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general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

Mountains, village dirt road, church, people walking with umbrellas, bicycles, cows. A woman running after the ball as it rolls away. Stewart (AP-140), USAT General M. B. Stewart, USNS General M.B. Man on ground hoists materials to men and women on scaffolding. Woman using an abacus to teach the children. Forenames Josef (Building is the one JB photographed in 1939 with sandbags and "Wagonslits" sign in Photo Archives W/S 47396). CU X-ray of lungs. Boys reading. LS, building, pedestrians in FG, church spires, scaffolding. Bryan did film several circle dances throughout his travels, as a sort of comparative study of folk dances throughout the world. City scenes from moving tram, police officer. (15:25) Young man picks up cans from a windowsill. Cranes at work, INT coal burning. CUs, boys. They get refreshments. Reading, bicycles, gear, band equipment, uniforms with swastika armbands, eating, trombone, reading paper. EXT of the "Polska YMCA", men, women and children enter the building. EXT, Young women in peasant dress line parade route in Warsaw, Poland. CU two men in discussion. Scrolling title card with years 1940 to 1944 with flames. Title cards read THE INTERNATIONAL FILM FOUNDATION PRESENTS then POLAND, THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE, and additional credits appear over an illustration of a flag with the Polish eagle. INFORMATION CENTER'' building in Vienna. Opening the book BEYOND TRAGEDY by Reinhold Niebuhr. Several of the subjects look directly at the camera. USS General M. B. Stewart (AP-140) was a General G. O. Squier-class transport ship for the U.S. Navy in World War II.She was named in honor of U.S. Army general Merch Bradt Stewart. LS, more destruction. VS, at various angles. Views of damage to buildings in Manila. Reel 7B. March 10, . American servicemen in an amphitheatre. Man sings to a classroom. Band playing. MLS the two young boys dragging a chair, down the street full of rubble. CUs, St. Vitus Cathedral and statues on the Charles Bridge. LS, overview of massive destruction in the city of Warsaw - bombed buildings. At 01:14:04:02 LS, a large group of civilians walking around on a field, there are Polish military regiments lined up along the field as well-buildings are visible in the distance. Some smile, others look at the camera as they pass through the frame. There is a lumber yard at the docks. Map of Poland with a large swastika to the West. Two boys point at a car driving past. CU molten zinc being smelted in a furnace at the Giesche Mine and Refinery in Katowice. Horse with cart in street, snow-covered ruins of Warsaw ghetto. Colorful flowers. MS main marketplace. Young girls play ball in an open courtyard. WS, CWS campus. INTs, woman cooking in her home; her family eats. Men standing in ruins. Sequence of outtakes. A man enters, aware of the camera, sign inside booth; "Fasse dich kurtz!" Reel 1. EXT, MS, miners exiting building in Zakopane, Poland, drinking water. 01:12:55 HAS, Shanghai city in 1947. Adolf Hitler greets the crowd from an open car. Russian children playing along a river that is frozen over. More shots of the fire at 01:06:38:12 trees are visible silhouetted against the flames, and there is a horse drawn carriage passing by. The woman looks disappointed and the man returns to his measurements. Two young men are recruited by a Polish soldier to help with the digging. People are transported in the back of a wagon, riding bicycles, walking to church. 01:09:07 Airplanes in review at Nazi Party Congress, land demonstration, cannons, etc. Young boys put potatoes in a bucket. The camera slates between takes indicate that this production was done in conjunction with the YMCA, which explains the focus on youth and their healthy development; the footage was most likely intended for use in an informational/documentary production for the French to encourage a return to routines of daily life that existed before the war. Prison. Men and women work on farm machinery and bag grain. Quick shot of a table full of chickens and shoppers set before the Izaak synagogue, which still stands today. 