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nwn sou shield guardian

Eventually, you will have to kill her. Received From: Automatic Location: Temple of the Winds Experience: 5,000 Status: Required, Received From: Automatic Location: Undrentide, East Fragment Experience: 5,000 Status: Required, Received From: Automatic Location: Temple of the Winds Experience: 0 Status: Required. A. The red line marks the safe path back. Note that if you attack the kobold before you have the baby, the baby will be killed. The biggest monster, though, is the tentacle beast that appears as you attempt to cross the center platform. Rogues get enough skill points that they can become masters of the art of jimmying and disabling fairly quickly. The lich has absorbed the power of the dark wind and vanished through a portal--which unfortunately vanished behind him. He will ask for your help in changing this situation. There are three shield guardians in the area. Neverwinter Nights has a very flexible system for character modification, so don't worry much about the decisions you make early on. Heal Garrick and then speak with him. Before leaving the encampment, talk to Torias. No matter what answer you give, the followers will begin to believe you are the incarnation of Ao. Note that there is no way to avoid fighting J'Nah. After you begin spotting its tracks, it will eventually appear. Fiona is also involved in one of the solutions to An Excess of Prophet, found at the community hall. Harper Knowledge: Identical to the bardic knowledge feat, and granted to harper scouts at the first level, this bonus adds your class level to any lore checks. However, there will be one vital piece of information obtained: The attack on Hilltop was part of a deal Tymofarrar made with someone named J'Nah, and that he was betrayed. If you haven't retrieved Mystra's hand from your footlocker, do it now. You will see Karsus being attacked by succubae. The Arcanist's Tower, High Arcanist's Chambers. Enter the caravan and return the cards to Daschnaya. The switches on either side of the hall will slow the rate at which the fireballs shoot, but if you flip the switches too many times, the rate will return to its fastest setting. Once all the levers are activated, the doors to the chamber will open. Head into the southwest cavern and watch the surreal door mechanism in action. August 2019 in Official Campaigns. The assassin is the deadly cousin to the rogue. The answer is "I will be hanged." Unlike the ranger feat of the same name, the harper scout's favored enemy bonuses do not improve. As with the great library, as you approach the crypt you will receive a small amount of experience. Even in the frost-giant form the battle is fairly tough, but it is winnable. Then choose "I want to adjust your equipment." If you want to solve the puzzle on your own, go around to each pillar and drop a distinct weapon in front, so that when the birdbath reveals the next in the sequence you can recognize it. Once all the foes are dead, make your way around the thin platform, disarming the numerous traps and opening the chests (all trapped with DCs of 26). Primarily, you now have control over their equipment. Note that shadow evade and summon shadow, however, will continue to improve. This ability can be used three times per day, and it lasts for five rounds. Received From: Automatic Location: Undrentide, North Fragment Experience: 5,000 Status: Required. At this point, you can head to Blumberg (which is totally unnecessary) or return to Hilltop. Now head upstairs. To Dragon Cave. The answer is "six." You want to make a deal with Gishnak and convince him that you intend to kill J'Nah--he will offer the services of his gnoll soldiers when the time comes, but in exchange you must kill no more gnolls and not steal anything from them. Kill the gnolls guarding the slave pen and then open the gate. He will ask for 200 gold, but you can talk him down to 150. Tymofarrar will make a deal with you to kill J'Nah (which begins the Tymofarrar's Revenge quest), and in exchange offers you a reward of your choosing. One of the major additions to Shadows of Undrentide is the fact that you now have much more control over your henchman. Your conversation with Tymofarrar will be lengthy and involved. More interestingly, though, you'll find Garg's book and a silver key. Inside you will find the desert's fury--a weapon that does 1d8 fire damage and offers a +1 attack bonus and a +2 bonus against the undead. Note that the two stone doors on either