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oak island mystery solved 2021

Researchers and cryptographers such as Petter Amundsen and Daniel Ronnstam claim to have found codes hidden in Shakespeare, rock formations on the island, and clues hidden in other 16th- and 17th-century art and historical documents. Skelthos explains the issues with the origin story much better than I can: Ref: https://www.reddit.com/r/OakIsland/comments/bcdes5/a_current_post_sparked_an_interest_in_coconut/, 3 boys out fishing see strange lights on Island and investigate, Daniel MiGinnis, a local farmer is looking for a new place to plant crops and notices the depression with 3 trees around it with a pulley and tree nail. I think that way back when the depression under the oak tree was found, whatever treasure there may have been was ALREADY GONE. Christian Bale studied Tom Cruise's mannerisms to prepare for his role as a psychotic killer in American Psycho. Perhaps one day a pile of gold will be uncovered on the tiny island but for now, it seems safe to say the island may have been used as a smuggling operation or a hideout spot. Id say,the candian government will have something to say about it but there made there money off of there show and probably will write books and everything and might get to keep a piece of it thats my guess. With its increased popularity worldwide, a lot of people were waiting for answers. They invested a fifty percent stake in a company called Oak Island Tours Inc. Golden Age Of Piracy . Collier's Magazine, August 18. Is the Oak Island mystery solved? By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. On appeal, Triton lost again in 1989 and Nolan's damages were reduced. So, the key is the coconut fibres, here we go again: Coconut fibres biodegrade! Seriously, the Ark of Covenant? It turned out the swamp revealed their first treasure: a Spanish copper coin dated to the 17th century. Its resemblance to a human-made pit has been suggested as partly due to the texture of natural, accumulated debris in sinkholes: "This filling would be softer than the surrounding ground, and give the impression that it had been dug up before". Do ya think ? Agree. theyve had a real job.one spent 30 yrs.working for the post office the other one owns a business in Michigan.this is a dream and a hobby. One of the "best" accounts of what happened with the Truro Company later appeared in the "1893 Oak Island Treasure Company Investment Prospectus". Dec 19, 2021. reptwar1. Published June 17, 2021. tell rick to block of the flood tunnels and then drain the holes and you would be able to go down and get feet on the ground. There was a claim that three gold links from a chain were also discovered, but these gold links went missing and no one had an inkling of what actually happened. , Spoiler alert, the Rick and MortyVagina brothers dont find anything, hope nobody wasted 6 years of your life watching this, not even real explorers just paid actors. What the pair discovered was a stone with markings almost the same as the one that was discovered in 1804 in the Money Pit. Oak Logs at 10' followed by strange pick like markings at regular intervals, Oak planks at 10' and then every 10' there after. The youngsters decided to remove the flagstone and keep digging, making it about another 30 feet down finding layers over layers of oak logs. [7][39] Offering a secondhand description of its discovery during the early 1800s excavation, McCully wrote: "Some [layers] were charcoal, some putty, and one at 80 feet was a stone cut square, two feet long and about a foot thick, with several characters cut on it." The team fromThe Curse of Oak Island believes they have finally found their gold. lolol. Read on to discover the mystery for yourself. The earliest known story of a treasure found by a settler named Daniel McGinnis appeared in print in 1857. [6], At the invitation of Boston-area businessman David Mugar, a two-week survey was conducted by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in 1995 (the only known scientific study conducted on the site). That's right. This conundrum had a massive impact on the discovery of the mysterious treasure. In his book, Snow said that he received the set of symbols from Rev. That horse is dead. "Mystery of Captain Kidd's Treasure". He rushed to the pit and tried to rescue him, not knowing he will soon suffer the same fate as his father. Two years later, Nolan's ownership of the lots was confirmed, but he was ordered to pay damages for interfering with Triton's tourist business. In fact, their interest in the islands hidden treasure just keeps getting deeper. A sample of this material was reportedly sent to the Smithsonian Institution during the early 20th century, where it was concluded that the material was coconut fibre. [a] They continued the excavation down to about 90 feet (27m), with layers of logs (or "marks") found about every ten feet (3.0m), and also discovered layers of charcoal, putty and coconut fibre along with a large stone inscribed with symbols. According to an undocumented story, Marie Antoinette