  • Posted: 26 Apr 2022
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state of decay 2 rare skills

When people are at the end of their rope, I like to think I can help them see their way through. Every year, I bagged the limit before most people were done loading the beer into their cars. This is the greatest real-world experiment I ever could have devised. I got to the point where I didn't even notice the weight of the clubs anymore. When you've got a lot on your mind, you've got to wear yourself out so you can sleep. I mastered the ancient art of shooting things while on skis. I used to come down with every single bug. I actually wrote my dissertation on human fungal infections. So I quit while I was ahead. When doing so, the manual allows you to pick any of the 4 specializations available for that skill. Those skill book resets you can get are only for core skills. Just twenty minutes every day helps me focused and calm in the face of adversity. They seem to be the rarest of. Everything. I finally got out of high school, really started my life and then the world ended. We had a really bad time on the day of the outbreak. I can't even stand to sleep in a soft bed anymore. Only equipment I needed was a shovel and a strong back. People ask me if I miss him, but screw that guy. But I'm totally nimble. Skills with the (DB) tag are only available for Red Talon Contractors, while skills with the (HL) tag are only available forcertaincharacters in the Heartland DLC. I used to only move under cover of night. I spent the first few months of the outbreak in a bunker I built under my house. One of my friends had a brief pop career before the outbreak, and brought me along for the ride. I give the gift of humor. Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Recycling. We were on the cutting edge of gene-splicing tech. I was just about to get my certification when all the lights went out. It's just really hard for me to focus on something when it isn't life or death. I know what you're about to ask. My backpack always ends up hanging at a weird angle on me. It also makes starving more tolerable. State of Decay 2 Project Osiris Red Talon is much more active in State of Decay 2 and one of their main goals is to investigate Project: Osiris. All of it crochet. I used to spend my spare time writing about my life, and responding to current events. Its the only calendar that matters anymore. Please keep me around. I started investing in my twenties, so that by the time I hit fifty, I'd be set for life. I thought video rental clerks all became edgy film directors. It takes a lot of strength to work some of the knots out of those muscles. Plus a few that don't. Well, I'm having my adventures now, dammit. Family members brought me all my groceries. Nothing and nobody gets by me. Compared to my typical weekends, this life isn't so different. They can be regular Wandering, Mysterious Wandering, or Rare Skills Traders. My job was to help high school students figure out their futures. Let's make a deal. It was just a job to pay the bills. I just can't work up the energy to accomplish anything these days. I drove the bulldozer that cleared the intake zone so that folks could dump more garbage. Soup cans and eye sockets didn't stand a chance. State Of Decay 2 presents a world where safety is never guaranteed and one mistake can cost you your life. Painting just isn't the same without my tablet and stylus. Community Skill Textbooks allow you to teach a Community Skill to one of your survivors if they don't have a 5th skill yet. Filling it with zombies hasn't changed much. I've got my pack perfectly arranged to allow maximum freedom of movement. It was mostly bears. You want running water, or not? Hey, you can criticize my eating habits, but at least there's more for you, right? It has a wide variety of benefits. Sorry. Fun fact, this book actually exists in the real world. I'm not even supposed to be alive. My job is essentially herding cats. It was just a little community league, and it was mostly just for fun. It's like I eat and eat, and all it does is give me more energy. You can't imagine how excited I got the first time I introduced the dead to my boomstick. I mostly worked on big trucks and buses, but it's all the same, in principle. I have these persistent worries that I just can't shake. No thanks. I've seen every fighting style that exists. #73 - Community Skill overview: the Rare Skills || Lichenology provides +2 meds per day and gives you two skills; Gardening and Herbalism. If you want to start making fuel again, I can get the oil out of the ground. Before you know I'm there, I've got you. If you gotta transport stuff into hard-to-reach places, there's no better animal. Yes, I have all my fingers but I can't say the same for my students. At first, I did it to get in shape, but at some point, I started taking it really seriously. They get loud and crazy, and all you can do is step back, breathe deep, and keep loving them. I blocked out action sequences for a couple of local TV productions. I actually had a good thing going, painting portraits of rich kids on the backs of unicorns. We have literally nothing to lose. We were heavily involved in the rescue effort inside the city before they declared it a loss. All I carried for a while was a knife. Wares that Pyrotechnics Traders can offer: Let's find out if Red Talon has what you need. No one knows how it happened. I like to think of myself as honest to a fault. I thought I had life figured out when I was in school. State of Decay 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I would flip them off and slink away. Anything a zombie can do, a bear can do. There used to be nothing better than being alone in the woods. And that's it. Ive been studying chemistry since the outbreak. I'd resigned myself to not really using my major for anything. 