2] was each human girl born with the potential to become a Slayer, [1] chosen by mystical forces. Next He comforts Xander by telling him that Anya died saving Andrew. With the Supernatural Crisis Act created under President Malloy's administration, Buffy fell in conflict with Jordan, a Slayer working as a licensed contractor for the military, after Buffy refused to be recruited to the role of enforcing the mandatory census of supernatural beings.[168]. Though she managed to defeat him and take the ring back, Spike escaped into the sewers. Buffy immediately stopped crying and disagreed with him, and asked him to follow her in her mission and hit the road. In the ensuing skirmish, Simone nearly beheaded Buffy, but only succeeded in cutting off most of her hair. Dawn offered to sacrifice herself in order to stop the ritual, but Buffy, who at that moment understood the meaning behind Sineya's message, chose instead to sacrifice herself for the good of the world. Willow invokes a magic spell that alters the ancient Slayer spell and gives Buffy the allies she needs to fight the Uber-Vamp army. At the end, Buffy faces a completely new problem -- one she's glad to have. General Voll, leader of the Drextalcorp Recycling Technologies secret operation investigating the town's destruction, informed Buffy she was at war with the human race, and that many others like him were part of the anti-Slayer Twilight Group. It was originally published on August 28, 2019 by Boom! Her major victories included the masters in the forces of evil Lothos,[20] the Master,[22] Angel,[53] Adam,[75] Caleb,[21] D'Hoffryn,[38] and Harth Fray. Buffy was comforted by Spike, who had been serving as Dawn's protector and sitter in Buffy's absence. Giles asks how this could've happened, since everyone either died or is alive and with them. Just as she thought it couldn't get any better, Angel arrived in a tuxedo, not wanting to take her back but to give her the slow dance she desired.[60]. In essence the show came to life just as its run drew to a close. She accepted the position, and two had sex one last time, before parting ways indefinitely. Amidst this chaos,[33] Spike returned to inform Buffy about the Seed of Wonder, the source of magic on Earth and the secret to defeating Twilight. [87], Buffy had been accused of being violent following her calling as a Slayer. In Haddyn, she discovered that, by the 23rd century, the thousands of Slayers activated had been reduced to one individual once more, a young woman named Melaka Fray. This was most prominently seen in her exile out of Heaven, ignoring her role as guardian of Dawn and forcing Giles to both take care of her[92] and pay the bills she couldn't afford. In the DVD commentary, Whedon says that he wanted Angel to exit the show exactly like he entered, backing out into the darkness behind him. Buffy was left with no choice but to break into the elder vampire's castle and convince him to let his "manservant" go. Additionally, she refused to kill Warren Mears despite his vicious crimes, including Tara's murder, preferring to let him face human justice, whereas Xander and Dawn were so disgusted and furious with him that they openly supported Willow's intent to kill until after she actually did it and then targeted Andrew and Jonathan, who had nothing to do with Tara's death. During her housewarming party, Buffy experienced a night of wild, unprecedented drinking unable to recall the events of the previous evening the following day, she made slow attempts to piece together her memories while going about her daily business. The Shadowmen try to make Buffy more powerful in exchange for her humanity. Angel had once stated that Buffy always deployed light-hearted humor to cover up how she truly felt or to avoid uncomfortable situations, similar to Xander. [115] She liked bubblegum, chewing gum, cola, lollipops,[25][6] popcorn, cheese, Ice Capades,[211] and the reality TV showThe Bachelor. Finale [93] Another example was when she had smashed the Seed of Wonder and remained indifferent over Willow's pleas of returning magic, hardly thinking of the consequences of the action because she did what she had to do; in this case, she was finally forced to face the negative consequences of the Seed's destruction when she discovered that without magic, Dawn was fading away. He then brushed her off as a one-night stand despite having made her believe that this was the start of a new relationship. Afterward, Willow expresses to Kennedy her concerns about using magic again. [116], Buffy, Xander, and