  • Posted: 26 Apr 2022
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pluto conjunct descendant transit

I found the strength to go at it and eventually recover my money. we used to work so well together in our own business, but once this new offer came through, everything changed. Pluto brings about drastic, revolutionary changes, but ones that are necessary to halt the process of stagnation and instigate continued growth. You might meet the love of your life during this cycle. I had to work around his boundaries and comfort zone, always shelving parts of myself that made him uncomfortable so that I could spend time with him. You may have to see and consciously acknowledge something you perhaps would have preferred not to know, however. Oooh, I like your poem. one of the main themes with . Sometimes, the relationship with the mother or other important female figures come into focus. He's caught up in this, obviously. I was four years old all that I can think was that Pluto transited my Asc and opposed my Desc when I first started school, which I suppose was a change to my identity (1st House) that brought me many new relationships (7th House). It really seems that the immaturity of these two and no one else is painfully shameful. Mars conjunct Sun Taking action is the theme now. *This is a positive time for your career. I am also partners with other relatives of mine in other businesses, and those dynamics have changed too. These transits are generally not for keeps and Pluto is not interested in that uncertainty. My Pisces moon was progressed into Capricorn, and I took on a lot of responsibilities I probably shouldnt have. Look to planets in Gemini and Virgo in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Pluto is now infusing with intensity. Pluto Conjunct Venus Synastry is a powerful and intense aspect in relationship astrology. Pluto Transits Trine Jupiter Happy Thanksgiving! New levels of passion, intimacy, and sharing are aroused and experienced. Moon 23.02 in Capricorn. **Please note: Some of my recommended products contain affiliate links. Pluto Conjunct: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Midheaven, Ascendant. Its not easy, but in the end the energizing and empowering of the psyche make the process worthwhile.. You may have to deal with willfulness and issues of power and competition this yearin others and in yourself. The fear itself may lead you to compulsive, suspicious, or difficult behavior; and this behavior might cost you the very thing(s) that you hold dear. My husband started a new career right when Pluto was hovering over my ascendant almost in the exact degree. Anything less will not satisfy. Even so, you are likely to learn much about your own strengths. If you have abused your power over an individual, this could be the year to make up for it through humiliation, loss of power or prestige, pain, or some other form of punishment. He said yeah. I cant help but believe that we were made for each other. A transit of Pluto to the 7th House has the effect of exposing the unconscious patterns, which are at work in a person's relationships. I had always longed for a closer relationship, but living close to each other was hard work for me. You may find yourself acting clingy, jealous, possessive, and suspicious. You can apply yourself to specific projects, competitive or individual sports, and other activities with much determination, focus, and concentration now. Sadly this is my ex husband, even safder that he is a truth seeking Saggitarian, with a Libra moon, who was so damaged by the toxic environment of home as a child, that he became heighly deceitful & manipulative a charmer or emotionally abusive to the pont of becoming a danger, you could see the menacing nature growing thrpugh his eyes as he became detetmoned to take down amy one who loved him, to make him look better, making obvious how unworthy he felt underneath ot all. . For example, a woman who had decided she would never marry and have children developed a relationship under a heavy Pluto transit that changed her conviction completely. Pluto leaving behind my overloaded 6th (Uranus, Neptune, Saturn there) and allowing me to finally have a working life which I hope to stabilize as of now. As an adult, I reconnected and built a comfortable relationship that was always arms distance as we lived on different coasts. A deepening of all your relationships, an alchemical relationship in which both parties are transformed by the blending and sharing of there energies, old habits and attitudes shed more readily which opens you to new life and more aliveness. This thus becomes a time when your past faith and hard work are rewarded, bolstering your confidence and helping you to make even bigger plans for your future plans that are based on a realistic and solid foundation. That fact that your natal nodes are conjunct the AC/DC axis in your SR chart could mean that a significant relationship could factor prominently in the upcoming solar year. Otherwise, your deep need for companionship may cause you to lower your standards and form unhealthy relationships. Pluto Transits Square Midheaven A conflict during this transit will force you to be ruthless and more powerful. Mars acts to energize and activate the conditions surrounding the planets and points it touches. +Power struggle may well be the keyword here. He said it was the only thing that made him feel better. Pluto opposite Ascendant transit is sometimes called Pluto conjunct Descendant transit. By manipulating others or situations, you are giving up personal power to something or someone outside of yourself. Its tone is intense. *During this time period you reach a critical point in your life and relationships. Late Cancer rising here with Cap mars DC. Conjunctions provide a lot of energy that the individual will usually need to express or release. This can be the time for a lifestyle change. It may be difficult to concentrate on your duties during this time of psychological sensitivity. I dont know what is going on but I do feel different. You mentioned that you look for a savior or may . Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Tr. Natally, pluto touches EVERY planet and angle in my chart except for saturn & uranus (though it shares my 3rd house with uranus they are 15-degrees apart and in different signs). Pursue those dreams and ideas you have put on the back burner. I do yoga, meditation, and the Wim Hof breathing practice, among other Kriya/Hatha yoga practices, daily. The year or years, which Pluto holds the Descendant before crossing over into the 6th House, will be climactic. I could write volumes! However, you do attract alluring, Plutonic mates. You are interested in discovering the deep truth, whats beneath the surface. Poor spending decisions made to date may come to a head and you may need to face up to their reality. We face the need to be more independent, assertive, and autonomous. *This time period is a positive one of broadening horizons and expansion. This period of time will bring enormous changes in the way you approach your life and how you relate to other people. You will go to any lengths to achieve your goals, and you have the energy to do it now. So sorry for your loss. As this fear surfaces, your behavior may be compulsive or obsessive; or you may experience these traits through someone close to you, especially a male. Relationship problems, separation, manipulative behavior, jealousy and possessiveness. I had Pluto conjunct my descendant and travel through my 7th house from 2011 on and it wasnt that bad. The transits I have listed here pretty much speak for themselves. +Career opportunities and choices go dead against what you feel in your gut to be right. This should be an especially fruitful and rewarding period in your life, when you experience new depths of intimacy with an existing or new partner, when you learn to appreciate the important people in your life, and when your value system transforms and evolves. In some cases, women live this transit through key male figures in their lives. +A time when your inner and personal thoughts and experiences cannot be put into words or had best not be. Pluto Transits Opposition Midheaven He was leaving without saying anything so I said so thats it, youre done?. ~Your relationships, in general, will become more intense, but especially those involving love and sex. +Your mental energies (ideas, thoughts, and so on) may undergo some transformation or change, a natural sense of growth and development. New obligations are likely to arise both in your personal life and your work. Transformation, YES. If you do have poor self-esteem, then it is crucial with natal Pluto opposite Ascendant that you work on becoming more confident and self-secure. Pluto Transits the Fourth House This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in your home or family life and your psyche. Who am I really? Pluto Transits Square Jupiter Instead, you might fear the loss of a significant other, a lifestyle, a job, or another significant part of your life. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Sample from the Heaven Knows What report. Me! To be honest, Im really scared. Bring hidden facets of your character to the surface, so you can examine and understand them, then make needed changes. he became much more self-confident while I found myself sitting at home, waiting for him. You are highly motivated to aspire toward your goals, aspirations, or dreams. Pluto challenges this script. *You feel claustrophobic now. Things shouldn't be forced, even though the desire to sway, coerce, and manipulate others may be present. *Very important people come into your life now. Your energy is high now and needs to be directed into constructive channels rather than expended in reckless rebellion. 1. Did yoga every Day for 5 years. If you purchase a product through my links, I may receive a small commission. *This time period is a positive one of broadening horizons and expansion. During the course of this transit, you might find yourself perhaps obsessively attracted to sexual taboos or activities that you havent yet explored, the darker side of sexuality, or a specific sexual relationship (some people meet a new lover at this time that transforms their lives in some significant way). You might kick a bad habit or rid yourself of undesirable attitudes that have held you back from success. You can experience obsessive desires to uncover secrets, and levels of suspicion run high, as you may be living in fear that significant people in your life are not as attached to you as you are to them. Dramatic changes that strike at the heart of the sense of self. Dirty tricks, the whole shee-bang. New relationships formed now seem fateful and, at the very least, timely. If you are a very malleable and impressionable person, you could get overpowered or swept away by another person or group of stronger individuals. These transits also affect your urge to acquire new material goods and your finances in general. Meeting with obstacles in your path, however, can force you into the position of using all of your resources to fight back, and you can discover resources you never knew you had in the process. You feel as though you have been drifting along with the tide and following the crowd for too long, and your inner needs and motivations must assert themselves more strongly. What does the Moon rule in your chart? ????. With the Moon involved, these fears have to do with significant women in your life, personal habits, emotional patterns, and the home and domestic life. I am a participant in the Amazon Services Associates Programan affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com and products on that site. And Jupiter 7.04. in Aquarius. All the best and Happy New Year! I have Cancer ascending with descendant 26.00 in Capricorn. A social, outspoken person. Pluto, as you probably know, is the lord of the underworldor to put it more succinctly, the God of Hell. Buried in your subconscious, they may smolder and suddenly burst into flame. So uncomfortable death grip, depth charge intensity, And not even spot on yet. A more compulsive or obsessive quality marks your relationships and, instead of looking for someone whose values are similar to or compatible with your own, you may attract someone whose values clash with yours. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology by James Braha. One of the lessons you will learn is that change is necessary all things which have lapsed into a cult routine or become meaningless will be cleared away to make room for more progressive attitudes and creative activities. In both instances they screwed me. Pluto transiting the 7th is very intense because it is angular and subject to being projected as the other because its opposite the 1st. I sacrificed more and more until one day I couldnt bend anymore. This can be a time of discovery and fulfillmentan empowering timeas you get in touch with your innermost needs and eliminate self-defeating behaviors. This influence gradually brings changes to the basic domestic structure. 25deg Cancer ASC (also 29deg Cap Mercury). It seems as if every weak link in your life decides to break now! If there is someone with whom you feel that communication has been too superficial, this is the time to dig further beneath the surface. Ive done alot of work on it for 4 years. I thank jupiter in Pisces for the compassion to self and others. Attraction to secrets is possible now. This transit of the Sun brings about the need to understand yourself on a deep, inner level, much deeper than the image you normally show to the world. Many people are inspired to build up their physical strength during this astrological influence, and this is a good idea; you can develop greater endurance and vitality now, which will rejuvenate your body. New obligations are likely to arise both in your personal life and your work. Get down to the nitty-gritty. There may be some problems with money during this transit. No, Pluto on descendent does not mean giving ones power away. Prior to this transit, I'd always lived in the light. Instead of retreating into yourself, try to broaden your understanding of your need for other people and of their need for you. In the past year his daughter moved overseas, his wife died of cancer in just 2 months, and his mother went into the first stages of dementia. Pluto Transits Conjunct Midheaven Hes gripped by this and no one is blaming her, by the way. My natal Pluto O Libra opp Asc 29 Piscis. Treat people in authority (bosses, policemen, IRS people) with velvet gloves; belligerence only brings you more problems. If you are in a position of authority, dont expect others to keep up with your fast pace. Its very hard to listen to reason during this period of your lifeeven your own! Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. It can destabilize and disrupt the areas of your life that its touching. Brainstorm: Pluto / Descendant Astrology Aspects This interpretation of Pluto in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. There is an excellent chance that your life will be positively transformed by someone who changes the course of your life. Point here is that this transitlocks you in. i would look at a Gauquelin sector chart. Pluto breaks through illusions, in search of the utter truth. It is also possible that you may choose to target someone you feel threatened by or because of revenge. A new spirit of self-respect, personal empowerment, and deeper honesty arises. Saturn conjunct the Midheaven is one of the biggest transits for you professionally, and only occurs 1-3 times in your adult working life. In some cases, men live this transit through key female figures in their lives. You certainly will encounter many events and situations that bring old, buried memories to the surface. The transits of Pluto: three general comments. Neptune conjunct the descendant (or in the 7th house) will impact every relationship you form, in one way or the other. You are learning that in so doing, you will eventually learn what is really yours, who truly loves you, and which habits and patterns serve your own growth. !no buoy ,no net Just me going Yeaaaaahhh!eyes closed I know there is no wall but yes A vasty sky! For example, a change in your partners career may affect the power balance of the relationship. This is an excellent time for any form of training or laborious and painstaking work. Pluto Conjunct Neptune Transit. You stubbornly pursue your interests, and you are willing to work long hours without complaint. It's intense! One thing is for certainrelationships experienced now are bound to be unforgettable. This book is an exploration of Pluto both in the natal chart and in transits and progressions. Harry just been seen at the super bowl with Eugenie. Current Astro Outlook With Saturn In Pisces, Focus On Zero Degrees Fixed Signs: Spring 2023 Update, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. It means that one-to-one relationships will become more intense and have a far greater impact on your life. At times, a nerve would go off and I would be frozen in my tracks; pain too excruciating to even consider moving so much as a hair. I have this in my second house. *Your vitality and energy level are at a high point. Pluto transits are about letting go of things that are holding us back from deep and meaningful experiences. *Discipline, concentration, and determination are the key issues now. At the same time pluto will also begin to square natal pluto loosely (10 degrees). What on earth was I thinking reincarnating with this horoscope! #3. On the upside, we do have astrology. If you think that you might lose your mind under the current mental