instructed her maid (or a lady-in-waiting) to flee with her jewels. "Treasure Island Fabled Booty Eludes the Fortune Hunters". Note all these are stories told by treasure hunters that came after MiGinnis and crew called it a day and others where digging. Smith built this stone into his fireplace, with the strange characters outermost, so that visitors might see and admire it. Gilbert Hedden, an operator of a steel fabricating company, saw the 1928 article and was fascinated by the engineering problems involved in recovering the reported treasure. A rock! Later treasure hunters claimed that coconut fibres were discovered beneath the surface of a beach, Smith's Cove, in 1851. They poured their hearts and time into reaching an 88-foot depth in the Money Pit. The shaft later collapsed, and the excavation was again abandoned. Think these loosers would find a REAL JOB, but they would NOT get their 1-hour of fame on tv. The first one missed its intended target of an alleged flood tunnel, while the other intersected the original shaft via a branched-off tunnel at around 105 feet (32m) deep. Do you think this is the break the guys onThe Curse of Oak Island have been waiting for? The Mystery of Oak Island, a popular show on the History Channel, highlights a two-hundred-year-old tale of buried treasure on Oak Island in Nova Scotia. He was able to make use of these connections, enlisting them to serve as professional counsels. [55] Actor John Wayne also invested in the drilling equipment used on the island and offered his equipment to be used to help solve the mystery. Although the pumps could not keep up with the floodwater, tools that had been used by the Onslow and Truro companies were recovered. All of these attempts were failures in the end, due to the tide which eventually broke through barriers that were put in place. [b], The first published account took place in 1857, when the Liverpool Transcript mentioned a group digging for Captain Kidd's treasure on Oak Island. All this deep borehole digging would never have been done by pirates. The shaft fell apart. Recent scientific evidence confirms what's really there. [18] The Oak Island Association also did some work at Smith's Cove by drilling a few shafts in an attempt to shut off and seal the alleged flood tunnels. In 1928, a New York businessman, Gilbert Hedden, got captivated by the strangeness of the mystery following the island after reading an article about it. By Jerry Brown. si vamos a los rcords, se lanza una nueva temporada cada noviembre, por lo tanto, si la serie se renueva con la temporada 9 en septiembre de 2021, Podemos esperar que la maldicin de la temporada 9 de Oak Island se lance a finales de 2021 o . Danial MiGinnis has pastured his cows on the island and is working on rounding them up and notices red clover where he believes only white clover should grow. Since the 19th century, explorers have tried to locate the loot. Solving the mystery of Oak Island. Have to be careful where you step! [7][14] The accounts based on the Liverpool Transcript articles also ran in the Novascotian, the British Colonist, and is mentioned in an 1895 book called A History Of Lunenburg County. There was just one problem, they just couldn't. However, as they repeated the process, they noticed something strange was happening: the level of the water in the pit was moving with the tides. Little did he know, this article would change the outcome of his life forever. Recently the island has been showcased on both the discovery channel, and the history channel. [3] In 1928, a New York newspaper published a feature story about Oak Island. 2020 Southwest Legends | Designed & Hosted by SWD. A complete tour! Season 8 , the "paved road" and the logs at the side.. looks like viking house activity. The logical conclusion here is that it is just a local legend that has stuck.. You have to praise them for their determination, could you ever see yourself just digging for hours in the ground? [4][13] However, the first published account of what had taken place on the Island did not appear until October 16, 1862, when Anthony Vaughan's memories were recorded by The Transcript for posterity. What that was remains to be a mystery. I wish them the best , but I think Ill go watch some grass grow. [EDIT] 15/Apr/2019: The above convinces me, I understand that it will never convince the entirity of the OI community. Experts set to work, attempting to interpret and understand the transcription. [26] After Chappell's excavations, Hedden began digging in the summer of 1935, after he purchased the southeastern end of the island. That marker was believed to be a marker for hidden treasure. Word on the street is that the island plays host to some buried treasure, the kind that would make you a one-percenter overnight. "Scientists stated it was all Natural, nothing man-made" Right. The parchment had two letters, "vi" or "wi", written in India ink. [24] Bowdoin later examined the "stone cipher" in Halifax and found it a basalt rock with no symbols. They did find a pile of dirt under the rock, but that's to be expected right? Wasting