Dawn who had been magically made giant eventually set up the Slayer Organization command center in Scotland, where Buffy, with the help of Xander as a watcher, trained new Slayers and formed a team of her most trusted fighters, including Satsu, Rowena, and Leah. Buffy is struck by a bullet due to an assassination attempt by Warren. These Potentials were brought to Sunnydale for protection and training at Buffy's home;[30] the house was quickly overrun with teenage Potentials. Since that place was magical and powered with many powerful sealed Old Ones, they could use that magic to load Willow up as a "battery," hopefully ensuring her sister's life to be restored. Angel experiences a moment of happiness with Buffy. Originally the series finale was planned as a two-hour event. [187] However, Buffy did not consider nor act as if Slayers were the law or above it in human matters. [155], She and her friends were able to move to a haunted building in Tenderloin, with discount on their rent after exorcising the place. [101] Buffy's nightmare came true when she was turned into a vampire by the Master because a comatose Billy Palmer was inadvertently merging the line between reality and dreams; this death was quickly reversed when Billy woke up. 1800 Stewart St., Santa Monica, California, USA. So we will walk through the fire, and let it burn. [68] Satsu was Buffy's fellow Slayer, as well as her first and only same-sex liaison. He shows annoyance about the fact that Buffy has feelings for Spike, claiming that he had a soul before it was cool. Upon her return, she discovered that Spike had forced Warren to build Buffybot, a robotic sex toy in her likeness, which had resulted in him being captured by Glorificus' minions in the belief that he was the Key. Little did they know that it was located on a Hellmouth, and Buffy's presence there was predestined. She also started a relationship with her schoolmate Scott Hope, who broke up with her in weeks for considering her too distant. ", "Katie Holmes Admits She's an 'Intense' Basketball Fan That Trash Talks. She could also be surprisingly negative and give in to fits of pessimistic tendencies, suffering from occasional abandonment issues[120] since almost all her friends and boyfriends had left her at some point. Not a bad way to go out. Free shipping for many products! "[204] During a war against human soldiers, Buffy stuck by her "Slayers don't use guns" philosophy after Giles brought her a Chinese assault rifle. The Scoobies then resumed their barbecue, when Buffy told Spike she didn't forget to tell him: she loved him too. Angel and Willow had fondly discussed this aspect of hers, both agreeing that when Buffy was emotionally excited or worked up, it's hard to get a word in. [107] Alone, she spent the night in a house that had been abandoned by its owner. Season 6 (4.5 stakes) begins with Willow calling Buffy back from her grave and ends with Darth Rosenberg trying to put the Slayer back in it. Buffy who had been determined to have a safe and normal holiday meal with her friends was also shocked when Spike arrived unexpectedly at Giles' flat, begging for help. [45][46], At fifteen years old, Buffy suddenly began dreaming that she was other girls fighting monsters in different historical periods. ", "Julie Benz On The Difficulties Of A 'Buffy' Revival, Her Shocking 'Dexter' Exit & More. And. HumanSlayerSlaypire (temporarily)[14]Rat (temporarily)[4]Robot (temporarily)[15] However, Illyria jumped in and sacrificed herself to force the demons in. Air date Written and directed by Joss Whedon, it was originally broadcast on May 20, 2003, on the UPN network. BUFFY walks over to CALEB, who's body is on the floor, covered in blood. [69] Walsh was subsequently murdered by a creature of her own creation, the monstrous bio-mechanical demonoid Adam, who then escaped and began his plan to create an army of super-soldiers like him. The trick is always to make the audience go through exactly what she's going through. As they walk away, she appears on his right side with her arm still around him. It was written and directed by series creator Joss Whedon and originally aired on UPN on May 20, 2003. Suddenly, the First Evilappears to her in the guise of Caleb, unhappy that she killed its lieutenant but notes that there's an army of the undead waiting to rise. She used this to contact the Shadowmen for assistance. Xander Harris: Did you see what happened? She's such a badass character that I enjoy editing! But thanks for saying it." Buffy arises with renewed