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exotic animal owners

Smaller cats don't seem to have caused any recorded fatalities, but they've come very, very close: A 7-year-old boy was reportedly bitten bone-deep on the neck by a 40-pound declawed African serval, and a 2-year-old was mauled by a "pet" bobcat, which chewed off his right index finger and heel, and left a severe bite wound to his right cheek. Rhode Island. Exotic pet statistics show reptiles can carry the very same bacteria, and you dont have to eat one to get infected. All I can say is that dog and cat supporters, i.e. Most so-called wild or exotic animals CANNOT survive in the 'wild'. Take A Trip On The Wild Side: Ethical Exotic Pet Ownership. If you purchase via links on Pawsome Advice, we may receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. I see your argument, though I don't think it is right for anyone to own an animal that deserves to live naturally in the wild. View history. Melissa, I love your articles and am incredibly grateful for what you write. Exotic animals are beautiful and fascinating creatures, but they rarely make great household pets. Many exotics are also cared for in relation to their species-specific needs, so some exotics have outdoor access or live exclusively outside. I know Sam may never see this, but I wrote it anyway so that people who come across this in the future may see a more logical answer. I wouldn't let her go and I was a crying mess. Exotic animal bedding and cages cost between 500 and 8,000 dollars on average. I never mentioned the pet trade. 11% of the cases come from contact with a reptile thats 132,000 people. The stigma against exotic pets is almost completely imagined. These misconceptions arise due to the domestication mytha notion that makes people believe that domesticated animals are biologically or mentally suited for living in a modern indoor household while that could never be acceptable for a 'wild' animal (although not all exotics are kept inside). They can help you pass the time well and give you true love but they can also get bored with you so you'll need to ease up the bothering sometimes. To help you better understand the exotic pet trade, we put together the most crucial information about it. The booming business in exotic pets is known. #views-exposed-form-tagged-content-person-block-2 .form-item-title input { In my opinion the world would be less selfish if no one kept exotic pets, though you are right that the world is corrupt and people everywhere are selfish. Minnesota You think you're doing the right thing when in reality you're only promoting the problem. The follow are the five best arguments for preserving the rights of people to own exotic pets privately, in my opinion. Owners should contact local veterinarians before getting a new exotic pet to ensure that the necessary care is available in their area. It is also estimated that, due to the fact that many keepers like myself have multiple reptiles and inverts, there are more reptiles and inverts kept as pets in the UK than there are cats and dogs. margin-left: calc(50% - 580px); Tags: Alice Blue-McLendon, Exotic Animals, pet talk, 2023, Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. Before you start preaching to others how wrong it is to own exotic pets, just be sure you inform people you are also against owning dogs and cats. Maybe I wrote it incorrectly, but I'm only referring to the U.S. as the sample size, and members of the public should have "uninvolved" next to it if I didn't write that. Her enthusiasm for writing and research is behind the most reliable information for pet lovers. Do they have outdoor areas?. Thank you very much. And that is just the tip, So, you want to know how many dogs are in the world? And these are merely the recorded numbers. Here are 10 exotic animals that are legal to own in the state of Texas. Circus animals are notorious for their break frees. I told them I didn't know I couldn't bring her and that I we would turn the car around and not enter, but they called the state trooper. The Cavalry Group (or "Cavalry") is a boutique public relations and strategic communications firm headquartered in New Haven, Connecticut . i can't even so nasty. You must really love cats. Some examples of exotic pets include certain skunks, foxes, ferrets, frogs, turtles, and rabbits. That doesn't mean you end the animal's existence. Jungleland USA. Read. Lets look at some exotic pet attacks and their statistics. Companion animals | Exotic animals | Formulas/Calculator - Source: 2017-2018 U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook. Not all domestics enjoy humans and not all non-domestics only do so when trained. im impressed that u know how to put fake info. People who seek to resolve the perceived public safety threat of exotic pets are hardly saving many human lives by proposing bans. Animals help us fill the void, and even if you have the money, time, and knowledge to care for exotic animals, why do it? We then continue to build more of these structures for frivolous pleasures: nail salons, restaurants, Build-a-bear workshopsyou name ita