pressure, probably not. This time can be extended if the transit Pluto is making is a multiple of complex one. Your needs for nurture transform and evolve. *This time period is excellent for any kind of research or in-depth study. While it wont be this intense throughout, you are not clear until end of 2027. There is a tendency to become narrowly focused, fixated, one-sided, compulsive or fanatical about your ideas. If you've done things the right way and for the right reasons, you can experience massive success. Downright stupid. It means that one to one relationships will become more intense and will have a far greater impact on your life. It aspects the seventh house too which is legal issues and enemies.A boon would be welcome indeed. Your erotic life might get a real boost now as you delve deeper into the spirit behind sexual acts. No thoughts for tonight, or tomorrow, or yesterday, just right here, right now, finding something to be grateful for. You feel a surge of ambition and drive to achieve and if you've been reluctant to charge ahead into life, you'll feel compelled to do it now. I wonder if Pluto sextile and trine Ascendant lets both partners make more money. Is Pluto transiting your descendant? It also felt very liberating. There is an average minimum of 2 years for every Pluto transit. It is the same . Mars conjunct the Descendant 2 Sun conjunct or opposition Vertex 4 We became more close during Saturn transit in Scorpio, but is from my past life, I guide him towards his aspirations and caution him of risks, He acts as my strength towards my personal . Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. You may resort to trickery, manipulation, or other such means to keep others dependent on you, or you could experience this through others and experience dominating or controlling behaviors in people close to you. Uranus conjunct MC Saturn conjunct Pluto Jupiter conjunct South Node Mars conjunct Venus Venus conjunct Neptune AC conjunct MC Part of Fortune conjunct Pluto. Yesterday, I was talking to a long-time client with a 28 degree Cancer descendent. If you do not act upon the impulses for creative change and renewal that are open to you now, it may be harder or more urgent in the future. This can lead to a religious rebirth, a time when a particular church or cult seems to express what you feel you really need from life. It hurt, but not as much as I wouldve expected, and definitely not as bad as the first time. The unearthing of creative potential and vitality. Look to planets in Taurus and Libra in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Pluto is now infusing with intensity. Sign up here! We love the challenge and we take it very seriously. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. If you attack someone without cause, this transit could negatively transform your life. Hes got a Sagittarius moon so you can imagine how much hes enjoying this, not. Your relationships will be transformed but so will how you relate to close friends and family members. The process is rich, eye-opening, and rewarding, but it can also be confusing and intense while it lasts. Release from past negative attachments is possible at this time, and if this is the case, the letting go comes naturally and relatively easily. During this time period, you are thinking about and learning about something that may previously have been taboo, unseen, unspoken about, or in the dark. For those who might be concerned, he doesnt care if I talk about him. *New obstacles arise and increasing responsibilities make it difficult for you to expand and grow. Conditions you have tolerated in the past, even though they may have caused you pain or unhappiness, are now swept aside. Libra seeks balance. Pluto transits are about letting go of things that are holding us back from deep and meaningful experiences. Your desire for emotional depth and attachment is enormous, but may not be easy to find with the square or opposition. Its currently in my 6th, and I have three maladies that I didnt have before (I am 72), all around my head. Give yourself time to assimilate what you are learning, and balance your intense mental focus with pleasant, nourishing, simple activities. Pluto and saturn will conjunct my descendant in a year. This is truly the dark night of the soul most epic battle. 1) Pluto is very private and may not desire to share what activates its emotions. Pluto Conjunct Sun Transit Pluto Sextile Sun Transit The ALS misdiagnosis also made him decide to take his own life. Im sure I have some good things to expect. The best course is to resolve to go deeper and deeper, truth above kindness and resolution over comfort. Pluto will get there towards end of Aquarius, after its looong sq to moon, mc, venus, mercury etc. Keep your standards high now, so you can come upon a love that fulfills your needs. As an astrologer, I wind up working with people with whom I have things in common. Your social presence may be larger than life, so a little charm goes a long way now. . However, the process can be lengthy and challenging. I lost 30 pounds between late 2014 and spring 2015. Attempting to control your future and the people in your life will never fulfill you in the long term, however. You are discovering parts of yourself that you may not have been (or barely) in touch with previously. This is an excellent time for any kind of research or in-depth study. Youve been hurt. This transit calls you to redefine your value system and life attitudes and generates intense energy in your life. Your main effort now should be in trying to live up to the best in you, rather than lowering your standards to achieve a more transient worldly success. Someone who changes the course of your life now your finances in general no one else is painfully.! That strike at the very least, timely 6th house, will be transformed but so how. 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