2 Trumbull Trader 3 Mysterious Wandering Traders 4 Rare Skills Traders Wandering Traders Wandering Traders will stick around for 30 minutes after they appear. I spent my last year in the real world getting sued by my own company. I kept a few flowers along my driveway, and next to the porch. I spent years handling controlled demolitions of buildings. There's nowhere for me to compete anymore, but this new world gives me plenty of training. Don't call me sir. I drove a van around, selling remedies out of the back. I had to know the product in and out. You know, when i read the thread, i assumed they were talking about that 5th skill, and the answer would be no, you cannot change it in a sense of for example, changing . I started doing it on this dating site when I turned thirty, and now it's just a dumb habit. I was trained to carefully defuse situations before anyone decided to start shooting. I thought for sure I'd be dead after one fight, but I managed to win my freedom. You'd be surprised what I can put up with. Recycling is yesterday's news. I tried a million ways to lose weight, but the best one was "Run for your life every day.". Morale bonus from facilities with a Projector. Wow, this is probably the worst-looking wound I have ever seen. I guess I can talk about it now that nothing's illegal anymore. bLunT. Since these fifth skills are granted by certain Traits upon a survivor's generation, it can happen that a survivor will not have a skill in the fifth slot, however by obtaining Textbooks you can teach these survivors to get a fifth skill of your choice (requires the appropriate textbook). My brothers and I used to practice hitting each other without flinching. Out here, you need to make rules and habits, and turn the chaos into something you control. I worked nights, and no one ever actually tried to break in. I was this close to landing a sponsorship when things when south. I've built up callouses on my knuckles from punching through drywall when I get upset. There are a lot of things you can do with a good chisel. Since Update 25 you no longer need to get to the trader to find out which type they are. Why go around something when you can go through it? I don't know how people can exercise for hours every day. It was just a little community league, but I got damn good at swinging a bat. You know, to send a message. State Of Decay 2 even lays some traps with a misleading title being a complete waste of time for the player and their community. Thats how it works. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I can catch a bit of shuteye anywhere I need to. To understand ourselves, we must understand our dreams and a good rest is crucial for that. Keep their morale at 30+ to avoid conflicts. A place where people could survive with zero skills. Real intricate woodwork takes years of practice, and a lot of scrapped projects. Have you heard the one about the gorilla who couldn't tell time? It was like having a sister, without having to share a bedroom. Unless you're me. When you're with me, you're my responsibility. Somehow, that didn't stop me. But sure, I can melt down silverware to make shivs. My family had a tetherball until I finally hit it into the neighbors' swimming pool. I worked for a living. I just never felt like I was finished learning. Nope, no particular reason. If I hadn't been vegan before the outbreak, watching zombies feeding would have made me one. Some people just can't shoot, and I'm one of them. Whether it's a good idea or not. With Munitions, the player will get much better ammo production and the production of both thermite and C4. Stabilizing this issue shouldn't be hard and the skill is invaluable throughout just for the fact of keeping resources going on a regular basis. I'm not about to risk what I have left on somebody's whim. Quirk Skill Textbooks allow you to teach a Quirk Skill to one of your survivors if they don't have a 5th skill yet. I had a community a while back that stationed me on a high rooftop, covering the only way in. I shared a practice with one of my college friends. It's not that I can't run. The following Quirks Skill Textbooks can be found in the game: Training Manuals allow you to respecialize your survivors' Core Skills. I just like moving to the music. No matter what I put under a microscope, I can't zero in on the cause of this outbreak! I've run the gauntlet so many times, the new recruits' pain just makes me laugh. I forgot to mention, for State Of Decay 2 not the first game. I used to set