determination and knocks several Turok-Han off the ledge. Previous WebBuffy gives up on college, Riley gives up on Buffy, Spike orders up a Buffybot, Giles reopens the Magic Box and rebecomes Buffy's Watcher, and Joyce suddenly drops dead, a true portend of the WB finale. Though understandably unwilling or unable to believe that Faith was capable of redemption, Buffy ultimately had no choice but to work together with her to fight back against the Watchers Council Special Operations Team. ", Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, This article is about the Vampire Slayer. It was originally published on August 28, 2019 by Boom! Written by [109], Meanwhile, a reformed Faith, having escaped from prison to help Angel, traveled to Sunnydale to aid the Scoobies in the battle. Three Turok-Hans, dusted by Rona with the m. [162], The Slayer was faced again with a critical crisis to save the world when D'Hoffryn then suddenly killed the rest of the Council and took all their power for himself. [115] Buffy was forced to create decoys of herself to divert enemy attention: one in Rome, supposedly dating The Immortal, and the other underground;[31] not even former allies namely, Angel were made aware of her true location. After Riley left again, Buffy broke up with Spike, admitting to him that she was just using him and it was killing her. Always doin' the stupid thing. Buffy masterfully used horror and fantasy tropes as metaphors for the teen existence (Credit: Alamy) [22], Upon learning that the infallible Pergamum Codex prophesied her death at the hands of the Master, Buffy declared she quit being the Slayer and contemplated leaving town. [66], Buffy was aided in the battle against Hus by Angel, who had returned to Sunnydale without her knowledge. [55] She secretly rehabilitated him at his mansion, helping him heal while still finding herself drawn to him. [14] An alternate version of Buffy also died at the hands of the Master, who snapped her neck, but this alternative timeline was erased by the alternate Giles. Anya Jenkins, cut in two by a Harbinger of Death. Three Turok-Hans, burned by the sun, by Dawn. However, she struggled with shutting off her Slayer instincts, much to Kennedy's annoyance who could do so easily. She is the distilled essence of everything I am not. One of their games led to accidentally turning Buffy invisible. Winners of the Buffy triviafirst of their nameand The Chosen Two. She explained that she had to destroy the Seed, but then he blamed her for sleeping with Angel and creating all of this. When Angel was almost killed by the regenerated Mohra demon, Buffy managed to slay it. Following the destruction of Sunnydale, the Scoobies scattered across the globe to locate and train newly-activated Slayers. However, after fighting demons to rescue a runaway from a hell dimension, Buffy returned to Sunnydale and back her to her mother.[2]. WebBuffy the Vampire Slayer S7E22 "Chosen". [123] Though Buffy and Fray quickly became accustomed to each other, Fray betrayed her when she learned that if Buffy returned to her own time, her own world would cease to exist. Menu. [113], Meanwhile, in the midst of mourning Anya's death, Xander had once again fallen under Dracula's thrall. [95] A memory purge spell cast by Willow went awry and erased all of the memories of the Scooby Gang; when the spell was ended, Tara left Willow. In her investigation, her team came under fire by the United States military, who had the Slayers declared terrorists, justified by Sunnydale's violent destruction and the creation of a powerful army. Though Buffy was understandably skeptical of Dawn when she learned that she had been fabricated and integrated into her life without her prior knowledge, she quickly came to accept her responsibility as Dawn's protector, not because she felt obliged to carry out the monks' wishes, but because she slowly realized that she truly did love her sister, regardless of the circumstances of her existence. The demon 's blood had mixed with Angel and creating all of this bus. Apparent in her mission and hit the road [ 55 ] she secretly rehabilitated him at his,! By Angel, only after Angel ( 168 episodes ) as the world still. Due to an epiphany that she had to destroy the Seed, but then he blamed her for with... A large amount buffy chosen dark magic fact that Buffy was n't always very smart ( `` know... Never work, Buffy had been accused of being violent following her calling as a Slayer UPN network unwilling. 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