food is illegal for supermarkets in France. William Chappell became interested and excavated the pit in 1931 by sinking a 12-by-14-foot (3.7m 4.3m) The Truth behind what the McGinnis Boys Saw! For the Lagina brothers, the search for Oak Island's mysterious treasure began back in 1965, when Rick Lagina read all about the Oak Island treasure in a copy of Readers Digest. Once he did, Restall Jr. fell to the same tragic fate. Or maybe a part of some island curse? You are a scammer! In this rendering McGinnis first finds the depression in 1795 while on a fishing expedition. [3] It wasn't until decades later that publishers began to pay attention to such activity and investigated the stories involved. A decade after the Triton Alliance officially ended their quest for the buried treasure, Oak Island was starting to catch the interest of the general public. For more than two centuries, the island has been studied, searched, probed and cursed all the while failing to give up its secrets. Just as they were getting close to their mission, Maynard Kaiser, one of the teams explorers, met his tragic death. 1965. Article in October issue, cited in Crooker 1978, 8586. Money pit discovered in 1795 first written about in the early 1850's. Oak Island. The images from the camera revealed an array of objects and tools suspended in the water. To their surprise, their efforts revealed secrets and allies that were far from their expectations. This section follows Nickell, section "Man-made or Natural?". "[64], According to the earliest theory, the pit held a pirate treasure buried by Captain Kidd;[4][65] Kidd and Henry Avery reportedly took treasure together, and Oak Island was their community bank. The Money Pit, it seems, was working its way up to that number prescribed in the myths: seven deaths before the treasure would be revealed. A visitor to the site, Edward White, had himself lowered on a rope into the shaft but was able to bring out only DeMont. His next discovery was an odd layer of natural limestone that contained some oak splinters. On Their Marks. Well, Spooner is a scientist. The wooden planks apparently matched the proportions of known viking vessels at the time cross-dated. As the 18th century was about to come to an end, another team of explorers decided to risk their lives to try and find gold and glory. 1. I started watching because my folks had gone there (probably before the Laginas were there ) and were fascinated, and Dan Blankenship reminded me of my father. One final attempt was made in 1864 to intersect the money pit, resulting in alleged flood tunnels again being breached. She claims that there are, in fact, more pits than the famous Money Pit to be found there. Surely this kind of effort would only be undertaken to protect a pretty hefty treasure, right? Recently the island has been showcased on both the discovery channel, and the history channel. DeMille lived on Oak Island for a summer and had firsthand knowledge of the area. This new shaft was parallel to and connected with the original shaft as it was used to pump water out of the original shaft to a depth of 103 feet (31m). Then we have what was found when they started digging. The effect caused the next two platforms to drop as well, with any treasure now resting some 119 feet (36m) below ground along with an estimated 10,000 board feet (24m3) of lumber. To prove it, by the time the show's eighth season ended in mid-2021, the island's mystery hadn't been solved, but left viewers with many open questions and unsolved theories. Maybe Bigfoot will show up and help them dig. S10, Ep2. The team used heavy machinery in the hope of making significant findings and, most importantly, unearthing the treasure. They are never wrong. The Blair letter mentioned above states that MacDonald took down the partition in order to examine the stone, not to remove it. Several former landowners, including Mel Chappell, became shareholders in Triton. Still, even without knowing what the parchment meant, they still wanted to continue digging. Have you noticed every ox shoe,spike or nail is the key to finding the treasure. The camera was lowered down into the cavity. Things got more interesting when they discovered proof that the Aztecs had explored the island in the past. In January 1967, Daniel C. Blankenship, David Tobias, Robert Dunfield, and Fred Nolan formed a syndicate for exploration on Oak Island. Eventually oil will be struck on that site. Michigan Brothers Unearth 220 Year Old Treasure. Hello R., DO YOU JUST MAKE THINGS UP AS YOU GO ALONG?? Will this really finally turn into treasure? These pits, she claimed, were nothing but giant storage vessels for tar that were dug by the British Army to aid in the construction and maintenance of their ships. While continuing to excavate more sections of the stone pathway, the team stumbles upon two significant finds - a cuff button and an old fire grate, in this . He is also a published author. On June 1, they posted pictures of dump trucks arriving on Oak Island wrote: "Some activity in the past few days. According to Charles B. Driscoll's 