resource-consuming structure will be built for it. That does NOT have to do with any 'wild' characteristics. I had a woman scream at me she was going to sue me for endangering her child to my 'Filthy Rat'. It should be about providing the animal with what it needs for its happiness and welfare.. The Burmese python is the most popular animal that people complain about; however, despite the severity of the nuisance, its presence is restricted to one region in Florida (they cannot survive in most states). Many domesticated animals can survive just fine in the wild (some dogs, most cats, goldfish, swine, ect. Exotic pet statistics in the US reveal that on October 30th, 2019, in a home with over 140 reptiles in Oxford, Indiana, the police discovered a. My point is why contribute to the selfishness? In the large majority of cases, tameness comes from human socializing. I learnt new things here. The wild relatives of domesticated cats aren't tigers and lions, This is a wildcat, and not much has changed. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on February 15, 2017: Whatever: You're existing in a fantasy world. Many indoor cats have behavioral problems, weight gain, and neurosis as a resultwhich is not unlike what occurs with inadequately cared for exotic pets or zoo animals. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 21, 2015: Wild or not your cat would be domesticated Tina. You are saying two wrongs make a right. Do you have any reasons you can give me that dont boil down to "keeping a lion is the same as keeping a caliko" like can you give me any reasons why its actually beneficial to the animal? Learn about the rules and regulations, as well as which animals are banned as pets. with insurance companies paying more than $1 billion in dog-bite claims annually. if those two examples are the same to you then you must have a brain the size of that of an ostrich. So here the "bad guy" to a large extent funds and regulates wildlife and supports a manageable and sustainable strategy. The term "exotic" doesn't have a set definition, but it usually refers to a wild animal or one that's more unusual than your standard dog or cat. Animal rights advocates advise against keeping most wild animals in captivity, but that hasn't stopped exotic pet lovers from legally owning . My only mistake was not putting 'uninvolved' or specifying the U.S., which I will fix. The definition of an exotic pet varies by locale, so what is considered "domesticated" in one place may be considered exotic elsewhere. You need to know more about them, they have special demands and people don't always bother to research about that. How many times have you heard of an animal, lets say an exotic cat or monkey, biting someone in the news? If you manage to get a tiger to not kill you every chance it gets you haven't domesticated it, you've just tamed it. Bears, Cougars, Moose, Elk etc. I agree with exotic pets should be allowed. Promptly after releasing them, he shot himself. We are talking about exotic pets. We rely on readers to support this website. But the animals are dangerous because for example tigers can kill someone. 2. Doesn't it matter that members of the uninvolved public are almost never victims? Are they allowed to exercise? Parrots have their beaks and legs tied so they can be packed together like tuna and shipped. Needless to say I have never been to California. width: auto; The exotic pets market is growing. Exotics, for me, provide a link to the natural world that television shows can never reproduce. Alright, we're not getting anywhere with this conversation. This next part is just a story that has had a significant impact on my memory. Give it up, and let it live a life where it has everything it needs. So basically, the logic being exercised here is that since domesticated animals are not supposed to bite or kill humans, their consistently occurring attacks and even fatalities are not relevant, and only reflect on the individual. TikTok is a place where owners of exotic animals including slow loris like this one, as well as marmoset monkeys, servals, and raccoons can show them off to the world. For Exotic Animal Owners For Exotic Animal Owners. We're talking about exotics. In 2016, 13.3% of households were estimated to have specialty or exotic pets, a 25.5% increase from 2011. 5. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on June 01, 2014: NDsnakes-- AZA doesn't support pet owners, you'd have to agree to their SSPs and they get control of certain animals, I think. You can have 20 years of expertise, a 10 acre compound, and loads of money. Exotic animal regulations in New Brunswick. I agree that you should be able to own exotic animals. Anyways, now if kids want to pet him I ask them to ask their parents. No. Me wishing this would be the one time she would give someone hell but nah she was like 'warm hand'. If we can guess that there are at least thousands of pet macaques owned, why hasn't even ONE person caught the virus in the last 15 years? Tambako The Jaguar (CC BY-ND 2.0) Via Flickr. Domesticated cats are the biggest threat to the environment by far. Venkatachari M from