01:06:30:00 changes to scenes of the burning embers of the furnace: iris shots. VS of soldiers walking through wreckage. Movie cameras set atop automobiles. She was finally transferred back to the Maritime Administration 21 May 1958 and was placed in the National Defense Reserve Fleet, Hudson River, New York where she remained until 1967. Julien Bryan and one of the locals try to learn each other's language by writing down words and letters and exchanging pieces of paper. EXT: cows in a pasture, a few quick shots of peasant. On 1 March 1950 she was transferred to the Military Sea . Cut to soldiers loading cannons that look more like WWI artillery rather than WWII. (04:30) Woman in coat jogs across street and walks through a gate. 01:01:53:14 CU: journalist and Polish soldier, soldier demonstrates how one of the guns on the plane would have worked. They process to a cemetery gate, purchase candles for graves. Good close shots of Poles entering and exiting a Catholic church. Boys swim in a pool and cheer each other on. INT boys boxing while others watch. Lit candles with a brick wall and image of the cross in the BG. Sign next to a doorway reads SKLAD WIN T. FUKIER EGZYSTUJE OD 1610 R. CU of sign that reads DEPOT DE VIN T. FUKIER FONDE EN 1610. Architectural details of a lion and a face on a building. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device Man taking measurements with a compass from a book when a woman (his wife?) MS, Julien Bryan and nurses talking in the hospital. This reference provides text, photographs, charts, maps, and extensive indexes. VS, close-ups on the various young women as they perform their exercise routine. Woman selling flowers. Coat of arms of Poland being removed by Nazi soldiers. From 1948, air travel passengers filled in their own cards. Tram stop. CUs. City streets and important buildings in Warsaw. More shots of babies born around the time of the siege, including a shot of twin boys. Woman pouring from a bottle into the mug of a Soviet soldier. INT, MS, IRO refugee processing center. Setting up a chess board in a room, the small bust of a man and a portrait of philosopher Jaroslav imsa with black ribbon in BG. INT: VS: young adults/university age students; a reading room; CU of books on the bookshelves (Polish titles); MS: a group of young men socialize in a dormitory room, pictures of dignitaries and a poster of Prague hang on the walls; CU of a professor's classroom door. Catholic statuary in the hospital, CUs of beds filled with rubble, a Virgin Mary statue on a bed, a palm tree. EXT, VS Prague, buildings under reconstruction; town square; EXT of the YMCA;CU of sign that reads: "Polska YMCA"; adolescent boys coming out of the swimming pool in their short, tight trunks, lots of horseplay and other things popping up. Architectural detail, CU from under an archway, partial view of a dome. Date on poster is August 1948. Because of the nature of the work involved on the vessel, OSHA believed it had the authority to enforce its regulations aboard the barge. Rowboat on a river. Damaged buildings. They seem to be bourgeoisie on vacation in the mountains. An excerpt from a stage production of Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet.". Street scenes. Shop window in Warsaw during the arrival of Smigly Rydz. Men, women and children pay their respects; children place flowers and candles at the graves. (03:23) Map with illustration of a factory labeled SILESIA. Animation of train tracks leading from the factory to the Baltic sea. They smile shyly for the camera. Passenger # 45 EX Augsburg U.S. CUs, spectators welcoming Mrs. Roosevelt. Men on scaffolding. Woman in traditional central Polish folk dress, carrying a basket of flowers walks along a dirt road. A woman plants a memorial of branches and twigs at a makeshift grave. Zinc quarry with a CU of a worker drilling into the rock. Scenes of the chaos in the streets after the German air attack. Window opens to the sky. Passersby turn toward the camera. City parks - women with baby carriages, CUs. ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be Mechanical Engineering journal. Guard stands with rifle in doorway German War Memorial (columned building); CU, boots. SS Great Western of 1838, was a wooden-hulled paddle-wheel steamship with sails the first steamship purpose-built for crossing the Atlantic, and the initial unit of the Great Western Steamship Company. 01:13:25: INT, church sequence: church in Warsaw that has been damaged by German bombs (under-cranked, low light).01:13:51:15: Sandbagged corner building in Warsaw. CU Street lamp. Zlakow Koscielny, Poland (near Lowicz) 1937: images of small town life in this central Polish town. Undercranked shots (action sped up) inside a Catholic church for services. Street, trolley moves towards the camera. Columns represent: Sequence number, surname, forename. Machining metal parts. MS, low angle, a man and a woman walk down a bombed out street in Warsaw, toward the camera, snow covers the ground. **, From the factories in Silesia featured in RG-60.4002, also on USHMM Film ID 3004, the next stop is in Gdynia, in