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bush clinton funeral envelope

1, Jeb Bushs smile was quickly taken away as Laura Bush shows him something on the paper she was holding. As for the Bidens, they were both visibly startled by the whole affair, reflecting a sincere disbelief that such a thing could even happen during a presidential state funeral, no less! Laura was quite disgusted as well, although W. appeared to know it was coming. 9.11.01. That would be the Bush family (George W., Laura and Jeb), the Clintons (Hillary and Bill), the Obamas (Michelle and Barack), the Bidens (Joe and Jill) and the Pences (Mike and Karen). After Hillary Clinton opened her program brochure at George H.W. That will allow you to create an email with the price quote information that includes a PDF of the quote that you can use to place the order.Have a question about whether you qualify for a discount? Retired TV reporter/anchor, I believe Lt. Gen Flynn, Trumps original NSA Director, has all the details on Pence, Pitcock and Seaman but had his legs cut out from under him by the FBI when Strzok and another agent interviewed him without a lawyer about speaking to foreign officials during the transition. In the latest drop we get a possible reason why Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen received an envelope at George Bush's funeral last year and why Lt. Gen Michael Flynn was set up by the FBI. And each person to a man (heres looking at you Michael) nearly turned white after they opened them? In the case of this THE ENVELOPE AFFAIR, the writing was on each note. But why military tribunals? other high-ranking officials who attended the funeral of former president George H.W. Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama were especially chummy. You have to do your own research, draw your own conclusions. Just how ARE things playing out in our world right now & how many others are involved in that Script???!!! Joe Biden' envelope falls out of his program, hitting the floor. The Clintons and Bidens harbor crime families not the honorable Bush family. The Bush family reacted in horror, especially Jeb Bush. George H. Bush . Watch Jeb, he is acting. Gabriel & McKibben, of AIM4Truth, have been seeking out these hidden controlling factors of which we citizens have been totally unaware!! Its all-out war between Team Trump and Team Biden! The link to a Sara Carter story shows additional texts between disgraced ex-FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his lover ex-FBI Attorney Lisa Page attempting to develope and inside the White House spy during the Trump transition team after the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton Receives Surprise Envelope At George H.W. Your email address will not be published. See:NWO Globalist Cabal Closer to Exercising Nuclear Option. That would be the DEW attacks and pyro-terrorism perpetrated against the people of California throughout the month of November. There is no more apt expression to describe where the nation is at this critical moment in our history than:The writing is on the wall. The First Arrest Will Shock The World! Because of the rapidly unfolding events in the nations capital, things are about to get very hairy indeed (as well as precarious) for the American people. Note the two Secret Service agents, with hands together and lowered, standing directly behind George W. Bush. Laura was quite disgusted as well, although W. appeared to know it was coming. Bush passed away on Friday at 10:10pm CT at the age of 94. He will never allow himself to be put in the position of being falsely prosecuted by a hardened gang of Deep Statevillains. THE CHURCH WHERE HIS MOM WAS MARRIED AND WHERE HE WORSHIPED . Deep Stateis supposed to have complete control over such power places as theNational Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Trump knows that if he loses, the DemocratDeep Statewill make his life extremely miserableforever. "By any standard what just went down during the Bush funeral is so HUGE it's incomprehensible. Five U.S. presidents and vice presidents received a special envelope during the most MSM-hyped and misrepresentative memorial service in our lifetime. Will the nationalists led by Trump prevail at this crucial moment; or will the all-powerful globalists triumph? Answer (1 of 6): Where is the video of the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, and Biden receiving an envelope at HW Bush's funeral? The distinguishing aspect of these cowardly attacks on innocent civilians is that they were carried out, by and large, in red counties and conservative strongholds. However, there is great certainty about the absolute necessity of forming military tribunals that cannot be dismissed or ignored. The Patriot Movement has completely exposed them for being the traitors that they truly are. I was devastated when I realized the Bush family was in so deep and so evil. In quite an extensive article Cater lays out what Strzok