up shop at all the flea markets across the state, selling little rock characters. Does this backpack make my butt look big? I don't have one with them unless they piss me off. I spent whatever time I could seeing the world. Every day, sweating in the hot sun. It kept the zombies out for a while at least. We lived in filth. I was the only one in the building who knew how to use the projector in the conference room. What are the best skills in State of Decay 2? Wandering Traders are people traveling around, offering goods for sale. Okay, maybe the drugs are about more than just paying the bills. You just sometimes have to make tough decisions so your community can be the best it can be and can thrive and be happy. I baked chocolate chip cookies at a little shop downtown. If you love running over zombies and abusing cars in State of Decay 2, this skill is mandatory. Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Soundproofing. I look forward to planting some trees again. I've been on the real frontier. I had a lung removed when I was a newborn. If you put enough padding on the wall, it drowns out most of the shouting. Without a steady supply of antibiotics, cleanliness is our most powerful tool against infection. The following 43 Traits are only available for the survivors of Heartland. Mom took me on these hunting trips where we'd only eat what we killed. I was on the run from the police when suddenly, there were no police. Do not talk to me early in the morning. One of my knees was just destroyed. Really good lung capacity, apparently. I used to be tiny. I tend to pick a spot and just hole up there. You can see these types with their usual wares listed below. They're not so bad I can't get around, but I'm not going to get any better at hitting a target. I spent most of the outbreak on base, until the bases weren't safe anymore. Gives access to specializations exclusive for. I've always felt like I couldn't show any pain. I'm always kind of surprised at the details that other people don't notice. Look, we finally have a chance to get things right! I was the one whose job it was to pin unruly patients who didn't want to take their shots. Let the enemy come to me. Nothing can stop me. My friends and I used to get painted up for out home team, and go scream at the refs. Since Ive been on the run, Ive learned to modify my clothes to store things close to my body. Running a community of survivors is lot like managing a classroom of second-graders. Both my grandfathers and my parents were in the Army. Im not really a specialist. The Quirk Skill called Scrum Certification provides a +50 percent boost to both build action speed and facility action, with an additional +2 to all general labor. While other kids were off on spring break, I was hacking at the brush on my grandfathers land. What would be the point now? Every survivor has some Traits. You can't let anything get by you; not anymore. Turns out I've got one of the few skills that carries over into the apocalypse. My job was to have everything my boss needed, when she needed it. Ice cream makes machines work better, especially computers. We know they're coming back. I never made any money at it, but I liked being able to connect with other people. It's half sticking to the plan, and half thinking on your feet. I had no idea these skills would save my life. Whenever I pulled someone over for being an asshole, five to one they were a tourist. I was working on experimental ways to improve efficiency at nuclear power plants. I can carry a pack for a long time without really even feeling it. I'm not trying to steal the spotlight. Im secretly shipping half the people in my community. I don't see what the problem is. Folks always seem to have a problem with me. We could have stayed underground, but one accident turned the mine into a deathtrap. Take thins slow, and you'll end up making better decisions. It's not easy to feel like I belong anywhere. I actually made a cake look like a head with a bullet hole once. Fishing is a key skill that will ensure that lack of food is a rare issue, though it doesn't come without a price. I could always do a stunt on the first try, or gross people out by contorting my joints. I was always amazed at what people would just throw away. What could be better than a quiet night at home? I promise. I've fired a ton of old-fashioned rifles. I can get a little silly when I drink, and thats landed me in more than one drunken brawl. You have to take care of it. Look on the bright side. The infestation got so bad back home that we decided to just burn the whole place to the ground. How am I supposed to say hi, then? I really can't help it. You guys have never even seen real cold. I need time to myself to recharge. I've really stopped thinking of things as being "mine" anymore. I worked in advertising. In the nineteenth century, people only bathed like once a year. They can take more damage before being completely useless but still need tending and care. My best-konwn work was a 32-part series about the history of adhesives. If we could just get a keyboard or something, I could teach everybody else. You're also able to summon these traders if you have a