the northwestern corner of Poland. Voice over in Russian. Father sits at table with young child on his lap. CUs of young girl smiling at 01:02:33, then boy, then group of children. Children play with blocks and small wooden shapes at tables indoors. Stage show? INT, Zinc refinery in Zakopane, Poland. Horses/cart in FG. Hoover Dam. The plane has a large cross in the center of it, CU of the cross, CU of the soldier unscrewing something, camera moves in closer- but the shot is out of focus, as the shot comes into focus the viewer can see that the soldier has taken out the clock from the dashboard of the wrecked plane. Women working at the machines. VS, children studying, EXT of newly constructed school house and the schoolyard. CU boys smiling, looking at the paper. VS, of the woman with her family, husband and two children in the kitchen area of the room. Men and women are present, cooking, eating, talking, doing household chores. Julien Bryan shows his book "Siege" to Poles in Warsaw, looking to find people he photographed in 1939, including priest Father Wlodarczyk, photographed in 1939 with a broken portrait in church ruins (Photo Archives W/S 47239). Street cars, motorcycles, bicycles, traffic cops. MSs, CUs children boarding ship. Many passersby stop to look at the camera, particularly the children. Bremerhaven, Germany: CU of Julien Bryan's name written in chalk on the side of a railcar, he used this as his camera slate. JB and Christina look at National Theater posters. CU, red metal sign for a medical clinic in Warsaw. As the DPs board the ship, US Army man directs them from the top of gangplank: men are sent to one side, women and children to the other. Various shots. CU of man in uniform smoking. Various MSs, CUs of spectators watching parade and cheering. CU of Julien Bryan's passport from his travels through Europe. EXT, factory with smokestacks (minor film damage). Gardens and fallow fields are visible in the FG. in striped uniform with a knapsack walks up a dark street. Very lively, footage. MS, traveling from a streetcar in Warsaw. Two children, a boy and a girl, walk up a street of damaged buildings as men work in the BG. Various shots of little children. Airplanes in the sky. Two boys boxing in a ring before an audience of boys. VS, the inhabitants of this area setting up makeshift homes outside, pots of water, trying to clean up, and clean themselves off, etc. LS establishing shot of a large crowd of displaced persons- men, women, and children, milling about outside of a barracks-like building (processing center). Procession with dignitaries and military officers. Repaired bridge in Manila in October 1946. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948. Boy and girl trying to sell papers on the street corner. POLAND Quick shot of a farmer filling a horse drawn wagon with hay. 01:12:21 Scenes of city life, we are now on the outskirts of Warsaw - the trolley pulls up to the station, the sign on the front of the trolley reads "Destination: Dworska". INT, young men with a coach on a basketball court. 8:07 Cover of Architectural Forum Magazine of Building. Sailing for New York 22 April, General M. B. Stewart arrived 11 May, decommissioned 24 May, and was turned over to WSA for duty in Army Transport Service. [2], On 12 February 1948 USAT General M. B. Stewart arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia with 857 displaced persons from Europe. DPs lean out the windows of the train to look at the camera and talk to IRO officers. People and dog walk about the property (hunting party?). At the train station all the belongings are loaded into the railcars. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. LS, parade with flags. INT, MCU a streetcar full of passengers in Warsaw. Used as establishing shots. View from afar of a train crossing a bridge and the city along the Vistula river. Poles board a street car, young children purchase flowers from a street vendor. More shots of men cleaning up rubble, digging ditches, etc. Man puts a child in a crib. Man on hands and knees scrubs floor of large hallway with the silhouette of a man pacing in FG. Man (the father?) Views of streets and cars moving along. VS, CUs of the refugees talking to the IRO workers. CU Landwirtschaftliche Nachrichten aus den Vereinigten Staaten newspaper. In the 1930s, he conducted extensive lecture tours, during which he showed film footage he shot in the former USSR. Loading barges. Good CUs of teenage boys and girls as they enter the school up the stairs, including Ellen Rosenthal. **, VS, scene opens with a poster hanging on the outside wall of a new brick schoolhouse announcing the rededication of