'Following the events of the last 48 hours in which Greig Tonkins was seen on social media punching a kangaroo in attempt to free his dog from its hold, Taronga has been inundated with concern for Mr Tonkins as well as enquiries regarding Taronga's position on the events,' the zoo said in a statement. Tonkins, who is a zookeeper, then squared up with the animal and delivered a punch to get the kangaroo to leave the party alone, solidifying his fate as a viral video star. 'He only threw the punch to redirect the animal and afterwards there were a few nervous and relieved laughs, and then we just went on with getting Kailem a tonner.'. A kangaroo kick to the guts could easily disembowel the owner, so he backs off a couple of times giving the kangaroo some space but he eventually changes the roo's mind with a punch to the snout, as it kept coming forward. Our paper animation explores how these remarkable pachyderms have adapted to survive, from their powerful cancer-fighting genes to a Spidey sense of hearing. Tonkins, who is a zookeeper, then squared up with the animal and delivered a punch to get the kangaroo to leave the party alone, solidifying his fate as a viral video star. In the video, the. Plants can talk. "My buddy from Australia sent me this," Steven wrote. Occurred June 15, 2016 / Outback AustraliaInfo from licensor: \"A group of hunters got together to help a young cancer sufferer (terminal diagnosis) with his last wish of catching a 100 kg (220 pound) wild boar with his dogs. "He clearly felt threatened by the animal and wanted to save his dog.". In an instant, the abnormality that had appeared during the day appeared before him again, and the scene in front of him began to appear double, but when he looked carefully, he found that the scene in front of him was actually one near and one far . 'However, the highest standards of animal welfare and care are a core value of Taronga and one that we expect our staff to uphold in all their interactions with wildlife and we continue to work with Mr Tonkins on his conduct in regards to this incident.'. This man punching a kangaroo in the face is the best viral video of 2016 Greig Tonkins saved his dog with a well-placed right cross By Colin Ward-Henninger Dec 5, 2016 at 1:38 pm ET 1 min read. Since then he has kept to himself on his country New South Wales farm, continuing to work with elephants at the zoo. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. 128 Likes, 11 Comments - MediaGuide.NG (@mediaguide.ng) on Instagram: "A man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog. The bizarre incident occurred during a hunting expedition which had been put together especially for Kailem Barwick. Over the weekend, the internet was captivated by a video of an Aussie punching a kangaroo in the face to save his dog. Daily Mail Australia can also reveal Mr Tonkins is a committee member of the Australian Pig Doggers and Hunters Association. Speaking to WA Today, Matthew Amor, a member of the hunting party said the trip had been organised by a group of like-minded strangers for a 19-year-old man dying of cancer . Usually, however, a male will yield to the stronger challenger, often showing subservience by grooming or making a coughing sound. If you would like to customise your choices, click 'Manage privacy settings'. The man, reported to be Greig Tonkins, 34, rushed up to help his dog. 'They love me and I love them,' he said in a post with a picture of him lying next to a mob of kangaroos,' Mr Tonkins said, as his mates reminded him of his infamous run-in and questioned whether he had again 'gone on the attack' again. Tonkins's employment is not in jeopardy, the statement says. All times AEST (GMT +10). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. National Geographic has been unable to reach Tonkins for comment. He and a group of friends had been out hunting wild pigs when his dog came across the giant kangaroo and attempted to attack it. In some cases, hunters use dogs to subdue the pigs and then finish them off with knives, never touching a gun. Getty Images Kangaroo attacks are rare in Australia A relative found the. It was just staring at him and he picked up something to try and shoo it away and as soon as he did that you could just see that it was going to go at him, Rowe told 7NEWS.He was massive. But Daily Mail Australia can reveal being the centre of international attention has come at a cost to the quiet father-of-two. The trip was arranged for Kailem Barwick who had been diagnosed with cancer, The man approaches as the kangaroo has the dock in a headlock, Kailem Barwick sadly passed away on December 2, The man and the kangaroo circle each other, Kailem Barwick, 3rd from left, with the group of hunters. It has been revealed the clip was taken during a dying man's last wish to go on a. He stands tall, one sign that he is getting ready for a fight. Explore their stories. The man throws a punch at the kangaroo after it gives a few intimidating hops, sending the animal recoiling backward. Earlier this year, the world misread another kangaroo-based scenario, when we all thought a male kangaroo was grasping his dying mate for one last family hug with their joey. Kangaroos box with each other in the wild. A man is seen approaching the kangaroo and it seems that due to this, the kangaroo releases the dog from the headlock. In December 2016, a video went viral, purportedly showing a man punching a kangaroo in order to . In October, Max - the same specially trained dog that was attacked by the roo - won a high jumping competition at the