and Page had in mind. The reactions of each VIP after seeing the contents reflect something that is both shocking and compelling for each recipient. Bush's Casket. While promoting the right-wing conspiracy theory that the Obamas, Clintons, and various other high-ranking officials who attended the funeral of former president George H.W. The final death toll for November 2018 is certainly going to be in the thousands. Watch on While, former President Jimmy Carter, looks for, what seems to be, his missing envelope, ultimately, he may be thankful. The Mysterious Bush-Clinton Funeral Envelope and Catch 22 Game Theory Bravo Von Muller 29.1K subscribers Subscribe 12K 1M views 4 years ago The Mysterious Bush-Clinton Funeral Envelopes and. Join Our Telegram channel here: https://t.me/TheTrueReporter, Q said the first arrest will shock the world.. Your email address will not be published. He didn't. What was in that envelope? Criminal elite visibly shaken by letter handed out during Bush 41 funeral. Thats exactly where we are today in America. When the Pences walked over to greet Clinton, there appeared to be talk of an event. This biblical saying is pregnant with meaning, especially where it concerns the current and very delicate state of affairs in Washington, D.C. As follows: From theBiblicalstory inDaniel5, where, during a feast held by KingBelshazzar, a hand suddenly appears and writes on a wall the following Aramaicwords:(mn mn tql parsn,numbered, numbered,weighed, and they aredivided)(Daniel 5:25). Trump knows that if he loses, the Democrat Deep State will make his life extremely miserableforever. Deep Insider Explains How Trumps Closest Advisors DELIBERATELY Ran Out The Clock To Cover Up Election Theft! The FBI had tapes of Flynn on a phone call with the then-Russian Foreign Minister and when Flynn could not recall the exact details of the call the FBI charged him with lying. David Nino Rodriguez Explains Why February 1 Is The Day It All Starts. pic.twitter.com/rWqGMNgzat, The Washington Pundit (@TWPundit) December 6, 2018. REVIEW: What Was In Those Bush Sr. Funeral Envelopes and Why Did Mike Pence Get One? In other words, these shared notes will prove to be the most highly consequential happening in American government as they have already triggered a chain reaction of cathartic events that cannot be stopped. While promoting the right-wing conspiracy theory that the Obamas, Clintons, and various other high-ranking officials who attended the funeral of former president George H.W. Learn how your comment data is processed. Hence, patriots everywhere are best advised to stay vigilantand locked and loaded. And, that what happened in that cathedral is perhaps the beginning of the end of life inside the Beltway as we and THEY know it. All of the living former presidents and vice presidents appeared together Wednesday to mourn the deathof President George H.W. Update On Dr. Oz And David McCormicks Court Case Regarding Ballots, WARNING: Ex-Freemason EXPOSES Satanic Secrets Of International Freemasons, FBI Raid Against Trump Signals Deep State Coup Has Begun: Alex Jones And Roger Stone Respond [VIDEO], Stew Peters: CHINA PLOTS WW3 Shocking Chinese Red Alert Video Sends SHOCKWAVES Across The World (FULL SHOW), Katie Hobbs Response To Kari Lakes Call For For Her Arrest Are Quite Revealing [VIDEO]. Why did Pence get one? Trump did . Its critical to understand the key aspects of the context in which this explosive drama played out. Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen received an envelope. One also thinks about the 1871 letter written by Albert Pike to Italian revolutionary, G. Former President Jimmy Carter, who was sitting to Clinton's left, can be seen looking over at her and then checking if he got one too. How and when exactly the secret notes were disseminated at the Bush funeral has been captured by video. Lip reader reveals what was REALLY said at George H.W. from Qniversity. Hillary Clinton was her usual defiant self; so was Michelle Obama. Bush's funeral, an envelope fell into her lap. - DAILY NEWS OF AMERICA, Pingback: What Was In Those Bush Sr. Funeral Envelopes? There is no denying that the American people are witnessing an epic fight to the finish. Is this really an unprecedented war or is it all Kabuki theater? (Video). First, the National Cathedral was in total lockdown with so many VIPs in attendance of the biggest funeral since Ronald Reagan's. That means that no one got in or out unless given the green light by the Secret Service. How does that happen except with extremely purposeful design?! What I thought was intresting was that President Bush and President Obama didn't seem surprised in the slightest. U.S. Government Docket No. Whatever they saw, or when they heard about the contents of the envelope, each individual was floored in ways that were both obvious and veiled. If Trump bails out of 2020, this will be the reason why as its the central purpose of the Mueller witch hunt. "They are trying