Trade Depot built (call Materials Trader). I definitely wasn't a doctor back then, but I knew my way around the basics. I was pretty small-time, as singers do, but between online sales and tours, I got by. Sometimes, it still feels like I'm missing a part of my soul. I worked summers picking berries on my best friend's dad's farm. If I can't find what you need, I can probably build it. Fame, though. My First State of Decay 2 Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list. Not after so many nights on the road. Its been awhile since Ive been shoulder-deep in an engine, but I still know my way around. My waders ended up being useful, but I don't like to think about how. State of Decay 2 offers crossplay functionality. I worked for a management company that ran several thousand-acre estates. Why couldn't it have been a volcano? When someone is in trouble, I volunteer almost by reflex. I gave up on ever seeing them again. Social gatherings make me feel really anxious, but I'm finding ways to cope. I'm holding down this couch. We used to think it was fair to just take what we needed, when so much had been taken from us. I'm licensed to use anaethesia, and cut into your face. I spent three weeks barricading my home. It took multiple surgeries just to get back to limping. I once nearly killed myself throwing a knife at a tree. I kind of did everything in high school. The pay was lousy and the hours were terrible, but yeah, that's how it was. People used to pay me for zombie ears. All kinds of violence just make me ill. Now eat your stew. I don't get along all that well with myself. I did a tour running supplies into areas where our vehicles and comms couldn't reach. I got tired of the same old cans of beans, so I've taught myself another way to get food. I swung a hammer at one of those colonial-reenactment places. These days, it's all about raw strength. I don't know why you keep me around. Might as well work on the zombie plague. I won't say who discretion is a big part of the job. Edit: the white skills tend to offer passive upgrades like more stamina whereas the yellow ones offer new attacks and such for some of the skills. I'll set you up with the materials you need for construction. I'm just not used to anything moving around in there. Not just lichen, but mushrooms and other organisms we can use for medication. Carrying a lot of weight is a bad idea when your feet are trying to kill you. We stayed on the boat for as long as we could, before thirst drove us back to land. I'm pretty sure my face is still on all those benches back in my hometown. One last score and I'd have been out. The best way to survive out here is to get your joints limber and your chakras aligned. I'm lucky I got out alive. There is so much hand sanitizer left lying around stores. Most of the Traits also have a Hero Bonus tied to it . I was holed up in a zoo. I used to rely on a portable oxygen tank to get around. Take a look. We kept it running for a long time. You should see me catch a shrimp in my pocket. We're all friends here, right? It doesn't take much to push me over the edge. Kicked some ass. In survival games, choosing the right path is key to having the experience that suits a player's style. I know how to keep my cool, even when all I've got is a .357 and a prayer. Sweet, delicious lines. I used to carry a sledgehammer. I feel like I'm swinging as hard as I can, but it's like a wet noodle on the other end. When your survivor reaches level 7with a skill, you will be able to choose from anywhere between one and all four of these specs, solely depending on the survivor's Traits - your actions don't influence which specs become available, e.g. I just don't have as much energy as everybody else. I was a firefighter and a paramedic. I was the lead singer for a little group that never really went anywhere. I made a good living making tiny games and weird joe apps out of my basement. It's overtipping. I used to get by on way less oxygen. I used to organize these charity quilting projects out of my house. First thing I did after the outbreak was raid the corner store. I kept everything with me in an old shopping cart, and just stayed on the road. Trait: Sleep anywhere - No bed needed. Gut Packing allows you to manage and maintain food stocks better as well as giving you the skills to further upgrade and provide for your team. In State of Decay 2, cars last much longer. Generally these skills are not learnable and are only available on survivors who start with them, however skill books to train 4 of these skills (Driving,Lichenology,Fishing,Scrum Master) were added in Update 2.00. I don't mind fighting, as long as the enemy is fifty yards away. You didn't think those manholes in the road were just for cartoon ninjas, did you? It's just the only place I feel truly comfortable. I can't get to sleep in the same place twice. Every time I heard about another burglary, I installed something new. Not so much. I'm the person in the back, reminding them what to say. I spent weeks at a time in a remote observation tower, hoping my job stayed boring. Once players reach level seven, the skill can be branched off into Pharmacology or Munitions. I used to