side of the temple cannot be opened at all. Kill everyone, then search the chests in the northeast corner. If you don't persuade them to swap hostages, you can either let them go or ambush them. He has auras of menace, doom, and prayer all ready to go, which will lower your attack skills and heighten those of the skeleton warriors that guard him. Namely, a good majority have been turned into undeadine. Quest: The Gnoll Slaves This quest is over almost as soon as it begins. Trouble with Shield Guardians in SoU Ch 2 Share 4 posts Empyre65 1,707 245 Jul 02, 2018 #1 I am having a problem that I have never had before with the shield guardians in SoU Chapter 2. If you try to trick him by spilling it on the ground, you will need a high dexterity or charisma. At higher levels, the assassin is granted spells that make him or her even more deadly. If you lose the contest, Rumgut will lock you up with Becka, at which point you can wait until the rat appears and then go through the secret tunnel through which the rat entered. Works with all three SoU modules. Unfortunately, the henchmen aren't very smart about managing their enhancement potions, so dole them out carefully. Evil characters take note. Quest: The Lost Sword Continue down the passageway. In the temple you will face a handful of stingers, including the stinger high priest, a fourth-level humanoid/sixth-level cleric who can cast negative energy ray. If you take the rubies, the statue will come to life and attack. Shield Guardian. Prerequisites: Skills: Search (4 ranks), Persuade (8 ranks), Lore (6 ranks), Discipline (4 ranks) Feats: Alertness, Iron Will Alignment: Any Non-Evil. During the conversation, you will learn something important: A kobold named Deekin has taken the tower statue, but the mummified hand is still in their possession. He will then set up shop in Toman Bross' house. The first floor of the tomb is one huge room, filled with dread sarcophagi. There's a chest with a tower shield +1 and some various other loot, but other than that, the place is deserted. By choosing this class, characters will devote themselves to the art of the bow, and for their devotion they'll receive several powerful bonuses, making the arcane archer a very deadly adversary. The ruins are a dangerous place. At the beginning of the interlude, the caravan is attacked by stingers. If you do kill him, wait until he has given you the inkwell, or take it from his corpse. As you enter this area, you will be attacked by basilisks. Climbing down will require a dexterity check, and if you fail you will fall and sustain some damage. Make sure you rest up (and teleport back to Hilltop for supplies if needed) between battles. The Spell Orb C. Secret Door D. Minogons/Formian Hive Entrance E. Strange Machine F. Sphinx Statue G. To Formian Hive H. Portal Room I. The sword is located in a room in the eastern passage of the crypt, on some skeletal remains. If J'Nah reveals her origins, she will immediately attack you. As they speak, wait for Klumph's first response, then choose "Let's try to work this out amicably." Deneir's Eyes: This +2 bonus to reflex saves against traps is granted to harper scouts at level two. If you are an elf or a half-elf, or if you have a decent lore skill, you can read the scribed pillar in the center of the second room, which will tell you the history of the crypt. Nathan Hurst will tell you that his daughter, Becka, has been kidnapped by Rumgut, a hill giant who lives to the west. BioWare official website Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide on . BioWare have been kind enough to put all that in the background. When you find yourself in over your head, though, there is one fighting technique that always works. Instead, their abilities enforce their role as information gatherers for the harper organization. J'Nah is a 12th-level sorcerer, and Quemozeng, her quasit associate, is a third-level outsider. When it's gone, not only will Undrentide begin plunging toward Earth, but Heurodis will also be vulnerable. As he's casting his spell, you must solve the pillar puzzle. You can also ask him to give you the Ao test of wisdom. If you want to finish the test before proceeding, return upstairs and use the key given to you by Nimaldor on the door in the eastern passage. I have Deekin and a Panther familiar (I'm a sorcerer myself). The easternmost of these contains the spirit of an elven warrior who will ask you to find his stolen sword. Equip the ring and disable the four shield guardians in the north fragment (there are two located by the door to the asabi camp and two in the rooms in the northwest section). For that reason, you shouldn't feel ashamed to use the difficulty slider (located in the options menu) when things get too tough. The chests on either side of the tomb contain some gold, gems, and jewelry. Bard in NWN 1 works best as a self-buffing 'Physical attacker' class, albeit with gimped HP. A. Ashtara B. You also choose where they go: Silverymoon or Hilltop. Don't ask too much about her background. For those who are, the butler will tell you about his master's ring, which allowed him to control the golems and is buried with him. At level 10, the concealment bonus is increased to 20-percent, the AC bonus to +4, and the damage reduction to 10/+3. You can negotiate with him to supply wine to Musharak, as detailed above. Seeker Arrow: Granted at the fourth level, this ability allows the arcane archer to summon and fire a single magic arrow that will not miss once a day. You can weed them and balance the playing field a little. The shadow lich is a third-level undead/14th-level wizard. After talking to Dagget, climb the stairs to the second floor. For the third herb, you'll need to finish the Kobolds in the Kitchen quest, found at the Bubbling Cauldron Inn in Hilltop West. Once you are in the emporium, speak with the stone butler. Speaking of creating a character, there are certain skills that you should probably consider more than others. Read the marker at the entrance--it's a warning. Though it is filled with burning men, they will not attack you. Both of the chests are trapped (with DCs of 35), but opening them will yield a wand of lightning, an amulet of health, boots of elvenkind (which offer +2 to dexterity and +10 to the move silently skill), and the aurumvorax armor (light armor that gives you a +2 AC bonus and damage resistance against piercing and slashing weapons). You don't have to go in here yet, but it's a good idea to clear out the zombies before you come back. The maximum level for the assassin prestige class is 10. To East Fragment C. Golem Emporium D. The Crypt Tower E. Shield Guardian F. To West Fragment (O4). Craft Harper Item: This ability allows the harper scout to create a potion once a day. He will request a bottle of Ao wine from you. Once you've thoroughly explored the maze, head up to the Hall of the Dead Wind. (If you don't have a stone to flesh spell, you can use the ointment of stone to flesh found on the master's skeleton in the adjacent room.) Proficiencies: simple and martial weapons, all armor and shields Skill points: 2+INT modifier REQUIREMENTS: lawful alignment, dwarf race, BAB +7 or higher, feats: dodge and toughness Abilities: see. Karsus will explain why he is being punished and allow you to read his confessions. This maze may seem confusing at first, but it actually isn't a maze in the traditional sense. Make your way to the lever in the center of the room and use it. You cannot get the cloak from Telnix if you receive gifts from Talissica or Rifkin. This skill can be used once per day. The butler has the key to the sarcophagus, but you can freely enter the tomb and take the ring, so long as you close the door and he doesn't see you. Sport news, results, fixtures, blogs and comments on UK and world sport from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice Speak to him, and he will tell you about his love for Jendra, who has been kidnapped. The center area of the caves is actually a huge trap. 2 - CHAIN This room has a pull chain that you should definitely use, as it rewards you with a belt. This ancient spirit needs you to play exterminator. In the southwestern corner, you can find the aslyferund elven chain (elf or half-elf only, +1 damage reduction, +3 AC). Inside the temple, you will find Garrick. Tynora's Smile: The harper scout, or a selected target, receives a +2 bonus to all saving throws for five turns. They are level six, and they can petrify you with their gaze. Using the cantrip of the opposite element on any of these pedestals will yield a magical token. It means that you cannot access this classes at the beginning of the game. Inside you'll find a good stash of magic items, including a periapt of wisdom +2, a cloak of protection +1, and a scythe +2. Prerequisites: Skills: Move Silently (8 ranks), Hide (10 ranks), Tumble (5 ranks) Feats: Dodge, Mobility. The first floor of the crypt tower features a nearly endless supply of undead. One of the other significant differences between Neverwinter Nights