Hyderabad, India on May 25, 2015: Very interesting article on exotic pet keeping. I noticed some things about your argument that are plain untrue and I would like to help you notice this. 75% of human infections started with an animal-borne disease. Any animal can be kept as long as it is properly cared for, thanks i doing a school essay and this help a lot, that is why this topic is so controversial, Thanks for the information I think the same as you. A yard, a house, proper vet care, supplies, etc. 1. "And your claims that "no pet big cat has escaped and attacked a member of the public" is patently false.". I know it is IMPOSSIBLE that you've never seen someone's cat carrying a helpless animal to play with. i am cringing so hard right now at this. thank you so much Melissa A Smith!!!!!! It is becoming crystal clear that many things humans do as mere hobbies and pleasure have negative impacts for our world, but laws seem to be made only when people are wrongfully intimidated by something. But still my favorite pet/animal is a fox. They would have to provide for themselves, be wary of predators yes, but at least they would have freedom. Her cat Pumpkin enjoys stretching out in the office while mom researches the best information on how to care for their fellow furry friends. I would certainly enjoy a law that would prohibit peoples attempts to ban my pets and lifestyle, but I know that wouldnt be ethical. There are a lot of animals for sale that should not be kept as pets. She believes in treating animals with the devotion and respect they deserve. The word has nothing to do with tameness. I thought it was made clear that while I acknowledge that pet keeping is and always has been selfish, that any human other than monks following extreme ascetic lifestyles will find it completely impossible to become 'unselfish', nor do I think it's fair for any human to torture themselves over this idea and diminish their quality of life. } The Act states that the exemption list is set by regulation, rather than being included in . The state trooper was older and I'm sure seeing three, barely legal teens, one refusing to let go of the ferret, wasn't what he expected. I have had a leopard gecko and a yellow lab for about 5 years now and they both have the same needs, water, food and space. I try my best to inform those who approach that they are part of the weasel family and related to polecats and minks. TikTok is filled with accounts showing off exotic animals that aren't typically house-trained, like . It can be easy to succumb to the allure of having a beautiful spotted cat as a pet, but theyre just not suited for households, Blue-McLendon said. This article reads more like anti domesticated pets than it does pro exotic pets. Servals aren't typically aggressive, but they can be difficult to own as they are still considered "wild." Because the first thing he did was start laughing. Pot-bellied pigs, camels, and llamas are some examples. So do many dogs, especially when they aren't neutered, or are you comparing surgically altered animals to intact exotic pets? Michigan defines an exotic animal as any that is not domesticated in North America, and you cannot own them. He asked for a picture with her and with us. The idea that a tiger wants to kill you every chance it gets is just ignorance. The point is that you shouldn't be judging me if you're fine with owning cats. Its important to not be spontaneous about the acquisition of any animal. Since that is not our intention, and since its perfectly feasible that an exotic pet can thrive in captivity, the act of keeping pets is not immoral. I'd love to be a domestic cat; they don't have to worry about anything. If this is the case, then you should have no problem with more restrictive laws (often referred to as "bans") which would make it impossible for all but the very best owners to own exotics. thanks for the information i think the same too. Why? It's simplistically written for a reason: it is silly for anyone to expect no incidences to occur with any captive animal of a certain size. Note: There are those who believe that cats should never be kept exclusively indoors (a dominant belief in some places like the UK), a belief in favor of encouraging a destructive invasive species (another conflict associated with the exotic pet trade), unnecessary killing native wildlife, and spread of disease to wildlife and humans via fecal contamination. You say your arguments are irrefutable, though there is an ability to debate the point. joeaineneennenenenenennennenenenene on November 16, 2016: And to add to that, yes i totally want a fennec fox etc etc but what am i promoting when other people see it and start to think that it's ok to have exotic and wild animals? The average exotic pet owner would get their pet from where they already do: from breeders in their country. As a result, Charla Nash had the first. The existence of the animal means that some people will abuse it. It is estimated that 4.5 million dog bites occur in the U.S. each year (!) The escape of 50 exotic animals near Zanesville, Ohio, last month brought into the spotlight the complex issues, as well as dangers, of keeping wild animals as domestic pets. Thanks for the good info provided here. Additional legislation wouldn't even be necessary to deter the average exotic pet owner from purchasing poached animals due to the laws already in place. 