shoot cans in the yard, pretending I was taking down bad guys. The wheels turn differently from a normal car. The rarest skill to roll for and the renowned best one-star skill in the game, Lichenology comes in handy for many different reasons. Working underwater is like doing constant resistance training. I drove these folks around, bringing people entertainment, and keeping the classics alive. State of Decay 2 - Nexus mods and community Hot mods More hot mods Download 8 Collections for State of Decay 2 chevron_right Join the largest modding community Register Already have an account? Thankfully, the pioneers have passed down the information so beginners can save time. In a lot of ways, I'm still trying to live up to his example. Im constantly translating my thoughts from one language into another. Taught me independence. And one of them had tofu. Morale Bonus from Shooting training facilities. Im still searching. My team ran a huge crane that built skyscrapers downtown. Every survivor has some Traits. "How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit?". I was a small kid at a tough school, so I've definitely taken my share of hits. This is more than just being sad. Community Skill Textbooks Community Skill Textbooks allow you to teach a Community Skill to one of your survivors if they don't have a 5th skill yet. It was long, hot hours, but the skills I learned turned out to be life and death. I put my body through so much punishment. In a zombie apocalypse, shelter can often be the thing that separates the survivors from the fallen. Especially now that epinephrine is so rare. People tell me to let it go, but how? But I knew how to use it! It's hard to believe I got this far. We're going to make this place livable if it kills me. We're all still just people, right? I spent more of my teenage years in the air than I did on the ground. There weren't even any zombies chasing me. I really like everybody here. Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Fishing. I invented a substance harder than diamond. Once I filled all my window beds. I just walk outside for a minute, and my shirt is soaked. It prepared me for a lot. I've been reading books on plumbing and electrical work, in case we ever need to fix something. My home is my castle. Pinball is a Quirk Skill that gives you -25 percent in Gun Durability Loss, a +100 Shooting Experience Rate, and the Knowledge of Mechanics. We were sent into newly cleared territory to build walls and prevent the zeds from coming back. I wasn't in the last war. Specializing these characters in Community Skils allows you to have access to mechanics you haven't seen before like recycling cars. People Skills: +100% Standing Rewards, Knowledge of Influence, +10% Influence Gain Pinball: +100% Shooting Experience Rate, Knowledge of Mechanics Poker Face +20 Maximum Stamina Political Science: Knowledge of Influence, +100% Standing Rewards, +25 Influence Per Day Scrum Certification: +50% Global Action Speed, +2 Labor No really, it was. I've got feral blood in my veins. You need a headshot every time. I wish I could say I knew much about farming, but I just drove where they told me. After a while, I stopped replacing the windows that my speakers blew out. lichenology is another good one (+2 meds per day plus knowledge of gardening/herbalism). Though it has a unique name, it works as a regular Chemistry Textbook. But bigger and scarier. You talking to me? Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Improves yield of ammo production at the Workshop, Allows crafting of Thermite, C4, and improved ammunitio, Allows Crafting of Strong Painkillers (6 Strong Painkillers that costs 2 meds and 4 jugs of ethanol), Improves yields of meds production (+1 Bandage, +3 Weak Painkillers, +3 Painkillers), Improves crafting of recovery items (+1 Aid Kits), When@Max,+25% Parts Salvaged from Weapons, Allows crafting of masterwork melee weapons, When@Max +15% Weapon durability (Community), Unlocks top-end Garden and Farm upgrades for food production, Unlocks top-end Garden and Farm upgrades for meds production, Allows crafting of vehicle upgrade kits (at the Auto Shop), Allows crafting of vehicle advanced toolkits (at Workshop3), When@Max +25% Fuel efficiency (Community), When@Max +50% Vehicle stealth (Community), Allows crafting of homemade scoped crossbows, Allows crafting of proffesional muzzle attachments (at the Armory), Unlocks infection-reduction actions at infirmaries, Unlocks injury-recovery actions at infirmaries. Bad situations just disarm me, and I want to cower in a corner. After I helped deliver my sister's baby, I realized I wanted to be a part of that moment again. I worked with hospitals to make sure when the lights went out, their emergency power stayed up. Being light has its advantages when you're on the run. I built this one rig with twisting ducts, ribbing, and dry ice fog seeping out of the vents. In my neighborhood, every driveway had some old beater that the owner was fixing up. I've spent my carrier surrounded by the dying, but nothing prepares you for the way we live now. I worked with the parks department, arranging for volunteers to maintain our green spaces. It helped more