to be cordial, but their true feelings are coming out," Glass said. Bushs funeral, an envelope fell into her lap. The video footage was especially shot in such a manner so as to catch the reactions of each VIP and their spouses, whether they saw the contents or not. "THE ENVELOPE AFFAIR": Bush Funeral Service Foreshadows a Major Series of Radical Events in Washington, D.C. . Therefore, it can be stated with absolute certainty that something very BIG happened, and that something even BIGGER is in the offing. Bush's funeral, an envelope fell into her lap. Something extremely significant occurred at the Bush funeralspecial envelopes point to swift and sure justice on the way State of the Nation Bottom Line: No matter how you look at this fitfully evolving D.C. drama,things are about to get real ugly, real soon in D.C. People hate Obama and Hillary, and would their arrest shock the world, too? We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. He will never allow himself to be put in the position of being falsely prosecuted by a hardened gang ofDeep Statevillains. This was to disgrace Flynn and keep the Pence spying information a secret. MIFSUDgate: The international intel agent who triggered the RUSSIAgate hoax is likely dead How convenient: The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America, The Lynchpin MEME That Will Take Down the Shadow Government, Because the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 was Repealed, Fake News and Propaganda Overwhelm the American People, Heres why Attorney General William Barr just proved he was chosen by. TheBush Crime Syndicate was also the key architect and American co-conspiratorthat executed the state-sponsored, false flag terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, as well as the well-orchestrated CIA-coordinated cover-up. The Bush Crime Syndicate was also the key architect and American co-conspirator that executed the state-sponsored, false flag terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, as well as the well-orchestrated CIA-coordinated cover-up. The content of those notes is anyones guess. This is the real question? But it did not work. Because those traitors practically own and operate the U.S. Criminal Justice System, thats why! Bush Funeral Service Foreshadows a Major Series of Radical Events in Washington, D.C. The Bush Funeral Notes "By any standard what just went down during the Bush funeral is so HUGE it's incomprehensible. Sign The White House Petition. Karen's envelope Secret note hand-offs Lied about Gen Flynn Indiana child trafficking Page/Strzok text briefing Chummy with Hillary Clinton at funeral Stays for optics on a short leash Pence/Ryan emails (NOT fake website) 2. Wenig could not tell what Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump were chatting about, but there didn't seem to be any awkward silences. But it did not work. And the cover up by the media that we have trusted so blindly to report to us the truth, covers it up and candy coats it. What follows is a series of videos that tell the story much better than we can. Question # 1: Why did the sender make sure the wives also received the ominous message? The First Arrest Will Shock The World! Because those traitors practically own and operate the U.S. Criminal Justice System, thats why! We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! It appears that Trump cannot speak to this catastrophe the same way that he could not speak to the Mandalay Bay massacre staged in Las Vegas by the globalists. 5Ggate: Every Decision Maker in America Needs to Read This! Because of the rapidly unfolding events in the nations capital, things are about to get very hairy indeed (as well as precarious) for the American people. In the process of trying to escape from the jaws of death after their military tribunals, there is simply nothing that they will not do. EXPOSED: Here's Why The Freemasons Are a Demonic and Evil Heres What Theyre Trying To Distract You From With The Trump Indictment. However, neither side wants to act first for fear of being perceived as the aggressor. There is no more apt expression to describe where the nation is at this critical moment in our history than:The writing is on the wall. Why did Jeb Bush get so scared after he saw the note from the Secret Service agent? Therefore, what can be said with utmost confidence is that the gauntlet has been thrown down by one side against the other. Its all-out war between Team Trump and Team Biden! Bush was neither gentle nor kind to his nation as the MSM eulogized him. So..is this part of the agenda of our own players.to finally free the USA from British domination? However, its really Trumps family (his trueAchilles heel) thats the most vulnerable to malicious prosecution as the following post points out. Its well worth watching each of them in order to grasp both the enormity and profundity of this unparalleled event. Bush's state funeral on Wednesday. Far left Right Wing Watch explained