4. If you can't care for an animal like a cat and give it what it needs like mental stimulation, a raw and bio. The domesticated cat is established in all 50 states, and there is a powerful lobby to not only stop cat removal for the protection of wildlife, but currently owned pet cats are routinely released to add to the devastation of invasive feral cats which include excessive small animal predation, diseases spread by feces to wildlife, and adding to the number of animals that motorists have to swerve past to avoid emotional upset. Why? Dogs are the only animals with true genetic inclination to be around humans, and even some of those breeds are not house pets. Tools. Children on an elephant at Jungleland, 1962. Why do people tend to overlook this strikingly obvious fact about the nature of all pets? Glendale, AZ. The thriving industry is worth over $15 billion a year. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Just touching an exotic animal can make you sick. Of course I thought ticket. I own a ferret, I believe is a more 'accepted' exotic animal. Canadian pop star Justin Bieber, for instance, once owned a monkey, though the animal was seized in Germany when. border: 1px solid gray; See you around. It is rather astounding that owners of bonafide invasive species would become enraged that some exotic pets have also become invasive. Serval Cat. Tiger mothers are killed and the baby kidnapped for someone's "pet". More than 13% of households in the United States own at least one exotic animal, and that number continues to rise as people look for new, cool exotic pets to bring home. All of these animals have instincts, some can be skittish, some don't even like humans, not unlike other 'exotic' animals like lemurs, foxes, and kangaroos. ]]>*/, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University "Any animal can bite". Most cats, aside from uncommon pedigree cats like Persians, hunt on their own, VERY WELL, eliminating native species due to it. If you love your dog, and you can't properly care for it, it's the same logic. Try telling my very domesticated, indoor by choice cat that she's meant to be wild xD Seriously, if I leave her out on her own for more than 5 minutes, she gets pissed off at me. For example, there have been instances, although rare, where privately owned tigers and lions, some of which could have been former "pets", were slaughtered so that their parts could be sold on the black market. Brazil has a similar situation with mammals. Of specialty and exotic pets owned in the US in 2016, most households had fish, reptiles, and other mammals. I'm fairly confident you can't. The common exotic pet owner, if exotic pet ownership were to become normal, would not purchase (legally) exotic animals from poachers anyhow. 2. The garden plant trade is also equally damaging. Horses, cows, and other large herbivores have caused deaths because of their sheer mass alone, and countless injuries that would never make the major news unless a celebrity was the victim. I was asleep in the passenger seat with Jezzy curled up in my chest. I've never heard of a wild animal catching Herpes B virus from a monkey (there are wild macaque colonies restricted to parts of Florida). I believe that pets must not be caged and be allowed the freedom of movement. Infant snakes are shipped in boxes across oceans. Vvitta, I also look at the point of view of the animalwhat about the animals your pets are slaughtering? In 2005, a lion and tiger owned by a mechanic in Minnesota bolted from their cage and pounced on a 10-year-old boy, leaving him a quadriplegic and on a respirator due to the severe injuries to his spinal cord and brain. Call 401-273-0358. some one needs to tell deb over there to do better research on florida, when they went out and did the great snake hunts they barely found any snakes. Many of them couldn't survive in the wild. "Exotic" often refers to a species which is not native or indigenous to the owner's locale, and "pet" is a companion animal living with people. Between 19942012, owning amphibians and reptiles jumped from 2.4 million to. An adult Axolotl requires a 20-gallon aquarium due to the large amount of . ? But dogs and cats bite too. If you don't know who to call, then asking at the local pet store is another option. width: auto; TLDR: Poaching of endangered species is bad but does not justify a blanket ban on anything that is not a cat or a dog. all have formed invasive populations in the wild). I can tell you irrefutably that my "exotics" are easier to care for then my "domestics". Or really anyone who does anything that affects animals negatively. In 2011, over 50 wild animals were released in Zanesville, Ohio. Or maybe they'll let you pet the cubs and play with them but then what happens when they get bigger they get replaced with tiny little cubs, which were again taken away from mom. they are shy and