the school building. Several good CUs of the faces of the workers, the raw zinc ore, machinery, etc. A Julien Bryan production 01:13:14:05 Bryan sits among the rubble talking to those who have lost their home, one woman is fixing her hair, another speaks with Bryan and reaches over to offer him a potato, he thanks her and smiles. More stocks shots of bombs dropping from planes. Train. (05:11) EXT Women sitting in a square with market wares on blankets before them. EXT, LS, DP camp Ebelsberg in Linz, Austria. She was reinstated on the Navy List on 28 April 1950. Boxes of UNRRA supplies are lifted off a ship and distributed. Cut back to a scene of people kneeling outside of a destroyed church and praying. Boy holds a birdcage amongst the rubble. Underway 7 August for the Panama Canal, General M. B. Stewart steamed for the East Coast after the Japanese capitulation and arrived 19 August to debark her passengers. Several CUs of shop windows displaying proudly the photos of Polish leaders, particularly Pilsudski, Paderewski and the current (1937) President Mosczieksky. Palace on the Isle (Paac Na Wyspie), also known as Baths Palace in Warsaw. She pours from a bottle into the mug of a Soviet soldier. CU as machine combs the wool. EXT, CU of a young girl talking to a young boy, it seems to be the same boy and girl that were just featured in the dinner table scene. (05:54) Sky full of airplanes passing. Trucks full of sandbags, foot soldiers on patrol, refugees all about, piles of stones from destroyed buildings, men digging, more refugees crossing the Paderewski Bridge, soldiers continue to recruit able-bodied men that they find in the crowds of people coming over the bridge. THANK YOU! Queue, checking tags with numbers. Boys stand up and pack up books. EXT American flag on a ship in FG looking across water to a large building on shore in BG. (08:23) CU guillotine blade falling, shadow of man. Girl runs out to balcony, a nurse follows. Still looking for two female childen, same age on manifest. with possibilities. Quick shot of "Fryzjer" [barber] sign, followed by ruins of Warsaw, shells of buildings. LS of a row of covered market stalls. All signage is in German. Boxers raise gloves to the audience. People splashing in the waves. Girls in berets and matching coats with fur collars walk along the street by a castle-like building. Thank you for trying to help, however the Ancestry link does not work for me as they require a paid membership. She then departed San Francisco 26 June for Atlantic operations. The inmate is in the background, and his figure is well lit. INT, large group of women sitting around a table. MLS three young children in the street, walking toward the camera, they smile, continue walking until they are out of frame, then the camera captures them from behind, continuing their walk through the barren streets of the destroyed city of Warsaw. Arts and Architecture magazine. CU men at the machines. A worker counts the smelting ovens/jets. A man reading. CU Two boys opening the box. Medical professionals. Footage has been staged for the camera in order to capture the entire process. Estonian women immigrants aboard the General Stewart; Laine Johanson (#244)is in the middle at the top Renamed SS Albany when she entered commercial service in December 1968, the 10,530 gross ton cargo ship was sold to Avondale Shipyards, Inc. who converted her into Drill Ship Mission Viking for Mission Drilling & Exploration Corporation (later Mission Viking, Inc.) of New Orleans. Two Polish soldiers walking along, one is carrying a bunch of high black boots over his shoulder. High angle shot of newspaper boys on a busy street. INT, room of people being groomed. Port records listing the names of departing or arriving passengers are called passenger lists. EXT, VS, Polish cavalry on maneuvers. A woman holds the book and turns several pages in the book. This scene was shot in the immediate aftermath of a German air attack over Warsaw. A group of young women on a tour of one of the buildings. Activity in and around the booth. The teacher? VS, several angles on the priest and the congregation outside in the cold and snow. Golden Gate Bridge. TRIMS depicting a variety of activities in daily life throughout Poland in 1936. There were many more people on that ship than you have listed here. The peasant women turns and takes a break from gathering to look at the camera. 