organisation's AGM, with the performance captured on video. A kangaroo was caught on video punching an Australian man in the face as he tried to protect his kids from the hopping mad marsupial, according to news.com.au. Something went wrong, please try again later. The dog would have struggled to escape the clutches of the powerful animal. kangaroo company cbd gummies cbd gummies for sleep 2021, kushly cbd gummies reviews 100mg cbd gummy review cbd gummies to stop drinking.. This story was updated at 10:45 am ET on December 6 with a statement from the zoo. We think he does the right thing by saving his dog. Halfway through? Kangaroos can pack a real punch, so Tonkins well schooled in their behavior acted first to get the thing to retreat. We confirm that there is no suggestion of Mr Tonkins employment at Taronga Western Plains Zoo ending as a result of this event. Kailem was a keen hunter who always dreamed of catching a one tonner (100kg) boar. Hunting of the invasive boarswhich have caused ecological damage in Australiais popular there. Can gum infections trigger arthritis symptoms? An unnamed friend of Tonkins who was on the hunting trip shed some light on what happened, saying this: "The dog wanted no part of it, all it was trying to do was escape from the 'roo and that's why he stepped in. To make this worse they have HUGE long claws -think Wolverine - and can slice their victims open like any butcher's boning knife. Despite many embracing their moment in the spotlight, Mr Tonkins refused to talk to media in the aftermath of making international attention. Dr Eldridge said Mr Tonkins was probably the luckiest to escape unscathed from the incident, as the kangaroo chose to flee rather than fight. And so a few of us got together to take him out, and another mate filmed more than an hour of video to put together as a DVD for Kailem and his family of the trip. "The guy's very lucky because he could have been killed," says Marco Festa-Bianchet, a National Geographic explorer who studies kangaroos and who is a biologist at Universit de Sherbrooke in Quebec. 04:58 EDT 04 Mar 2019. A relative found the 77-year-old man with serious injuries on Monday at his home in. However the animal lover has been slammed by activists, who have called for him to lose his job at the zoo. The kangaroo hopped toward the man, knocking him to the ground before making its getaway. The roo lets his dog go and stands toe to toe as they start to circle each other like boxers. A little girl has now been identified after she was saved by her uncle when a neighbours dogs dragged her off a fence in a horror mauling. The animal became aggressive and reared up on Tonkins. This content is imported from youTube. Animals Nature Video ICYMI: The kangaroo punch heard round the world. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Kangaroo Fight animated GIFs to your conversations. Girl Gets Out Big Dent In The Side Of Her Car With A HUGE Adult Toy! He should be in prison!'. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. A man on a hunting trip punches a kangaroo to save his dog. Man punches kangroo to save his dog | #shorts #animals #youtubeshorts #animalstop3 #kangaroo #animal #faceoff Die Moderatoren des Abends waren der Schauspieler Seann William Scott und der Snger und Schauspieler Justin Timberlake.Musikalische Auftritte gab es von der russischen Band t.A.T.u., dem Rapper 50 Cent und der Sngerin Pink.. Mit insgesamt vier Auszeichnungen war der Film Der Herr der . The maniacal marsupial has attacked three people including a 72-year-old woman who was taking her dog for an. American Steven Stubenrauch posted the clip on Facebook on Saturday night and the video of the showdown has been viewed more than 3 million times. "It wasn't long before I met up with a real good bunch of blokes a young fella like myself could ever ask for. During the trip, one of the dogs ran into a kangaroo while chasing a scent. Hope someone pays him back,' one woman wrote. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. "If the kangaroo had done that to the guy it could have disemboweled him," says Festa-Bianchet. Greig Tonkins and his pals were on a boar hunting trip with their friend Kailem Barwick, a 19-year-old who was diagnosed with terminal cancer, hoping to catch an elusive "tonner"a wild boar that weighs more than 100 kilograms (around 220 pounds), the .css-umdwtv{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:.0625rem;text-decoration-color:#FF3A30;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:background 0.4s;transition:background 0.4s;background:linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff 50%, #d5dbe3 50%, #d5dbe3);-webkit-background-size:100% 200%;background-size:100% 200%;}.css-umdwtv:hover{color:#000000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;-webkit-background-position:100% 100%;background-position:100% 100%;}Daily Mail reported. "Kangaroos often defend themselves by wrestling the dogs to the ground, which is what you can see happening in the video," he says. Video shot in June but going viral this week shows a dramatic encounter between a large male kangaroo and a man in Australia. Greig Tonkins, 36, made headlines in December, 2016 when footage of him shaping up to the two-metre marsupial went viral around the world. 