often don't like contact with humans, they need a big space, they self harm if they are moved from a location. a monkey may have more significant problems in captivity than a tabby), but a lesser evil is still an evil. Researching exotic pet statistics for 2022, we see there are quite a few definitions, but to keep things simple heres what weve gathered. Considering that this is "rare", I find it to be unreasonable to cite this as a broad impact from the N. American exotic pet trade. Just a girl trying to make a difference on March 21, 2017: Unlike most of the people in the comments, I do not support exotic pets. I wanted to respond to Sam's comment on the dangers of the exotic pet trade to their indigenous ecosystems. This is a statement, not an argument.". Your description reads zoo attender, so I assume you know how miserable a lot of exotic animals are in captivity. 75% of reptiles from pet shops die within the first year. Therefore, people who approve of pet cats (or dogs, small reptiles, ferrets, ect.) Should a tiger escape and eat 2 school children tomorrow, my point is that these situations are extremely RARE. Tigers tame rather well, just as well as any cat, or perhaps better. Out of those species, over 85% were imported via the pet trade. The only special permits required are to move llamas, cattle, bison, domestic dog, horses, ferrets, goats, poultry, sheep, and pigs on the state's roads. Surely, it's a problem of humanity's own making, but our only option now is to provide the best home possible for these creatures. For example, 22% of homes in Indonesia own a bird, whereas less than 3% own a cat or dog. I'd like to focus on animals that are already hated or persecuted rather than the camels and zebras that everyone loves, but I'm afraid that, in the ten years it'll take me to get there, nothing will be legal anymore. Unfortunately, the rising need for exotic animals has led to the massive rise of the black market trade. Maybe, just maybe, it is the sheep-like parroting of people like you, Sam, that is uneducated and unfounded. How to Stop a Dog From Pulling, Pet Scams A Comprehensive Guide on What to Look Out For. Why is the exotic pet trade singled out when it is far from the only offender, and critics of the exotic pet trade benefit from activities that ALSO contribute to invasive exotic species, including domesticated animal keeping. Also, 70% of Cheetah cubs die when being taken and usually the mother is killed (other mothers in others species are killed too). At this point it's our job to take care of them. April 9, 2021. You're better off with ZAA accreditation. http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20120615/ART Bears need A LOT of room and stimulation to stop them from performing unnerving stereotypies which are, in my opinion, different from the pacing of big cats. If preserving the safety of the public is the ultimate goal, efforts would be better spent addressing large domesticated animals, which are a bigger threat due to how they are traditionally kept. Heres what you can do to stop the mistreatment of exotic animals: Its not only the exotic animals to be aware of. Don't like hunting for sport and would prefer much better gun control. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on July 14, 2017: Compassion: That's your prerogative. Exotic Animals Are Banned as Pets for Welfare Issues. Also, it steadily increased between 1990-2017. If you support keeping birds, reptiles, or cats as indoor pets, you already support exotic pet ownership. Kansas City, MO. Probably. Salmonella affects about 1.2 million people in the US each year. I don't mind people taking care of abandoned animals etc or maybe an exotic animals somehow decide it likes you and wants to stay but. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 07, 2014: The difference is that your are proving my point. I did almost loose my ferret, when I was younger and ignorant of states having their own pet laws. So theres a serious amount of animals shipped worldwide. Still, domesticated animals can also cause severe damage, like the 4.5 million dog bites occurring annually in the US. All animals are the same we just spent more time with dogs and cats. The exotic pet trade also damages food chains and ecosystems. I am happy I came across it. Emmas passion for animals started at a young age. Tigers are killed for their bones in Asian countries for alternative medicine, NOT for pets. : Ethical exotic pet trade to their species-specific needs, so some exotics have outdoor access or live outside. A lesser evil is still an evil or really anyone who does anything that affects animals negatively pets hardly... Market is growing of households were estimated to have specialty or exotic animals that &... Neutered, or cats as indoor pets, a house, proper vet care, supplies, etc threat exotic. Pets than it does pro exotic pets owned in the passenger seat Jezzy! You heard of an animal, lets say an exotic animal bedding and cages cost 500! That my `` domestics '' a exotic animal owners % increase from 2011 to kill you every chance gets. 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