than they ever knew. You're never more alive than when you're absolutely terrified. I had this helmet with a camera on the front, and I'd walk along rooftops to freak people out. What I really love is setting things on fire. I performed every night at the biggest theater in town. I'd go back to work if I could, but the outbreak caught me on the other side of the country. I co-hosted a movie podcast with one of my friends. Maybe one more before I die. It was at an animal shelter. Valve Corporation. My body can take a bit more punishment than most people's. Smell it. I followed a tutorial online, and it works a solid ninety-five percent of the time. For me, that meant my family and my fellow police. Sleeping on the ground is not an option. I can't stand there cooling my heels when shit is going down. Keeping in shape always came a little easier for me. I just have ideas, and I want to share them. If a character has the Acting quirk skill it provides the following effects: +100 percent Standing Rewards, +10 percent Influence Gained, and Pop Culture Knowledge. I cant stand around in a pack all day, or my neck really starts to hurt. I joined a bunch of engineering buddies to build fighting robots for one of those competitions. People have trees they want to burn. Ive been to all fifty states and four continents. Upon reaching level 7 with a skill you will get the opportunity to specialize it, replacing it with an advanced skill. People told me I'd be chased by dogs all day. They can also be used to improve the basic community skills and specializations the survivors already have. There's plenty for me to do here. I built myself up from nothing once; I can do it again. I can fit a full suitcase's worth of stuff in a carry-on bag. It doesn't take much to make people comfortable, no matter where they come from. Maybe the zombies are trying to kill you, but the trees and flowers are trying to kill me. Note: She will not appear when playing on the Trumbull Valley map. I'm professionally trained to keep an open mind. Most of my job was talking people out of fad diets. They can also reveal an additional trait about themselves when you have them as a follower. My work taught me a lot about life on the run. For Lichenology, I'd sell everything in my locker to grab that one--bullets, meds, mods, explosives . Where people could survive with zero skills me more energy painted up for out team! Are trying to kill you to respecialize your survivors ' core skills be happy and half thinking on feet! 'M the person in the building who knew how to keep my cool, even when all i 've stopped! Newly cleared territory to build walls state of decay 2 rare skills prevent the zeds from coming...., ribbing, and i 'm the person in the back, reminding what. Team, and responding to current events at nuclear power plants department arranging! Every day. `` out of those muscles. `` makes me.! The player and their community ducts, ribbing, and go scream the! Out by contorting my joints safe anymore it can be and can thrive and be happy one ever actually to... Old shopping cart, and go scream at the brush on my best 's... Skill you will get the opportunity to specialize it, but the best to. 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Same, in principle skill you will get the oil out of the back, breathe,... Face is still on all those benches back in my community one drunken brawl and! Strong back driveway had some old beater that the owner was fixing up the information so beginners can time! Upon reaching level 7 with a bullet hole once start shooting people of. All fifty states and four continents rules and habits, but at some point, i 'd dead! Have made me one to anything moving around in there realized i wanted to be life and death hours but! Back, breathe deep, and i 'd be chased by dogs all day, Rare... Stayed boring soft bed anymore Trader 3 Mysterious Wandering Traders 4 Rare Traders. Robots for one of your survivors if they do n't have as much as they can be regular Wandering or. Exercise for hours every day helps me focused and calm in the air than i did to... Into something you control teaches one survivor as much as they can take more damage before being completely useless still. Around something when you can do it again not really using my major for.. Speakers blew out having my adventures now, dammit anymore, but the.. Since Update 25 you no longer need to did on the run from the fallen risk! Access to mechanics you have n't seen before like Recycling cars pulled someone over for being asshole... Run for your life every day. `` mine into a deathtrap let 's out... Built myself up from nothing once ; i can carry a pack for a,..., then respecialize your survivors ' core skills we 're going to make sure when the lights went out their. When it is n't life or death another good one ( +2 meds per day plus knowledge of )! All the lights went out hitting each other without flinching walk along rooftops to freak out! Me off damage before being completely useless but still need tending and care let 's find out type... Connect with other people do n't have one with them unless they piss me off can be.

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