6 years ago. This is a little late but just in case you were still hung up over it. But it has since been discovered that the video was actually shot by a group of hunters in June, at a rural estate in Condobolin in New South Wales. This Young Baseball Thug Plays It Smooth When He Catches The Cocky GT-R Driver Gets Destroyed By 370Z! Yesterday we reported on the most Australian thing ever, a man punching a kangaroo to save his dog, but it turns out theres a heartbreaking story behind the hilarity. This was a really interesting scenario, Dr Eldrige told news.com.au. Rather than trying to cradle the dying partner, the male kangaroo was trying to mate with her one last time. Mr Tonkins, who struck the roo in the face with a right hook, did so to protect his beloved dog Max, who had just been released from a headlock seconds earlier. Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia. In this video, the man comes over to a kangaroo who has his dog trapped in its arms. Children and elderly people are next to be hurt by Greig Tonkin,' another man posted. Another technique kangaroos sometimes use is to try to claw their opponents' eyes out, which also could have left Tonkins seriously injured. After taking the hit, the animal retreated into the bushwithout visible injury, Tonkins reported. Dr Fiona Patterson may well be the Dr Spock of the four-legged world, with her six masterful hacks helping ensure becoming a furbaby mum or dad remains a pure joy. This guy is a pathetic coward that gets off on punching animals,' added one man. 'Mr Tonkins is an experienced Zoo keeper and during his six years at Taronga Western Plains Zoo has always followed Taronga's best practice approach to animal care and welfare. authenticate users, apply security measures, and prevent spam and abuse, and, display personalised ads and content based on interest profiles, measure the effectiveness of personalised ads and content, and, develop and improve our products and services. The kangaroo looks stunned and then proceeds to hop away while the man walks away unharmed. Submit your own great video and make money: https://goo.gl/yejGkmContact licensing@viralhog.com to license this or any ViralHog video. He is also sexually aroused: The evidence is here sticking out from behind the scrotum (yes, in marsupials the penis is located behind the scrotum).. The Civil War raged outside their homes. He then rushes into bushland and approaches the roo and the do as the wild animal holds his pet in a headlock. It's not clear exactly when or where the video was shot. none of you would punch a . However, Jing Ping thought that although he was not a good person like Zhang Heng, he was definitely not as vicious as the other party.He had a bottom line in everything, and his principle was not to bully others and not to hurt innocent people.Just as Jing how does . Greig Tonkins, from Dubbo in country New South Wales, became an internet sensation over the weekend when a video of him standing toe to toe with the marsupial as it attacked his dog went viral. Typically, according to kangaroo expert Dr Mark Eldridge from the Australian Museum, kangaroos usually flee when they spot a dog or dingo. In the video, Greig jumps from a truck to save his dog from the kangaroo. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. The 19-year-old has since died of cancer. As 6-foot-7-inch Grieg Tonkins runs to the rescue, the buck tries to land a blow to the dog's gut with its sharp foot claws but misses and the dog breaks free. Taronga strongly opposes the striking of animals and does not support the practice of using dogs to hunt, as this can result in negative welfare for both species, the statement read. However, the highest standards of animal welfare and care are a core value of Taronga and one that we expect our staff to uphold in all their interactions with wildlife and we continue to work with Mr Tonkins on his conduct in regards to this incident.. It kind of looks funny but it really was a dangerous situation.". ", Sign up to FREE email alerts with news to brighten your day. Male kangaroos will try scratch and wrestle before sometimes putting an opponent in a headlock. After an internal investigation, the zoo announced on Tuesday that he would not lose his job, adding that they would continue to work with him on his conduct in regards to the incident. Seeing the man, the kangaroo lets go of the dog and gets ready to spar with its owner. .css-o3g03s{color:black;}Published18:02,05 December 2016 GMT.css-1aaqh7x{color:#666666;}@media (min-width:1024px){.css-1aaqh7x{color:#666666;}}| Last updated16:08,26 March 2021 GMT. Hold on to hope and hold on to every special memory you have. Earlier this week, footage of zookeeper Greig Tonkins sent the world into meltdown after he went toe-to-toe with an Eastern Grey kangaroo during a hunting trip in June. Uncle saves girl, 6, from vicious dog attack, Six simple parenting hacks to ace being a furbaby mum or dad, footage of zookeeper Greig Tonkins sent the world into meltdown. The animal in this incident may well have gone on to suffer for days or even weeks before dying. But when one of the highly-trained dogs came face-to-face with a big buck kangaroo, it grabbed the dog by its protective vest and wrestled it to the ground. If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click 'Reject all'. For centuries, Indigenous children were removed from their families and placed in missions and boarding schools. If one doesnt back down, they will get into an aggressive encounter. For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails . What This Boxer Sore Loser Does To His Opponent Is SHOCKING, Prison Thug Busts Out Of Handcuffs Like They Aint No Thing. So what was this buck thinking? Then he placates the roo with a straight right. 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