and Shadows of Undrentide is the difficulty. There's no reason for them to waste perfectly good potions to fight a single kobold (and, rest assured, they will). Instead, you'll want to set up a deal with her: She wants you to kill Tymofarrar and return the tower statue to her. By Ron Dulin Design by Katie Bush While not quite as big as Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide is. He can cast finger of death, greater dispelling, and, for defense, shadow shield. In the first chapter, your only choices are Xanos and Dorna. If you can persuade or intimidate Musharak into supplying the bedine with supplies for free, Jasmeena will provide him wine to sell. Shadows of Undrentide (SoU) is the first of the official expansion packs. - In SoU keep the 2xRuby, the Dragon's Blood (if you kill Tymofarrar) and all the Belladonna, Bear Hide, Wolf Hide, Skeleton's Knuckle and Meat that you find for use with the . Alternatively, you can also take the horns to Fiona at the smith in Hilltop--she will buy them from you (for very little) or make a helm for you, which allows you to cast ghostly visage one time a day and provides +1 to your armor class. To obtain shadow gems, kill the shadovar as they appear. Before leaving, head downstairs to the laboratory and speak with Riisi, Drogan's familiar. Quest: A Cure for Drogan Ask Ayala if there's anything you can do to help Drogan. Once the slaads are dead and the hooded figure has escaped through the portal, Drogan will appear. And the blackguard's skills are perfectly suited for evil fighters, such as the ability to cast bull's strength and the ability to cast wound-inflicting spells while already up close and personal with your adversary. Once the stingers are dead, destroy the altar to free Zidan, then loot the cavern and return to the surface. When all the shield guardians are dead or disabled, return to Ashtara. Kill everything, and then head down the hole into the hive. The oxen can clear the lower levels of the kobold caves in a hurry. Quest: Rescue My Family Enter the Blake home and kill the kobold waiting in ambush. There is a new option: "Rewrite the ending." They are all trapped (DC 26), but you don't really have much time. Quest: Jasmeena's Offer Jasmeena is the bedine druid who runs the winery for the Ao temple. came in really handy). If you have a high constitution, you can actually drink the alcohol. Most of your options will end in combat, so when the fighting starts, make your way to the pressure plate to give yourself an advantage. Otherwise, use this handy guide and press the buttons in this order: When the portal has been reopened and the cutscene is over, enter the portal. Do so. The second floor is much easier. . If you decide to free the slaves, you must clear a path to the exit for them. There are four of these, and the switches that open them are located in the caverns in the corners. Ring, Bow or ability increases. You convince the kobolds to take you as a hostage instead of Mara, which requires an easy persuasion check. Primarily, you can choose what equipment they will use. Create Undead: At the third level, the blackguard can summon a ghast. Finally, speak with the minister. Then head down into the underground ruins. Abilities: Hit Dice: d10 Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial weapons, All Armor, Shields Skill Points: 2 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). Other classes will have a chance to speak with Kel-Garas, who will try to bargain with you. If you've let Hurc or Urko survive, Chief Arzig will speak with you. If the blackguard's level is more than twice the target creature's hit dice, the target is instantly destroyed. Clearing up in Helms hold at the end of chapter one, the Guardian of Helm gives me 3 choices. on January 18, 2006 at 12:35PM PST. You will be given a selection of opening lines. He shouldn't be too much of a challenge--he's only sixth level--but he does have the standard monk feats like stunning fist, improved knockdown, and flurry of blows. A. Nimaldor's Tomb B. Spider-Infested Tomb C. The Elven Warrior's Spirit D. Kobold Archer Ambush E. Kobold Hideout F. Secret Door G. Trap Mechanism. For a complete list of the quests broken down by journal entry, see the Quest Checklist section of this guide. Here are the pedestals and the cantrip to cast: Waters of Wisdom: Flare Fires of Knowledge: Ray of Frost Column of Air: Acid Splash Shower of Earth: Electric Jolt. These may be different within the game itself. By Return the baby to Adam or, if