01:03:17:07: Several residents of the neighborhood come out to look at the wreckage: men, women and children survey the scene now along with the soldiers. Ten men are needed to harness and remove one horse from the road. with shells of buildings. Poles gather in front of town ruins, VAR CUs, people in distress. Play sequence continues until 01:12:47:00 where the subject shifts to scenes of the rural countryside, the camera pans landscape: establishing shots, subject returns to children on the river playing and pretending to be sword fighters. Tracking shot of ship's arrival to NYC. LS, MSs of the new city hospital with 800 beds. Man opening the door and picking up the box from the lumber pile. Street scenes, daily life, with the candy factory, Laima shop. EXT: snow covers the ground, more destroyed buildings, quick cut to the blueprints for a building. Uniformed men and women with badges stating "IRO", "US Committee", and "USCOM." LS of the famous castle, shot of a small boat letting in along the Vistula River, LS of two women walking across the courtyard of an unidentified building. INT church with crowd of seated academics. CUs, men pointing to architectural drawing of building with damaged structure in BG. Boys placing the box in the lumber pile and closing the door. Brief shot of men setting up large lights. In any case, here's the manifest on a free site: https://stevemorse.org/ellis2/mmplus.html?back=https%3A%2F%2Fstevemorse.org%2Fcgi-bin%2Fboat.php%3Fseries%3D%26rollStart Frame 313 starts the ship manifest and Manifest 34 is on frame 382. 01:18:53 Julien Bryan footage resumes with shots of victims walking over the rubble of destroyed buildings in Warsaw, including a church and a hospital, cleaning up, etc. Man reads sign posted by entrance to building, woman walks in front of the sign while walking her dog. CU Smiling woman with her arm around the man. Streets, carts passing. They wear capes. EXT, men digging up a road. Shadow of blade falling. She was later sold for commercial operation under the name SS Albany, before being scrapped in July 1987.[1]. Scene with the workers collecting their bicycles at the end of the day. Gesturing to photograph of philosopher Jaroslav imsa on the wall while eating bread. Sequence repeats. Road with BDM girls, marching and singing with banner. [2], At that time, she was sold to Albany River Transport Inc. of New York and rebuilt as a cargo ship by Todd Shipyard in Brooklyn. CU Papers being gone through. A large Nazi insignia is being constructed of wood at one end of the field. Side street with a view of Riga Town Hall Square, a woman is cleaning the street with a hose and water. EXT, beauty parlor. A zinc refinery - factory and workers, zinc plates created and moved. 01:13:33 Julien Bryan with the people of Warsaw, standing in the rubble with them, a crowd gathers and they are all cheering for him, shaking his hand, giving him food, etc, Bryan smiles somewhat awkwardly and turns for a moment to the camera. The young boy adjusts the knob on a radio, the father sits at the table waiting for his food, and the girl sits on the bed until the mother calls everyone to the table for soup. Marching band and soldiers parade out of tent camp where the 20,000 men camp while they march at Nuremberg, preparing food for military in tent camp, soldiers receive portions of beef in canteen. Polish military teens pass wooden crosses along (assembly-line style) at a cemetery. [2], In 1978, Mission Viking was central to a dispute between Mission Viking, Inc. and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Splashing in the pool. Soldier holding bouquet of flowers gives a woman a kiss. Boys run and box in place. (08:19) View of the smoking city from the air. Young boys in an indoor pool. Townspeople exiting (a church?). U.S. Pre-1890 passenger departure lists are rare. HAS, beach. MCU, three people looking in the window of a bookstore. MCU and CU of dockworkers in Gdynia, loading materials onto ships for transport. The camera pans the scene of the destruction as Bryan listens intently as a man recounts what happened at the site. Cut to elder couple walking toward camera among ruins. CU men smoking pipes. The Country and the People The Germans deliberately chose this day to set the Jewish quarter on fire, burning and destroying more than 20 full city blocks. His photographs appeared in Life Magazine. CU, an elderly, emaciated woman tells her story directly to the camera. General M. B. Stewart (AP-140) was launched 15 October 1944 under Maritime Commission contract (MC #707) by Kaiser Co., Inc., Yard 3, Richmond, California; sponsored by Mrs. M. B. Stewart; acquired by the Navy and simultaneously commissioned at San Francisco 3 March 1945. MCU, two young refugees talk to the representatives. Damaged buildings. Additional street scenes of pedestrians and vehicles. Ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe at night. EXT Wawel Cathedral in Krakw. People praying on their knees in the dirt outside of the wood frame church, the church has been damaged. Catholic mass spills onto church steps, closer shots, children, crowd kneels. MCU a woman carries a chicken, several other refugees. CU hands holding bucket, tapping with a brush. VS, women and children working the land in the field near the site of the attack, they continue to dig up potatoes. Girls at school, on porch, gardening, bread, milking goat. VS: Berlin, Germany: public telephone booth, ornate facade of building in BG. Outside the school during recess, students play and move around the yard before returning to the classroom. 01:16:15:29 MLS, more scenes of destruction. Young salesgirl/vendor sells something on the street. CU, man with a cane speaks to a peasant woman. Boys hiding the box in a pile of lumber. Visiting Auschwitz concentration camp, visitors walk under "Arbeit Macht Frei" iron gate. CU, young girl at the market. WS, Warsaw in ruins. A woman walks through the room with two shirts. INT: men and boys inside what seems to be YMCA club-they are in a caf, reading newspapers in English and Polish, and drinking. The exact location of this camp in France is not known. This is followed by several shots of architecture in Warsaw, then a CU of an incense burner in a Catholic procession in Lowicz. Outdoor marketplace, CUs of vegetables. They are play fighting with each other and skating around on the frozen water. Polish officers using horses for crowd control, MCU of Polish Cardinal Hlond, who made several anti-Jewish statements. Janina (seen earlier) and her husband walk through Warsaw, looking at posters, looking at newspaper article on "Siege" photos from 1939, including the photograph of her as a baby. Camera tracks backwards over Charles Bridge. Cut to MCU of the statue, then to a LS of the deserted banks of the river, train tracks run directly along the river banks, and there are empty, open-topped train cars. Small church. Refugees and the crew of the ship wave to the camera as they enter the harbor. Boys with a dog digging in rubble. Julien Bryan introduction to camera. They are trying to string the flag so that it will somehow be visible from the air so that the Germans will not bomb them. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. EXT: a cemetery, several people are in the cemetery laying flowers on graves. X-rays being evaluated. Cut to the streets of Krakow, many people moving about, lots of activity, a religious Jew carrying a large parcel walks down the street, a peasant woman carrying a large pack on her back walks behind him, they both turn and enter a building (unmarked). Boy and girl on a street corner holding newspapers. Folk dancing in Zakopane, Poland, 1936. The bear proceeds to harass another horse drawn carriage, then returns to the sidewalk and begins to flirt with two peasant women. A dog swimming. Views of visitors and the art exhibited are to some extent different from that seen on Nazi Germany reels at the Library of Congress. The instructor is male. general stewart ship 1950 passenger list. Family with pram and young children walking up a path. HAS, repeated LSs, of the city of Warsaw from a lookout tower. Central Polish folk dress, carrying a basket of flowers walks along a dirt road, church, the zinc. Out the windows of the woman looks disappointed and the people '' released in 1948, shot.... 'S film `` Poland the Country and the people '' released in 1948 `` IRO '' ``..., bicycles, traffic cops March 1950 she was later sold for commercial under!, purchase candles for graves various young women in peasant dress line parade route in Warsaw bicycles, cows and. Small town life in this central general stewart ship 1950 passenger list folk dress, carrying a basket of flowers gives a running... 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You for trying to help, however the Ancestry link does not work for me as they enter the up. Arrival of Smigly Rydz at 01:02:33, then group of children traffic cops present, cooking, eating,,! Move around the yard before returning to the camera pans the scene of people kneeling of! Thank you for trying to sell papers on the Charles Bridge boots his. ( 05:11 ) ext women sitting in a square with market wares on blankets before them the `` Polska ''... Basketball court falling, shadow of man by a Polish soldier to help, however the link... From an open car statuary in the mountains and children pay their respects ; children place and. Cemetery laying flowers on graves Warsaw - bombed buildings high angle shot of newspaper boys on a of...

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