a theory from Dr. Dave Janda: Right-wing conspiracy theorist and radio host Dave Janda appeared on Greg Hunters USA Watchdog program last week, where he declared that the nomination of William Barr to the position of attorney general is confirmation that former president George W. Bush has flipped and is now working with President Trump to take down the deep state in exchange for protection for his family. Bush Funeral Service Foreshadows A Series of Radical Events. With this critical understanding, its quite likely that all of the recipients received the very same note. And, that it was designed to have maximum impact, which it did. Exactly how many good people were murdered we dont know, but you can be sure that President Trump knows. Deep State demons receive envelopes at George H.W. Bush was held on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at the Washington National Cathedral. .hustle-ui.hustle_module_id_1[data-id="1"] .hustle-layout .hustle-button-cta {width:100%!important;font-size:18px!important;}.hustle-ui.module_id_1 .hustle-popup-content {max-width: 400px!important;}.hustle-group-content p {font-size:18px!important;margin: 24px 0 0!important;}.hustle-ui.module_id_4 .hustle-layout .hustle-content {padding-bottom: 0px;}, We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. Theres now NO question that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the C.I.A. Pingback: REVIEW: What Was In Those Bush Sr. Funeral Envelopes and Why Did Mike Pence Get One? Bush was neither gentle nor kind to his nation as the MSM eulogized him. He didnt. What the notes contained has never been divulged the reactions by the recipients was not joyous, in fact horror and/or dread was seen on many of the faces after reading the notes. Bush last month received mysterious envelopes hidden in their programs, allegedly informing them that they are under indictment, Janda asserted that George W. Bush met at the Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Hence, they are guaranteed to react like cornered rats. Your email address will not be published. Thanks for all the detailed info. MILITARY TRIBUNALS: Why They Are Absolutely Necessary. NWO Globalist Cabal Closer to Exercising Nuclear Option, Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption, http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=111147, The 21 Year Old Leaker Something Is Not Right. The First Arrest To Shock The World Revealed? After Hillary Clinton opened her program brochure at George H.W. It also has interesting comments on CensorTube. Biden is . [ENHANCED AUDIO]. Whats of paramount importance here is that all of these political power-brokers represent the New World Order globalist cabal. There are two sides that have stacked up against each other to wage what is essentially the War of the Titansthe 3rd Millennium version, that is. As a result, the thoroughly corrupt Mueller investigation proceeds forthwith as though indicting the POTUS will secure their victory. Members of the Deep State; Obama, Clinton, Biden, Pence and others, received envelopes at George H.W. In the latest drop we get a possible reason why Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen received an envelope at George Bushs funeral last year and why Lt. Gen Michael Flynn was set up by the FBI. Therefore, what can be said with utmost confidence is that the gauntlet has been thrown down by one side against the other. User Clip: secret service passes a note. Seaman worked for the FBI and prior to the election worked with Strzok and Page on the Hillary Clinton email probe. The thing that has been given the wink and the nod of our sources, and what lines up with the footage is non of than George W. Bush. Bush's funeral, an envelope fell into her lap. This person has a lot of thoughts in the content beneath her CensorTube video if you click over. As you can see above Karen Pence like all the other wives at the Bush funeral received a note inside their programs. First of all, theres no other event in U.S. history that even remotely comes close to this stunning series of envelope incidents RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF AN EX-PRESIDENTS FUNERAL. Here is theText of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption. Silicon Six Tyrannically Rule the Global Digital Technocracy (Video), Fiona Hill was a British plant inserted to sabotage the U.S.-Russian relationship. You must remember the envelopes passed out at the Bush Sr. funeral, but we have to look at them again because they will be very relevant soon. In a . Copyright 2012 - 2023 | TLB Project LLC, Click here to watch an HD version of the interaction, Even After WSJs Lab Leak Report, White House Sticks to its C-19 Narrative, Journalist: NBC Intimidated Me on Behalf of the DNC, RFK Jr Files To Challenge Biden For 2024 Democratic Nomination. Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden and Pence? AT AGE 90, GEORGE H.W. 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