Adam is dead, take it outside to Nora. Talk to any of the slaves--you will learn they were captured from Blumberg. Shield guardians, created by spellcasters and controlled by means of a special amulet, are predominantly defensive in combat, protecting their masters with unswerving loyalty. The persuade skill helps immensely with this. A. Caravan B. Bedine Camp C. Catacomb of Al-Rashid D. House of the Morninglord E. To the Tomb of Kel-Garas. Before crossing over into the mountains, you will be greeted by a kobold named Deekin. Sleep: At the second level, the harper scout can cast sleep once per day. At the ninth level, he can summon a vrock. He also has numerous shadovar minions around him. However, she only has an AC of 20, so even with her 135 hit points, you should be able to do significant damage quickly if you or a henchman can get in close and start swinging. At 10th level, the shadowdancer gains a +2 to Reflex saving throws. Leave, and head to the High Forest. Leave the caravan, and talk to the guard at the gate if you'd like some information about the area. Each pair is associated with a particular alignment. Invisibility: At the sixth level, the assassin is able to cast invisibility once a day. Kill the wolves and then proceed into the prison. Rest up, and be wary of the traps blocking the stairs to the inner catacombs. A. The item Tymofarrar gives you is extremely helpful in fighting J'Nah, and you will have to fight her eventually (see the next section for details on finding and fighting J'Nah). The hobgoblin merchant has some decent items for sale, but he will offer to find you something really special for a small deposit of 100 gold. Similarly, you might be confused by the constant use of the abbreviation "DC," primarily in terms of traps and locks. However, later in the chapter you can return to Fiona for different, alternate outcomes for two quests. Return to Nimaldor and he will tell you about a secret door and a poison trap that will kill the kobolds. Now enter the temple. This is a list of all the spells a wizard can learn and a lot of the characteristics of those spells (on sheet 1). He says that if you bring him a rod that the chief possesses, he can open the passage. Rumgut is a level-12 giant--you probably won't be able to fight him at this point. As you enter Blumberg, a dying man will approach you and say that the town has been overrun by gnolls. Most importantly, get Mystra's hand. You'll eventually come to a large cavern with four smaller caverns at the corners. When the room is clear, examine the tomes on the pedestals in the center of the room--one is blank. This begins the J'Nah's Request quest. Nearby, you will see William. A happy ending for William's story will make catching the wise wind much easier. Poison Save: The second-level assassin gains a natural resistance to poison, with a +1 fortitude bonus against poison. A. Farghan the herbalist can give you two of the necessary herbs for the A Cure for Drogan quest, and he will tell you that Mara at the Bubbling Cauldron bought the rest of his helmthorn berries. They won't tell you much about the attack, but they will inform you that the herbalist's dog buried a treasure somewhere in the vicinity. A. When you return to him later, he will offer you the calian belt for 40,000 gold, but you can talk him down to 35,000. If you'd rather have some combat aid and don't mind a bit of arrogance, choose the sorcerer Xanos Messarmos. When you agree to kill J'Nah, the quest begins, and the dragon will give you a powder that will help in your fight. Eagle's Splendor: At the fourth level, the harper scout can cast eagle's splendor once per day. Proceed through the desert to the bedine camp. If you have the formian crystal, you are advised to use it. The northeastern cell contains several captured kobolds. More importantly, you must be able to cast arcane spells. The door to the master's tomb is in the northeast corner of the room, and inside his sarcophagus (locked with a DC of 18), you will find the golem maker's ring. Note that if you allow Hurc to leave the tavern, he will help you later. I can't for the life of me do enough damage. Favored Enemy: Harper scouts, like rangers, receive a +1 bonus to damage, listen checks, taunt, and spot checks against their favored enemy. Amount of experience bonus is increased to 20-percent, the doors to the exit for them find his stolen.... To improve a character, there are certain skills that you now have more! 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