1929 book, The Oak Island Treasure (based on secondhand accounts), The stone was shown to everyone who visited the Island in those days. i quit watching the show and now believe their is no treasure to be found. On October 5, 1789, revolutionaries incited an angry mob of Parisian working women to march on the Palace of Versailles. The Triton Alliance members were more thrilled when they saw three chests that looked a whole lot like the ones people like to bury treasures in. I think they have found it already but since so much gets taken by the government, and the tech they have to pay forthat they are now stretching it out to another season for money they DO get to keep. Aaaaaa.theyre in their 8th season now. This only sparked their curiosity even more. I cannot recollect which, but they appear as if they had been scraped out by a blunt instrument, rather than cut with a sharp one". [citation needed] Although the Oak Island Tourism Society had hoped that the government of Canada would purchase the island, a group of American drillers did so instead. . Oak Island Mystery Solved! Doyle, Lynn C. "Nova Scotia's Treasure Island". At 127 feet (39m), a number of artifacts, including an axe, a fluke anchor and a pick, were found. Rick and Martys money! Everything we asked for was a solution. The production cost should account for something. Recent scientific evidence confirms what's really there. Graeser and two others, Cyril Hiltz and Andy DeMont, then attempted to save the two men. Thats a good idea! Both of these shafts were filled with water when an alleged flood tunnel was again breached. For copyright matters please contact us at: [email protected]. As an operator of a steel fabricating firm, he was curious about the engineering issues that the previous explorers encountered. Two brothers have recently made some groundbreaking discoveries that might have finally solved the mystery of Oak Island. With all their might and interest, the young boys started digging, and after reaching two feet down, they hit flagstone. Ellerd, Kerry. He thought that the branches were intentionally removed so that the tree could serve a purpose: to act as a pulley. According to her, there is no treasure, never had been, and the alleged Money Pit is nothing more than a tar kiln, used in the early 18th century to produce material to repair ships. Bowdoin described the rock as "of a basalt type hard and fine-grained". And oak island has nothing but the 365.00 worth of crap that found. Its getting pretty boring now- and I have been pretty faithful. [31], In June 1996, Robert S. Young of Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, purchased 4 acres (1.6ha) of the island known as Lot Five from Fred Nolan. Summary Report of Geological Survey Branch of the Department of Mines. Plenty of theories have surfaced. Maybe this meant that there was a treasure lying beneath, just waiting to be discovered? Doesnt everyone? Borehole 10-X's mysterious flooded chamber was a dead-end. Determined to apply his engineering skills and, of course, try his luck in finding the controversial treasure, he arrived on the island with his business partner, Fred Blair. However, even such seemingly insurmountable obstacles cannot deter explorers. whats natural about that? [15][16][17], The next major excavation attempt was carried out in 1861 by a company called "The Oak Island Association". The symbols associated with the "Forty feet below" translation first appeared in 1949's True Tales of Buried Treasure by explorer and historian Edward Rowe Snow. Does it really make since that the gold could be 80 to 110 ft down. As the legal battles took over, Oak Island fell silent for over a decade (1990 through 2005). Coconut trees do not grow anywhere near Oak Island, in the show this would trigger the narrator: Coconuts on Oak Island could it be? John Godwin wrote that given the apparent size and complexity of the pit, it was probably dug by French Army engineers hiding the treasury of the Fortress of Louisbourg after British forces captured the fortress during the Seven Years' War.[69]. It then took another five years before one of the alleged original diggers gave a statement regarding the original story along with subsequent Onslow and Truro Company activities. Kelly Ripa Ready To Retire After Ryan Seacrests Exit? Unfortunately, the team had a devastating tragedy when the entire bottom part of the pit fell. A generation later, with the inscription nearly worn away, the stone found its way to a bookstore in Halifax, and what happened to it after that I was unable to learn. He went to England to consult Harold T. Wilkins, author of Captain Kidd and His Skeleton Island, about a link he found between Oak Island and a map in Wilkins' book. Trying to figure out a way around it caused a delay of almost half a century in the exploration. "While in Creighton's possession some lad had cut his initials 'J.M.' Wide-ranging speculation exists about how the pit was formed and what it might contain. [24] Subscribe for more amazing videos! Crooker. 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